Homeopathy Remedy Lithium

Lower Extremities

      Itching sticking internally on l. thigh. Burning sticking above r. knee and inwardly towards patella. Pain in r. thigh; in l. hip at night; in a spot in front and towards outside of r. thigh, as if it were the seat of insertion of a muscle; itching burning P. in a spot externally on r. hip, then on thigh, then on outside of little toe. Sticking burning extending upward in l. knee. Pains in knees on descending stairs, (<) above knees. Knees weak in morning on ascending stairs.

Rheumatic sensations now and then in legs. Pain superiorly in r. calf, extending, downward. Pain in ankles when walking, first (<) r., then (<) l. Pain in feet in afternoon, with weakness in them; P. through hollow of l. foot when walking, extending horizontally to outside of foot, thence to a little below knee; rheumatic pain in r. foot on waking at night, (>) rising; twitching P. in r. heel. extending towards middle foot. Soreness of corns, which had not troubled her so for a long time, after walking on a warm day.


      Itching on inner margin of l. sole; of l. middle finger, near nail and around on l. side of finger, in evening; on whole inner side of r. thigh late in evening, and on spots in adjacent parts.


      Sleepiness in evening, restless dreams that night and great sleepiness next morning. Little sleep without restlessness. Lustful dreams and frequent waking, with erection, tenesmus vesicae and lascivious titillation in urethra, on account of the erection he could not pass water, the erection (>) when he succeeded in doing so, with pain in bladder and scanty urine.


      General heat. Copious sweat; on backs of hands in evening while the palms were dry.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.