Homeopathy Remedy Manganum

Heart and Pulse

      Palpitation. Pulse irregular, scarcely perceptible, now faster, now slower (Ars).


      Digging in vertebrae at night. Cramplike pain in muscles in evening on moving them. Whirling rising from nape over vertex to forehead in afternoon during motion, with stupefaction and confusion of senses when standing. Stiffness of nape; drawing tensive, in nape, alternating with toothache; S. and swelling, with pain in muscles coming from teeth.


      Sticking between scapulae; in ischia when sitting; in region of l. kidney, then jerking constriction; itching, in middle, (>) rubbing. Tearing along spine; T. in l. scapula when sitting. Pain in small of, on bending backward. Burning pain in a spot above l. sacral region extending to first lumbar vertebrae.


      Weakness of joints, with feeling in them as if stretched, trembling of limbs, tremulous feeling in knee and shoulder- joints, and anxiety.

Upper Extremities

      Sticking beneath l. axilla, with twinging, then sticking in condyles of l. elbow, with twinging. Tearing externally on r. shoulder, then itching. Sprained pain in shoulder-joint; and in elbows, with yawning. Drawing tensive pain in shoulders extending across nape, as if laced by a band. Bubbling in S. joint, with pain like a boil when touched.

Arm. – Tensive pain in joints of A. and hand, here and there. Paroxysmal pain in joints. Drawing through whole A. to shoulder, with tearing. Sick, weary feeling. Weakness. Upper arm, sticking in r., extending towards shoulder; boring sticking outward on inner side of r.; pain on outer side of r.; sudden painful jerking on outer side of r.; drawing in inner side of r., with tearing; sudden weakness so that it must hand down, with drawing in biceps. Humerus, gnawing in lower end at night; boring in marrow of r. often aggravated, when it extended into shoulder, (>) pressure and motion of arm, but often returning; intermittent digging at night when lying on same side.

Sprained pain in elbow, with much yawning. Bubbling in elbow, with pain like a boil when touched. Drawing sticking on back of r. forearm; tearing S. above r. wrist, extending to forearm. Tearing in lower end of radius. Pain in muscles of forearm close to wrist; tensive P. below elbow as if too short, on stretching arm. Sticking in bones of r. wrist, then pain as if capsule of joint were distended and bones seized and pushed forward. Jerking tearing in marrow behind r. ring finger extending to arm, in afternoon. Tearing-sticking pinching in l. palm, in ball of thumb. Tearing cramplike pain in muscles of r. hand, (<) thumb and index. Drawing tensive pain in bones and joints of r. hand, almost as if laced, then heat of hand. Tension in hand as if swollen at 4 P.M. if she clenches it or stretches it out.

Fingers – Sticking in first joints of l. ring and middle, (<) pressure. Drawing tearing in l. middle. Tearing as if tendons would be torn out on back of l. middle; in margin of l. thumb at 9 A.M., with sticking. Cutting in first phalanx of r. index, with warmth in it. Cramplike pain in first joints of r. middle and ring as if tendons would be contracted, but motion was free. Jerking or drawing pain in index in evening. Paralytic pain as after a blow in first joint of l. index, (<) rest.

Lower Extremities

      Jerking of all muscles on slightest motion. Cramplike drawing in l. nates extending to anus, on stretching thigh, (<) standing on that leg and by sitting down, (>) drawing up foot and while sitting, (<) rising from a seat, so that he could not walk unless he pressed upon the spot. Burning pain in a spot on l. nates, as if a pustule would form, (<) sitting. Pinching sticking on outer side of thigh, (>) sitting, (<) walking so that he must stand still; jerking S. above knee extending to upper part of thigh, in evening. Twinging in muscles of inner side of thigh after walking, causing anxiety and faintness as if he would sink down. Bruised pain in muscles of r. hip, (>) sitting; B. pain transversely across thigh. Weakness of thighs and legs, with sleepiness; paralytic, in r. hip-joint in morning, with stitches, making him limp.

