Homeopathy Remedy Manganum

Pimples painful to touch or r. side of tongue; posteriorly on l. side, and painful on swallowing. Burning blisters on l. side of tongue, returning next day. Soreness of palate posteriorly at 8 A.M., when not swallowing, (>) eating bread, with sensation of a hard substance. Dryness in morning after waking, so that she could scarcely swallow, with white tongue and acid taste. Salivation; bitter, with qualmishness. Clayey odor in morning after rising. Bitter taste in morning on waking, with dry lips, without thirst; to food in morning; and insipid, all day; B. and insipid after food and drink. Sour taste in morning after waking; posteriorly on tongue in morning after waking, (>) eating. Oily taste.


      Sticking in sides on empty swallowing; S. low down on empty swallowing. Constriction of parotids. Rawness at 7 P.M.; R. on hacking, with feeling as if trachea were closed by a film. Roughness in morning on rising, with hoarse, rough voice. Dryness in morning, without thirst; D. on going into open air, with rough voice, cutting in abdomen and nausea in chest; and scraping, compelling hawking; itching, in morning, provoking hacking cough. Feeling as from hunger.


      Aversion to eating at noon. Thirst for beer or sour milk at 6 P.M., with dryness of throat; loss of T. and of all desire to drink. Eructations; in morning, with yawning and ill humor; tasting of breakfast; sickening. Nausea; intermittent. Disgust at food, though it has a good taste. Vomiting.

Fulness, (>) food. Drawing sticking, extending into l. ear, in region of tympanum, on laughing. Pain; in epigastric region when eating, (>) pressure of hand; beneath pit when eating, (<) walking; in pit, (<) touch, with pressure on chest; as from a stone in r. side. Constriction in morning after rising. Drawing in epigastric region and nausea as if pit of stomach were internally dilated. Distress, (>) dinner, she thought she would feel better if she could eructate, with attacks of nausea. Burning, extending into chest; in pit, extending up under sternum to palate, with soreness and uneasiness; as after long hunger, rising through pharynx into head, generally causing jerking or tensive sticking in temples or forehead; qualmish, rising into mouth in morning, with sourish bitter dryness of mouth. Acid burning like heartburn, rising almost to mouth in evening; rising to mouth in morning on rising, with nausea.


      Large. Frequent tympanitic distention, (>) emission of flatus. Cutting in evening. Griping in A. and sides; (>) pressure and loose, tenacious stool, with shaking chill; G. in morning, then usual stool, with cutting in rectum; at 4.30 A.M., with movings then soft stool; with movings, as before stool; then pale, yellow, sandy stool. Pain; (<) cold food; as if ulcerated, in evening, with pressure in hypochondria; drawing, when eating; flatulent, in morning in bed, not (>) emission of odorless flatus. Shaking, as if intestines were loose when walking. Discomfort, extending into head, as from smoking tobacco.

Rawness in upper, extending into sternum. Sticking from l. lowest ribs to pit of stomach on rising and stretching body. Bruised pain beneath last ribs. Sore pain beneath last ribs, (<) touch and motion. Constriction rising from middle into chest (pharynx), with nausea and warmth. Painful constriction, now in r., now in l. side, so that she sat bent over. Umbilical region, cutting, on deep breathing; drawing pain in morning; tensive pain about and above umbilicus, then flatulent pain and emission of flatus; warmth, gradually extending over whole abdomen. Hypogastrium, sticking, then soft stools; S. in r. groin; tensive pain as if a sinew were swollen, with pain on touch; warmth, as from a hot drink, moving back and forth, at last rising to stomach; burning soreness in bend of r. thigh.

Rectum and Stool

      Rumbling in r. Tearing in R. after dinner. Constriction of anus when sitting. Two soft stools in evening. Stool dry, difficult, infrequent. Constipation; for twenty-four hours, then yellow, sandy stool, with tenesmus and constriction in anus. S, omitted.

Urinary Organs

      Cutting in region of bladder in evening when sitting, (<) standing and walking, but he urinated without trouble. Sticking into urethra when sitting if he quietly emits flatus; S. in meatus urinarius when not urinating. Cutting in middle of urethra when not urinating. Urging; after eating an apple; frequent urging; during the day; with profuse discharge; with scanty discharge. Frequent micturition of golden-yellow urine. Urine turbid and deposits an earthy sediment: U. deposits a violet earthy sediment.

