Homeopathy Remedy Mercurius Corrosivus

Clinical Inflammation of the colon, especially the transverse and descending, which is very sore, with burning pain.


      Oozing of corrosive ichor. Discharge of blood; after stool. Sticking; in anus. Pain; burning. Burning; in anus during stool. Smarting during stool. Tenesmus; but nothing passes except mucus tinged with blood (Canth); during stool, with burning. Constant urging; and in bladder; frequent ineffectual U., causing pain; frequent U., with increased emission of flatus. Itching in anus; when walking.


      Looked like strong saffron water. Liquid, yellow, after a meal; L. green, copious, L., dark, frequent; frequent, with colic; containing much blood; for the most part L., containing blood, mucous membrane and thick scum, frequent, at night, and vomiting of similar matter; L., dark frequent, containing small lumps of dark green faeces, afterwards almost entirely of dark fluid, some with flakes of mucus, then fluid, bloody, with coagulated albumen, free from faecal odor, but of fleshy smell. Soft, twice in morning. Pasty, dark green, blackish, offensive; P., dark, offensive, with tenesmus; P., brown, frequent, with rumbling in a abdomen.

Diarrhoea; scanty, chiefly of blood and mucus, with constant desire (Canth); bloody; bloody, frequent, offensive, slimy; involuntary at night; containing little blood; sero-sanguineous; blackish; frequent; yellow, painless, with frequent urging, then continued desire; violent, frequent and offensive; violent, of coagulable lymph, clots of blood and fine pellucid membrane. Of coagulable lymph like sheets of boiled macaroni, stools next day livid, fetid, grumous, third day dirty, grumous, enveloping a lumbricus. Dysentery and tenesmus.

Bloody; mixed with blood, with small, hard, frequent pulse; with cramps; of blood and shreds of membrane, with tenesmus; and small, offensive, frequent; brown, small, viscid stool mixed with blood. Of blood, and mucus, with pain and tenesmus; of B. and M., and frequent, with tenesmus; of scanty, bloody mucus, frequent, day and night, with cutting in abdomen, and almost ineffectual tenesmus; frequent, of blood and mucus, each stool preceded by cold pain low down in pelvis, and followed by tenesmus; faeces mixed with blood and watery mucus; faeces mixed with mucus and dark clotted blood.

Bilious, frequent, with tenesmus; B., slimy and frequent; B., slimy, frequent, in morning, with tenesmus, not stool in afternoon, bowels sensitive to touch and flat, next day no stool. Slimy and reddish; S., dark brown, frequent, day and night, afterwards haemorrhage from bowels, then involuntary discharges. Of thin-formed faeces.

Constipation. Hard; and scanty; and dark brown. Of tenacious faeces. Green; dark and frequent. Dark, offensive, frequent. Brown, offensive. Light-colored. Clayey, light yellow, twice a day. Yellowish, frequent. Involuntary S. and micturition. Frequent; at night; with great tenesmus, offensive; and copious. Omitted.

Clinical The extreme tenesmus, which is greater than that of any other drug, and is associated with tenesmus of the bladder, generally suffices to indicate this drug; the discharges are usually mucous and bloody. It is found useful in dysentery of the worst type and in catarrhal inflammation of the bowels, with extreme pain in the rectum.

Urinary Organs

      Pain in bladder. Apprehension in region of bladder when walking, with discomfort, as before stool. Inflammation and swelling of bladder and urethra.

Urethra. (Gonorrhoea thin, then thick, at last with biting pain on urinating and sticking, extending back through urethra). Sticking in forepart; in evening after micturition, and in sphincter ani; in evening when walking, and in l. testicle, with desire to urinate; when walking in open air; burning S., with feeling of vigor and lightness after coition. Burning during micturition; before micturition; B. in orifice. Itching in forepart; in orifice, which was biting when urinating, with sticking through whole urethra. Urging, with scanty emission, then no inclination, with a full bladder, but after the evacuation of bladder fulness remains.

Ischuria. Strangury. Micturition frequent, by drops, and painful (Canth); M. infrequent and difficult.

