Homeopathy Remedy Muriaticum Acidum

Tongue. Thick, dark and with most of mouth and fauces covered with a grayish-white membrane. Wastes away. Bluish and sore. White and abraded, also inside of lips and fauces. Coated white in morning, with bitter taste; C. as with coagulated albumen on dorsal surface, while borders were red and raw. Painful blister, with burning; red, burning B. on tip. Deep ulcer, with black base and everted edges. Burning and pain, also in pharynx and oesophagus. Heaviness (<) talking, with feeling as if too long, so that he can scarcely move it, with dryness of mouth and fauces.

Redness of inside of cheeks and of arch of palate. Mouth and fauces white or ash-gray. Adherent mucus posteriorly. Slimy in morning after rising, (>) breakfast. Painful pimples on sides of palate. Rawness in a spot on palate, with soreness. Burning, and in fauces and stomach; in palate in evening and night; in mouth and throat, with pain; sore, on palate in evening and night. Sticky sensation as of tasteless mucus. Dry, in morning, so that she can scarcely talk. Salivation; which seems to come from throat; and taste astringent and as to bad eggs. Taste as of rancid fat in throat. Taste as sweet as honey to beer, causing nausea.

Clinical Inflammation and ulceration of the tongue and mouth, sometimes with hard lumps in the tongue, always with easy bleeding, tendency to slough. Epithelioma of the tongue, the edges of a bluish-red color (Carbol-ac.). Aphthous mouth in nursing children. It has been found useful in aphthous sore mouth occurring in the last stages of wasting diseases, sometimes with watery diarrhoea and irritable stomach.


      Swelling of uvula; of tonsils; of mucous lining, with redness; of fauces, with white color; of fauces, with inability to swallow, the attempt causing spasm and choking; behind base of tongue, formed by epiglottis and oedematous aryteous-epiglottic folds. Deep redness, and of velum palati. Mucus that he must swallow. Grayish-white deposits, then ulcers. Dead white patches over velum and pillars of palate, tonsils and posterior part of pharynx, like the false membrane of diphtheritic angina.

Pain in lower part of pharynx and in epigastrium and abdomen; in pharynx, with difficult swallowing; burning, and in pit of stomach. Scraping in pharynx. Rawness evening and morning, with scraping, and cough with sore pain in chest; R. in pharynx night and morning, with smarting; with hoarseness and soreness in chest; with burning like heartburn and cough. Sensitiveness of l. side. Dryness, with burning in chest. Swallowing difficult; difficult from sharp pain in oesophagus; painful; impossible. It seemed as if food would not go down properly at noon and oppressed her.

Clinical Ulceration of the throat, diphtheritic, the lips are sore, cracked and scabby (Arum-tri.); sordes on the teeth, fetid breath, haemorrhage from the nose, false membrane covering uvula and tonsils. There have been several cures of diphtheria, with more or less oedema, excoriating discharge from the nose, hawking up of tongue, fetid phlegm, general typhoid condition, sordes on the teeth, great prostration, not much fever.


      Ravenous hunger. Appetite lost. Aversion to meat; to eating, because almost everything tastes sweet; to food, with much yawning. Violent thirst. Eructations; after eating; empty, at night, with colic; bad-tasting; bitter; of sour fluid. Hiccough; violent, before and after dinner. Nausea; in epigastric region; in morning, (>) after rising by emission of flatus, with distention of abdomen; at night on waking, with eructations. Retching; ineffectual. Vomiting; at night; violent; of food; of bloody, frothy liquid; like coffee-grounds, after eating or drinking; of matters with alkaline reaction, and after milk brown V. streaked with blood and containing shreds of mucous membrane; copious, of a stiff, glairy mucus; copious, of a substance that bubbled up on the ground.

Epigastric region hard, tense and sensitive. Inflammation of alimentary canal. Fulness when fasting; F., with ineffectual attempts to eructate. Pain; in epigastric region, also with tenderness; in pit, (<) vomiting and pressure. Constriction. Painful sensation of retraction in a spot after dinner. Burning; on a spot near l. side of pit, with throbbing. Emptiness at times; E. in epigastric region, (<) oesophagus, not (>) eating, with rumbling in abdomen.


      Distention all day; in evening, (>) lying down; after a moderate meal; with pain, and shooting into body on every step; then profuse emission of flatus. Rumbling; during and after eating, with pain; with gurgling; with empty feeling; when sitting, as from emptiness. Profuse emission of offensive flatus. Fermentation, sometimes firmly seated low down, with whistling noises. Cutting when sitting, standing and walking. Griping now here, now there; G. on motion and emission of flatus; then profuse emission of offensive flatus; cutting, when standing and walking, (>) sitting. Pain; in morning in bed; at night; and contracted sensation; and diarrhoea. Anxiety, (>) emission of flatus and stool. Painful emptiness in morning after usual stool.