Trembling of knees in evening when walking. Sticking in bends of knees when walking and sitting; tearing S. in l. calf when sitting. Tearing a hand’s breadth above and below knee, on outer surface; on outer surface of l. calf, with itching; internally in r. calf, with external burning; drawing, on r. tibia when sitting. Griping in l. calf, with pinching and with pain from bend of knee to external malleolus. Pressure in muscles of l. leg near ankle. Smarting in r. tibia as if beaten. Drawing in l. tibia when standing, with sore pain as if broken. Tension in r. leg as if stiff when walking in open air. Stiffness of r. leg, (<) calf, in evening when sitting, (>) rising, with coldness and smarting. Inflammation of l. malleoli, with swelling and with sticking from external M. up leg. Drawing on back of l. foot, in joint, (>) motion. Heaviness of feet at 6 P.M. Falling asleep of r. foot at 2 P.M. when standing, with crawling.


      Red swollen streak on l. side of neck. Tetter on inner surface of l. forearm, returning, and itching (<) scratching, afterwards roughness. Pimples on upper part of chest; tense, on nates, with suppurative pain on pressure; itching, on inner surface of l. wrist, the I. (<) scratching, the a red spot; tips covered with scabs, on thighs, with itching burning morning and evening, and after rubbing pain as if sore and ulcerated. Pustules on r. wing of nose; on chin, with tensive pain, leaving a red spot. Suppurating ulcer, with blue margins and sticking, (<) night, developed from a scratch on first joint of little finger. Painful fissures on bends of joints of thumb and in bend of middle joint of middle finger.

Tearing between root of nose and r. brow as if seized. Twinging in front of l. axilla as if pulled; T. on anterior surface of l. thigh as if pinched or raised by a needle, in open air, then pain for a long time. Pinching on inner surface of l. forearm, (>) pressure, but returning. Pain on chin as after shaving with a nicked razor, or as from an ulcer. Corroding acridity just below nose. Itching soreness between r. fourth and fifth toes. Tension on ring finger on separating fingers. Formication over l. mamma. Tickling in hollow of r. sole.

Itching on tibia; in middle of r. scapula; on inner surface of l. forearm in forenoon, and after scratching small pimples; on outer surface of l. forearm at 6 P.M. and on scratching a burning pimple appeared and skin become rosy, but white on pressure; on knees in evening; in hollows of knees, preventing rest at night. Itching (>) scratching, here and there, on outer surface of r. elbow; in l. palm; on forepart of l. knee; beneath l. lower jaw; on outer surface above elbow at 10 A.M. Itching followed after scratching by pimples, beneath corners of mouth; I. followed after scratching by itching, deeply-seated pimples, on anterior surface of r. upper arm; I. followed after scratching by itching vesicles, not (>) scratching, then burning, on l. shoulder. Itching of fingers, and after rubbing transparent vesicles. Voluptuous itching below r. calf, and after scratching deeply-seated pimples, which ceased to itch soon after being scratched bloody, then the place itched a long time; V.I. on nape at 7 P.M., not (>) scratching. Tickling itching in palm in evening, (<) scratching, (>) licking with tongue. Biting itching over whole body after becoming heated and sweating. Burning itching on under side of l. thigh at 6 P.M., and after scratching sore pain, and on touch bruised feeling; on outer margin of r. thumb, and after scratching a red spot, then a vesicle full of serum, with biting.

Clinical Numerous skin symptoms have been palliated by this drug, notably lichen, pityriasis and psoriasis.


      Yawning. In his dreams he always lay on his back, instead of r. side. Sound sleep, with anxious dream of danger to life. Half awake at midnight, no sound sleep till towards morning on account of anxious restlessness and tossing about. Restless sleep, with heavy dreams and weakness on waking. Dreams as soon as he falls asleep. Lively dreams. Peevish dreams. Vivid, anxious dreams; and frightful; and confused; V., confused, of constantly varying objects; V., of a reconciliation; V., of something that really happened the next day; v., of objects in rapid alternations, with frequent waking and consciousness of the dream, which in the morning was only vaguely remembered; V. at 3 A.M. that he was with his physician.


      Chilliness all day on going into open air; in morning after rising, with gooseflesh, also from 7 till 9 P.M., then thirst; every evening. Shaking chill in morning, with cold hands and feet; in evening, with greater coldness of feet than of hands, with sticking in sinciput, the C.(>) in the house; late in evening, with greater coldness of feet and of r. leg, without thirst or heat; on walking in open, not cold air, (>) rapid walking, but hands and feet only became warm in the house. Shivering; sudden, as from a fright, in morning; over back, with sticking in head. Coldness in a spot on vertex, even when head is covered, with bristling of hair; C. of hands and feet, without chilliness; of feet when walking; sudden, in soft parts of tip of l. thumb.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.