Sexual Organs

      At times burning dragging from vesiculae seminales to glans. Drawing pain and weakness in testicles and spermatic cords as if they would be pulled out, with weak feeling in genitals. Sticking in prepuce. Itching within scrotum, not (>) pinching or working skin; voluptuous I. of corona glandis.

Female – Pressure. Abortion. Leucorrhoea; intermittent. Menstruation at an unusual time; too early and scanty (Natrum mur., Arsenicum), lasting two days; woke at 1 A.M., with griping and pinching above pubes, coldness of trunk, head and arms, profuse cold sweat, internal heat, dry sensation of tongue, which was moist warmth of lower limbs, apprehension, restlessness, tossing from side to side, intolerance of uncovering in spite of heat, after fifteen minutes ineffectual inclination to eructate, then empty eructations and emission of flatus, thirst, eructations of water into throat, nausea, pallor, warm sweat on lower limbs, weakness of feet so that she could not raise them, inclination to stool, hardness and sensitiveness of hypogastrium on rubbing, then after Ipecac. sound sleep, waking a 6 A.M. with heaviness of head and too early appearance of menses of thick, black blood (compare Arsen.).

Respiratory Organs

      Sticking on each side of larynx extending into l. ear, on swallowing food and drink. Rough voice in morning, (>) smoking. Inclination to cough in morning. Irritation to cough, he tries to cough loose something in larynx, but it is difficult, and mucus is loosened more by forcible expiration than by real cough. Deep cough without expectoration, lying down, recurring next day with firm mucous expectoration and shattering pain in pit of stomach an chest, suddenly (>) noon. Paroxysms of dry cough; dry C. from reading aloud or talking, with dryness, roughness and constriction in larynx, causing sensitive cough, with which mucus was loosened after long hawking (Kali-c.); dry C. causing shooting into sides of head. Cough in morning, with expectoration. Bloody expectoration. Expectoration of much pale green, yellowish mucus in lumps in morning, almost without cough.

Clinical Cough, laryngeal catarrh, with dryness and tickling in larynx, especially with hoarseness or loss of voice, the attempt to clear the larynx causing a sensation of rawness and sometimes stitches; particularly valuable for anaemic persons who are predisposed to catarrhal troubles. A very valuable remedy for boys and girls when the voice is changing and persists in being harsh, especially when associated with catarrh and frequent efforts to clear the voice. The cough is apt to become worse in the evening until lying down, not worse through the night; the expectoration is scanty and tough; cough, (<) talking or breathing, associated with sore bruised feeling in chest. Cough from reading aloud, with dryness and rawness in larynx. Laryngitis, with great accumulation of mucus and rough voice. Palliative in phthisis of the larynx, especially with rawness and great hoarseness.


      Sticking in upper part of sternum; in l. clavicle and axilla; now in r., now in l. side in morning; in upper, on expiration; beneath l. axilla on motion of trunk; on r. lowest ribs on stooping; inward in r. side near sternum; drawing, extending upward and downward in l.; drawing upward, at times on expiration; constrictive, in forenoon on deep breathing; itching, in r. nipple. Sudden shock downward in l. as far as last true ribs when sitting. Cutting like a digging in sides of sternum, above pit of stomach, in evening. Digging in r. clavicle, with gnawing. Pain on coughing; P. behind sternum; sticking burning, beneath l. second rib, (<) expiration and motion, (>) rest and inspiration. Bruised pain; in sternum in morning; in upper, on bending forward, (>) rising, returning on stooping. Cartilaginous sensation drawing downward in lower part. Oppression in morning, with constriction of breathing. Throbbing in r. as from the beat of the heart there, in evening in bed. Warmth in evening, with stopped catarrh and hot breath, which he feels in fauces on inspiration and expiration, preceded by internal chilliness; burning beneath upper part of sternum, then also in stomach; by l. shoulder, more externally, (<) pressure and rubbing; internal. Nauseous warmth, with hot breath and burning in trachea; N. warmth, with feverish weakness, coryza and stoppage of nose; with coryza and burning in cheeks, at last external heat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.