Homeopathy Remedy Iodum


      Liquid, reddish-brown, with colic and urging; of watery, frothy, whitish mucus, with griping about umbilicus and pressure on vertex. Diarrhoea; excessive; profuse, bloody; mucous, bloody, scanty; in violent attacks, with violent colic. Thin and copious. Soft; frequent; whitish; and easy; and frequent, then burning in anus. Pasty. Constipation. Hard and difficult. Difficult; and infrequent. Containing much clear blood. Of peculiar odor and early. Frequent; and copious.

Clinical Chronic exhausting diarrhoea, stools frothy, whitish. Fatty diarrhoea from disease of the pancreas.

Urinary Organs

      Sticking in orifice of urethra. Itching smarting in orifice of U. Cutting in orifice when not urinating. Constant desire; and constant dribbling. Polyuria. Involuntary micturition. Frequent and copious M.; F. and scanty each time; F., with urging; F., urine copious, bright yellow, watery. Urine suppressed. Urine dark, turbid, at times almost milky; dark yellowish-green. Urine thick, with dark sediment; and copious. Increased U. Scanty and red U.; S., dark reddish-brown, with strong odor of iodine; S. and light-colored. Biting corroding U. U. contained albumen; contained iodine.

U. amber-colored, sp. gr. 1038, acid, flocculent sediment, amorphous, acetic or nitric acid caused a copious amorphous precipitate, soluble in excess of nitric acid and from heat, on subsequent cooling a precipitate of yellow halberts of uric acid mixed with granular matter, no precipitate on boiling, no albumen, much urea, good reaction of iodine combined, not free, and of indican, next day sp. gr. 1025.

Clinical Diabetes, with canine hunger. Incontinence of urine in old people, with senile degeneration of the prostate.

Sexual Organs

      Irritability. Acute drawings in forepart of penis. Frequent tickling of glans; T. on and beneath glans. Itching of glans. Cutting drawing in corona glandis. Priapism. Erections without lasciviousness; violent and continual E.; feeble E.; feeble E.; slow E. Burning pain in a spot on r. side of scrotum. Testicles diminished in size and power; D. in size and consistency, with impotency; double its former size; one retracted to abdomen; vigorous activity; frequent dragging towards T. from 10 A.M. till evening. Desire increased (in men). Semen increased. Emissions, with dreams after falling asleep again, then weakness.

Activity of uterus and haemorrhage from it. A woman became barren. Menstruation irregular; too early; too late, with vertigo and palpitation; retained; M. that was present ceased.

Clinical Enlargement of testicles, with pain extending to abdomen. Many cases of hydrocele have been cured by the internal administration of the drug. Amenorrhoea. Uterine haemorrhage after every stool, with atrophy of the mammae, aggravation from warmth. Chronic menorrhagia. Chronic excoriating leucorrhoea, with atrophy of the mammae, goitre, induration of the cervix, etc. Chronic inflammation of the ovaries, with thick, yellow, burning leucorrhoea. Many cases of ovarian cysts. Chronic metritis, with intense pain, nervousness, constant urging to urinate, heat and dryness of the vagina, etc. Cancer of the uterus, with profuse haemorrhages, corrosive yellow discharge, ravenous appetite, etc. A characteristic is a wedgelike pain from r. ovary to uterus.

Respiratory Organs

      Oedema of glottis. Increased mucus in trachea. Sticking in larynx; on swallowing. Pain in larynx, with desire to cough; frequent P. in region of L. and sublingual glands, with stitches; pressure in region of L., not exactly painful, extending to pharynx, causing swollen sensation in the parts, even in tonsils. Crawling in larynx in morning in bed, (>) hawking and coughing, with tickling and salivation. Smarting in region of trachea, with frequent lancinations. Rawness in air-passages in morning on rising, with dryness. Irritation of bronchi. Suffocative feeling. Hoarse; in morning. A fatiguing whisper. Voice deep; V. broken; tremulous, jerky; weak. Aphonia, want of vibration of cough.

Cough in evening; irritation to C. from tickling in throat; croupy C.; dry C.; dry, deep; C., with effort, so that she almost vomits, (>) expectoration of mucus; short, from tickling in throat, also with thick yellow expectoration and good appetite, but sickly expression. Copious bloody expectoration. Spitting of white frothy mucus, sometimes of a ropy fluid. Respiration difficult, especially inspiration; R. tight. Dyspnoea in afternoon; sudden D., with pain on deep inspiration, rapid and violent beating of heart, and rapid, small pulse. Oppressed respiration on slightest exertion, with palpitation and vertigo. Rapid R. Short R.; (<) slightest exertion. Breath lost. Inarticulate sighing.