Urine thick, acid, flakes of albumen precipitated by heat and nitric acid, the microscope showed many granular, fatty tubuli and on their surface epithelial cells of the tubuli uriniferi, also in a state of fatty degeneration. Pale brown, turbid, coagulated by heat and nitric acid. Pale, turbid, with traces of mucous flakes, after standing strongly ammoniacal, with pale gray sediment, covered with whitish coat. Acid. Bloody. Albuminous; and blackish. Copious, afterwards suppressed, then scanty. Scanty; with frequent desire; and burning; and red, with brick- dust sediment; with acute pain in region of kidneys, reaction acid, milky, albuminous, squamous epithelium in the deposit, afterwards more copious, albuminous, granular casts in sediment, afterwards involuntary micturition, tenderness to pressure in region of kidneys. Suppressed.

Clinical Violent inflammation of the bladder, with extreme tenesmus and burning (Canth). Inflammation of the kidneys, urine scanty, albuminous, containing more or less mucus, always associated with much inflammation of the neck of the bladder. (Canth). Suppression of urine, with vomiting of coffee-grounds. Occasionally useful in gonorrhoea, with greenish discharge, burning and great tenesmus.

Sexual Organs

      Penis and testes swollen. Violent erections, with great desire; violent, during sleep and after waking, and during coition delayed and slow emission. Sticking in r. testicle; in middle of l. (when touching os uteri during coition pain, then pressure) Desire diminished (secondary action), scarcely ever an erection.

Inflammation of vulva. Vulva sloughy (after death). Lower part of vagina swollen, red, hot, with forcing downward as in labor, discharge of watery mucus, then of mucus tinged with blood. Pain in vagina and abdomen, with copious discharge of watery mucus. Pale yellow leucorrhoea, of nauseous sweetish odor. Slight haemorrhage from vagina. Menses too soon; M. increased.

Clinical Occasionally useful in venereal ulcers which spread rapidly, in both male and female genitals.

Respiratory Organs

      Spasm of glottis on swallowing. Irritability of larynx. Voice hoarse; and rough. Voice almost lost.

Cough. Spasmodic; at night, and pharyngeal, from tickling in throat, with pain then expectoration of bloody mucus, then suffocation and anxiety. Dry; towards evening, from irritation in larynx, with dryness of pharynx; and hollow, fatiguing. Loose, rattling; with almost complete aphonia and raising of gray, salt mucus. Coughing up mucus tinged with blood. Spits up pellets of mucus mixed with blood.

Respiration. Difficult; from swelling of mouth and throat; and deep; by aid of intercostal muscles, and irregular. Oppressed, with rattling in throat. Inspirations deep and heavy. Uneven. Quick and catching. Short; and labored. Slow; and interrupted, at times deep and sighing. Groans. Sighs.

Clinical Inflammation of the larynx, with hoarseness or aphonia and burning, stinging and other Mercurial symptoms, especially with great pain in larynx and epiglottis on swallowing food, a feeling as if a knife were cutting.


      Painful glandular swellings about nipples. Often violently expanded. Convulsion of r. breast shooting through to back, just under scapula, the breast contracted and its milk speedily dried up. Rattling. Sonorous rales in all parts. Sticking through it; S. in lower part of r.; through both sides in morning after rising; transversely through at night; internally in upper part of l. on deep breathing; deep in upper part of r. scarcely (<) deep inspiration; in upper part of l., (<) deep breathing; burning, in r. muscles; itching, in muscles of r. lower costal region. Tearing in lowest cartilages of r. ribs; in middle of sternum after midnight. Pain; burning, beneath sternum. Constriction. Oppression. Congestion of lung.


      Sounds dull and intermittent. “Bruit de souffle” at base. Pain in praecordia. Anxiety in praecordia. Palpitation; at night. Beat tremulous. Beat intermittent; every 15th or 20th beat. Stopped for a few seconds. Beats seemed remote and slow.


      Rapid; and hard; and full; and intermittent; intermittent and corded; and irregular, intermittent, small; and small; and small, irregular; and small, tremulous; and small, contracted; and small, corded; and small, hard, with diminished temperature and moist clammy skin; and small, indistinct, next day slow; and feeble; and feeble, irregular; and feeble at heart and carotids, not to be felt at wrist, afterwards rapid and varying in strength at wrist. Feverish at night; after dinner at 1 P.M.; F. and small. Not to be counted. Full and hard. Intermittent and uneven; l. and small. Perceptible at wrist occasionally. Small, contracted, irregular. Feeble; and slow; and unsteady; and small; and laboring in its diastole; and small tremulous.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.