Hypochondria. Sticking in l. side beneath ribs; in l. on stooping; in r. in evening, then burning, (>) pressure, but reappearing near the same place. Pinching beneath l. short ribs, not affected by respiration. Pain. Tension in r., extending now upward, now downward, when sitting, with sore pain; burning, in a spot in r. Burning and bruised pain in r.

Jerklike griping externally on a spot of l. side of abdomen, (<) inspiration. Griping in muscles in and below umbilical region; G. from U. region to sides, with rumbling; in U. region, with emptiness, extending to pit of stomach, and there causing oppression; beneath umbilicus, then hard stool. Sticking about umbilicus; in abdominal ring; in r. groin in evening. Burning sticking in l. groin; in r. groin in evening. Cutting through middle, beneath umbilicus.


      Prolapsus as if everted, when urinating. Sticking. Cutting griping, extending to upper abdomen, then desire for stool, stool soft. Smarting, and in anus, with soft stool. Itching as from thread-worms. Urging in morning, yet difficult stool. Inactivity, with great pressure he can discharge only a part of the stool.


      Swollen haemorrhoids, with burning sore pain (nitricum acidum); swollen, blue H., with pain on pressure. Cutting during soft stool. Burning sticking. Pressure. Burning after stool. Itching and tickling; I., with sore pain and crawling sticking.

Clinical Haemorrhoids (<) cold water, (>) warmth, extremely painful, with prolapsus of rectum, accompanied by sticking, biting; especially useful in the haemorrhoids of pregnancy, bluish-red, hot and very sore. Haemorrhoids in children, bluish, with violent stitches and great sensitiveness.


      Diarrhoea; in evening and morning, then burning in anus; with smarting in rectum. Watery, passed unnoticed, when urinating. Soft; with emission of flatus, contractive burning and sticking in rectum and sensation as if stool and flatus went back; with cutting and nausea in abdomen, as from taking cold, he felt better after the stool. Constipation. Hard; and difficult in morning, softer in afternoon; at one time, at another soft; then four times diarrhoea, with tenesmus and rumbling and gurgling in abdomen. In small pieces, with pressure. With blood.

Clinical Thin, offensive diarrhoea in typhoid or in old people who are debilitated and sink down in bed, but are restless and inclined to delirium, with dry, burnt tongue, sordes on lips, etc. Dysentery, with low typhoid state.

Urinary Organs

      Bladder weak. Desire to urinate, but he must wait before the urine passes. Constant desire, with scanty but frequent micturition, then tenesmus. Frequent desire and copious urine; and scanty urine. Almost ineffectual urging. Frequent and profuse micturition; with urging. Frequent M. at night, but little urine at a time. Involuntary M.; in bed. Slow M., as if bladder had no power to expel the urine. Cutting far back in urethra when urinating during stool. Sticking biting in orifice of urethra after micturition. Copious urine; and watery. Urine diminished, with burning. Urine turbid, like milk, when passed.

Sexual Organs

      Prepuce easily inflamed. Pain on margin of prepuce as if torn or wounded. Burning sticking posteriorly in penis. Erections in morning in bed; weak but frequent E.; no E., weak feeling in genitals, penis flabby. Boring tension from r. testicle to middle of penis. Itching of scrotum, not (>) scratching; I. about scrotum. Desire increased. Sensation as if an emission would occur woke him in morning, then with slight erection a watery, frothy, odorless emission, then long-lasting erection with tensive pain in penis. Sticking in vagina. Leucorrhoea. Distress in genitals as before menstruation. Menses too early; with colic.

Respiratory Organs

      Epiglottis swollen, white and corroded. Hoarseness. Voice thick and inarticulate. Inclination to cough, with sticking scraping in throat, then mucus that at last collects in masses. Violent cough at 3 A.M., with nausea and vomiting of bile; V. cough, as if it would burst out the sternum, from dinner till towards evening, (<) talking, laughing and yawning, with sore and bruised pains. Whooping C., then rumbling extending downward in chest. Hacking C. from tickling in throat; H., with burning in throat. Dry C. day and night, with exertion; dry, from tickling in chest. Cough with bloody expectoration; loose C. in evening and morning, with expectoration of mucus. Expiration of white fumes. Sighing; and frequent respiration. Deep respiration and groans. Suffocating sensation. Difficult breathing, with moist rales all over chest; inspiration D. and wheezing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.