Homeopathy Remedy Iodum

Iodum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Iodum…

      A tincture is made by dissolving 1 part in 99 parts of alcohol.

General Effects

      It affects nearly every organ and tissue in the body. Acute catarrh of all mucous membranes, especially eyes and nose. Salivation; enlargement of all lymphatic glands, followed by atrophy, especially of testicles and mammae, and general emaciation. Polyuria, nephritis and albuminuria. Skin eruptions. Neuralgia, even convulsions and paralysis. It is particularly important to observe that it controls inflammations (with high temperature) of many, if not all, parenchymatous structures, particularly the lungs, when the indications permit its exhibition.

Allies- (Bromine), Sulphur, Arsen., Mercurius, nitricum acidum, Nat-mur., Bryonia


      Emaciation (Natrum mur., Sul.); ending in marasmus; of glandular tissues (breasts, testicles, thyroid gland). Dropsy. Oedematous swelling of whole body (Arsen.). Sitting in bed, and restless. Indolent in all movements. A kind of catalepsy. Convulsive movements; of arms and legs, and head drawn backward; almost convulsed when the pains are intense. Cramps of arms, back and legs, with jerkings of them. Trembling; (<) arms from least movement, and out of breath. Restless moving about, with sleeplessness, so that she was taken to be insane. Hysteria. Nervous condition; an internal agitation, as from bad news or remorse after a quarrel, with inability to fix attention when reading or drawing, weeping and intolerance of opposition.

Rheumatic pains; in nape and upper arms; in neck, arms and body. Rush of blood to head and heart. General sensibility increased. Takes cold easily. Restlessness (Arsen.); in morning, with anxiety. Aversion to sitting still. Weakness (Arsen.); in afternoon, after a short walk, with feeling of fasting, but no hunger; after dinner, with discomfort; during menses; during the passing away of menses; after restless sleep; with craving for something reviving, temporarily (>) a cordial or a little nourishment, but delay in eating causes malaise, drawings and often pain in stomach; physical and mental; so that sweat breaks out on talking. Collapse, with sunken face. Inability to stand. Faintness. Paralysis of limbs, then of organs of deglutition and respiration.

Clinical Cases requiring Iodium, when not febrile, are apt to have great appetite, but rapid emaciation. It is indicated in numerous wasting diseases in scrofulous patients. Mollities ossium. Lymphatic tumors in various parts.


      Clouded. Delirium. Excitement, with heaviness, indolence and ill humor; E. in afternoon, sleepiness in evening. Illusions of sensation. Sat all day with her head leaning on her hand, and hardly answered. Irritability; during digestion, from noon till evening, with sensitiveness and with oppression of throat and chest, as if about to weep. Anger. Sad; and taking no interest in anything, unable to fix her thoughts. Anxiety; and depression, busy with the present rather than the future. Fright; and vexation. Fear that from every trifle some misfortune would arise. Apprehension after manual labor, (>) sitting; A. if he does not eat every three or four hours, yet he dares not eat too much. Aversion to work. Lively and talkative. Sensitive; and easily moved to tears. Mild, scrupulous and timid, with blunted sensibilities. Thoughts fixed; troublesome and unreasonable mental impressions easily developed into fixed ideas. Sluggish, but inclined to mechanical labor. It is difficult to collect his senses, and he is irresolute. It constantly seems as if he ought to remember something, but he knows not what, he remembers nothing. Feels unfitted for anything. Stupor.

Clinical The mental condition of the Iodium patient is generally one of despondency, but during fevers and wasting diseases we often meet with excessive irritability and sensitiveness, much like that found under Sul.


      Sticking at times. Aching; in forenoon; in warm air when driving far or walking rapidly; as from a band (Sulph); sudden, (<) r. temple; intermittent, (<) l. side towards forehead. Confusion, with aversion to earnest work; C. at 9 A.M., changing at 10 to pain, (>) noon; with pressure in r. half of forehead; making thought difficult; becoming an intermittent pain, (<) temples, (>) evening. Heaviness. Feeling as if not right. Throbbing on every motion. Congestion, then pain. Vertigo; in morning, with weakness; on rising; on quick change of place, (<) quick rising from a seat; on rising from bed and walking, then unconsciousness; tending forward.