Clinical In croup, inflammation of the larynx and trachea, with hard croupy cough, difficult breathing and fever indicate the drug. A large number of cases of “membranous” croup have been cured by the lower dilutions; our experience is that it is indicated in cases in the early stage with more or less fever, with dry skin and a very dry cough, great difficulty in respiration; it follows closely after Aconite; if Aconite has been given and the patient is not improving, or if Aconite has relieved only the restlessness and extreme anxiety but not the cough, the patient is still dry and hot and the cough is still croupy, then give Iodium; it is, however, rarely useful after febrile excitement has disappeared or if the patient perspires freely; (this stage, together with the attacks of suffocative cough, indicates Bromium instead of Iodium). In catarrhal laryngitis the larynx is sore to touch, the cough is dry and croupy, and there is an excoriating watery discharge from the nose (compare with Allium cepa). Whooping cough, with emaciation and with enormous appetite. Chronic laryngeal catarrh, with dry croupy cough, sawing respiration, soreness of the upper part of the chest.


      Atrophy of breasts. Milk diminished. Rattling of mucus, with rawness beneath sternum and heaviness on chest. Pleurisy. Sticking in middle of r. on expiration; S. in r. near pit of stomach on inspiration. Tearing in r. parietes. Burning sticking tension in parietes. Sore pain in sides when breathing and on touch. Sudden pain in r., (<) inspiration. Pressure deep in r.; P., (>) open air and hot sunlight, with sticking and frequent dry, rough cough; P. on C., at times changing to pain and often causing deep dry cough. Constriction; then pressure, in afternoon sticking. Tightness in middle, sometimes l., sometimes r. side, with pressure and burning. Heaviness, causing difficult respiration.

Clinical It is one of our most valuable remedies for pneumonia; in these cases it must be carefully differentiated on the one side from Aconite and on the other from Bryonia; it lacks the anxiety of Aconite and the sticking pains of Bryonia, but it has the high fever of each; like Bryonia, it is indicated when hepatization has taken place (contraindicating Aconite) and the cough is dry; it was formerly supposed that left-sided pneumonia indicated Iodium, but it is now known that it is equally useful in pneumonia of either side; it is particularly useful in the pneumonia of scrofulous subjects, especially in pneumonia at the apex. Phthisis pulmonaris, with rough voice, dry cough and night-sweats.


      Sounds weak, apex beat and pulse could not be felt. Praecordial anxiety causing constant change of position. Pressure in region. Squeezed sensation. Palpitation (Natrum mur., Arsenicum, etc.); after menstruation; till sleep; (<) movement; spasmodic, as far as umbilicus, (<) pit of stomach. Rapid action.

Clinical Valvular insufficiency, with periodical attacks of pain about the heart following typhoid, dilatation of the r. side, etc. Pericarditis complicating pneumonia. Hypertrophy of the heart.


      Rapid; in morning, and feeble; especially (<) at intervals, and small; and small; and small, hard; and small, feeble; and weak. Hard, thin, carotid rapid, small, weak, with tumultuous irregular, at time intermittent action of heart. Energetic in afternoon, and large, full. Small; and thready; and contracted; and slow, weak. Irritable. Tremulous. Weak; and tremulous; with long intermissions.

Neck and Back

      Tearing on r. side of neck. Rheumatic pinching in N. near l. shoulder, (<) touch, (>) eructations, but returning. Rheumatic tension in r. side of N. Constriction of N. Confusion in back extending through nape into head. Sticking in scapulae on lifting anything; S. in small of back. Pain under l. scapulae; in small of B. during menstruation; in coccyx and sacrum, now increasing, now decreasing. Drawing in region of r. kidney, with pressure.


      Trembling; with staggering. Heaviness in morning. Numbness Position of upper E. looked as if convulsions would come on. Stitches in shoulder-joints even during rest. Rheumatic pain in l. shoulder. (Drawing tearing in the morbidly elevated S.) Arm and part of hand swollen. Jerking of arms, hands and fingers. Twisting of arms, (<) r. Tearing in arms after slight manual labor. Pain in bone on outer side of arm, waking and preventing sleep again, (<) lying on it. Paralytic weakness of arms in morning on waking. Tearing in l. elbow. Pressure in bend of l. elbow. Sticking in r. wrist when lifting or grasping anything. Hands red. Hands tremble. Tearing in metacarpal bone of r. index. Pain as from a blow on metacarpal bone of index, (<) touch. Ulceration of nail of l. index caused by a slight prick near nail. Tearing in l. index and middle finger; in knuckle of r. little finger; in first joint of r. thumb. Tensive pain in finger-joints as if they would break on bending, with swelling and pain on pressure when stretched.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.