Homeopathy Remedy Menyanthes

Sacrum – Pain on stooping; above S. on stooping; extending upward when sitting. Bruised pain in evening when sitting; B. pain (<) sitting, (>) touch; drawing B. pain in S., l. loin, region of kidney and outer side of thigh in evening when sitting. Drawing pain on stooping. Constriction in evening as from pressure of the thumb, and when it became worse a crawling in it.


      Weakness. Shooting into axilla on moving arm; in r. axilla, extending towards chest; in deltoid at shoulder-joint. Burning scraping on top of shoulder. Painful visible twitching in l. arm, (<) rest; T. in r. upper arm. Sudden cramplike tearing in upper arm when sitting.

Forearm – Stitches below elbow and on wrist. Cramplike pain in muscles of l., almost like paralysis, extending to palm; C. pressure close to bend of elbow, (>) touch but returning. Cramplike drawing in inside of l., then four fingers were involuntarily contracted, the arm spasmodically stiff so that it could not be moved.

Sticking in l. wrist. Paralytic tearing in wrists, (<) motion. Cramplike pressure in r. wrist and metacarpus. Distention of veins of hands and above them, with coldness of feet. Cramplike drawing on back of hand, in muscles of thumb. Drawing pain in hand on writing and on moving it.

Fingers. – Painful jerking in l. fourth. Stitches in proximal joints, (>) motion; S. in r. thumb and index, extending outward. Cramplike pressure in ball of r. thumb; in l. index, rather externally, (>) motion. Sticking pinching in outer side of proximal phalanx of thumb.

Lower Extremities

      Jerking stitches in upper margin of l. gluteus maximus; sudden S. in r. gluteals.

Thigh – Starting in r. T. and leg only when sitting with them outstretched. Twitching of muscles of l. Stitches in r. hip-joint when walking and standing; burning S. on anterior surface above l. knee when sitting. Sticking constriction in hip-joint about acetabulum when walking. Intermittent pinching in upper inner part, (<) sitting, with bubbling as from something alive. Numb, tense, bruised pain when walking and sitting. Tension in T. and leg near knee, with stitches on anterior surface. Cramplike drawing on forepart when sitting. Cramplike drawing, bruised pain in shaft of femur. (<) sitting, with heat in back and over upper part of body.

Knee – Stitches outward in patellae, with heat in knees; itching boring S. on inner side of r. knee. Pain as if dislocated, extending inward. Drawling in hollow of r., extending through calf, when standing and sitting.

Leg – Jerking in l., (<) rest. Stitches below knee; in middle of tibia during rest, with jerking clutching, as if he had held the foot in a difficult position; burning, above ankles when walking; pulsating, below middle of tibia during rest. Cramplike paralytic pain extending upward in muscles of r. Cramplike drawing upward on outer side of l. when sitting. Sharp pressure on tibia. Sprained pain near inner malleolus, now l., now r. Corroding biting pain in a spot between r. external malleolus and tendo- achillis when sitting and walking. Tremulous sensation in calves, (<) sitting.

Cutting in external malleoli, (>) motion. Sprained pain from one l. malleolus to the other when walking in open air. Sticking in r. heel; in soles when walking.

Clinical Sciatica of l. side. Sciatica, especially with spasmodic jerking of thighs and legs, the pain generally (>) motion.


      Yawning. Uneasy sleep. Redness and heat of face during sleep, he woke and cried “There, there,” pointed with his finger and fell asleep again. Vivid, unremembered dreams; and lascivious, without emissions.


      Chilliness; (<) fingers; (<) back, not (>) warmth of stove; internal in trunk; then internal heat on trunk, (<) back. Shivering; creeping, external, (<) legs, without internal chilliness; over upper part of body, with yawning. Shivering over back; as from listening to a horrible tale, in morning, also when sitting. Coldness of spine, with shaking. Cold hands and feet, with warmth of rest of body. Cold feet as far as knees, as if in cold water (Natrum mur.); C. feet, with heat of body, without sweat or thirst.

Heat in evening without thirst; after walking in open air, with sweat. Burning in scalp above r. side of forehead. B. above l. brow. Especially in face, then chill without thirst; in cheeks in flushes towards evening. Of ears. Internal, in trunk, (<) back, at times with coldness, without thirst, heat or redness of face, afterwards red cheeks.

Sweat in evening on lying down; from evening till morning.

Clinical In intermittent fever its chief characteristic is the extreme coldness of the tip of nose (Apis), tips of fingers and toes and icy coldness of feet and legs to knees; the chill always predominates and forms a pronounced part of the paroxysm (Aranea).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.