Forehead.-Tearing above l. eye and in temple; sharp pain in l. upper part. Pain; in a spot above root of nose (Ignatia); suborbital; above eyes towards evening; (<) noise and talk, and in vertex; (>) sweat; with confusion of head, then violent hunger, (>) dinner; externally, as from suppuration. Bruised feeling in brain, with powerless and paralyzed feeling in whole body, (<) arms, necessity to lie down, eructations, sensitiveness of scalp to touch, next day confusion of head and painfulness of brain on motion. Throbbing.

Tearing in l., then r. temple. Stitches in vertex. Pain in vertex; on l. side. Tearing in r. side above forehead. Drawing pain in l. side, extending into teeth; D. pain in l. upper part, extending into temple. Sticking in occiput, (>) lying down. Pain in occiput; before 11 A.M., (>) rest, (<) motion of body, changing at 4 P.M. to confusion of head, (>) 7 P.M.; in under surface; in r., with occasional pain in forehead; biting sore P. in O. above r. ear, extending backward in skin. Hair falls out.

Clinical Persistent headaches, with vertigo on active exertion, or congestive headaches with vertigo in old people. Tubercular meningitis.


      Red; and glistening, protruding. Whites dirty yellow, with injected vessels. Sparkling and restless. Dull-looking; and fixed, surrounded by black rings. Inflamed; from taking cold; with tension above r. Surrounded by black rings. Brownish discoloration under E. Sometimes fixed, sometimes wandering. Sunken and wild-looking. Ophthalmia. Jerking. Cutting stitches in l. extending towards external canthus. Tearing about r., (<) beneath it; T. around r., passing from inner canthus to joint of jaw. Pain; in l. and inner canthus; as from sand. Weak feeling as if sunken, (<) afternoon. Lachrymation. Sticking in upper part of l. ball. Pupils dilated. Lids red and swollen, and nightly agglutination; swelling and violet color of upper; leucophlegmatic S. R. lid spasmodically looped into festoons. Twitching back and forth of lower lid. Itching in canthi.

Vision. Disturbed. Dim; and manifold. Saw nothing but the white paper when reading print, when at the end of a phrase the beginning of it was visible. Flickering; of stitches when sewing. Dark rings float down at sides and near visual axis. Of sparks. Fiery curved rays shoot sideways from visual axis, near point of vision, especially upward. By day objects seem illuminated by a flaming fiery red and almost blinding light, and artificial light in evening was intolerable.

Clinical A valuable remedy in inflammation of the iris, especially if of syphilitic origin.


      Tearing in fossa beneath r. and in neighboring parts of neck. Aching. Ringing. Roaring. Noises in r. as in a mill. Sensitiveness to noise. Difficult hearing; required some time to under- stand what was said to him.

Clinical Chronic deafness, with adhesions in the middle ear or granular enlargement; deafness, with chronic catarrh of the Eustachian tube, inflammation of the tonsils, roaring in ears, etc.


      Scab in r. nostril. More open than usual; wide open in morning and dry, almost all day stopped, smell almost lost. Itching sticking in forepart of septum. Pain in lower part on blowing, without coryza. Stoppage. Sneezing; without catarrh, whereby nasal mucus is thrown far out. Increased mucus; with stoppage, but without catarrh. Blowing out of much yellow mucus (Pulsatilla). Coryza; stopped, (<) evening, becoming fluent in open air, with much expectoration; fluent, like water; fluent, with much sneezing; sudden, violent, with lachrymation, pain in eyes, then violent cough and nausea, difficult, almost wheezing respiration, feeling as if larynx were constricted externally. Bleeding on blowing.

Clinical A very valuable remedy in acute fluent coryza, the discharge is hot, the nose becomes sore, headache at root of nose and over frontal sinuses, the attack is attended with fever, sneezing, etc. (compare Arsenicum). In subacute and chronic catarrhs, discharge fetid, nose swollen and painful (Natrum mur., Aurum).


      Red; in evening. Reddish-purple. Yellow. Pale; and sunken; and drawn; with blue lines; pale, yellowish or greenish. Wan. Collapsed. Animated; and excited, anxious. Melancholy expression. Peculiar change in expression. Twitching. Lips bluish, with swelling of superficial veins. Scaling of lips. Trembling of lips as from cold. Lips painful, dry. Contraction of jaw, causing her to clench teeth. Pain in r. upper jaw.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.