Homeopathy Remedy Ignatia

Sticking; in pit. Slow sticking jerking pain in epigastric region and pit of stomach. Pinching in pit and r. hypochondrium. Cramplike pain. Spasmodic flatulent pain in epigastrium in evening on falling asleep and in morning on waking. Strained pain in epigastrium. Pain in pit on pressure as if sore internally. Pain extending to spleen, then to spine, changing to sticking, which extended into chest, then sticking and burning in region of spleen. Pressure; in pit; in epigastric region; in sides of epigastrium or in hypochondria; intermittent, in region of pit; alternating with pain in coeliac region, as after Camphor. Drawing as if walls would be distended, at times with pressure. Burning; B., pressive and drawing pains, and in liver and spleen. Coldness. Feeling of flabbiness, S. and intestines hang down relaxed. Peculiar weakness in pit and epigastric region. Sensation of fasting, with physical exhaustion (Sepia); feeling of F., with flat taste and weakness of limbs. Fulness alternating with emptiness, with the latter ravenous hunger. Digestion weak.

Clinical Indigestion, with aversion to the ordinary diet and longing for a great variety of indigestible articles; regurgitation of food, hiccough, empty retching, weak, empty feeling, has to eat at night even, especially attended with sighing; gastric symptoms generally (>) eating (Lachesis, Zincum met.). Gastralgia (<) pressure.


      Distention, (<) umbilical region; D. after eating; flatulent D. after eating; flatulent D., with itching in neck of bladder, which causes sexual desire; anxious D. after eating in evening; pinching D. after eating, only on standing, (<) walking, (>) sitting quietly. Tense in evening after eating, mouth dry and bitter, one cheek red. Rumbling; and noises; in afternoon; after eating; then ineffectual urging to stool in forenoon, but in afternoon several normal stools. Gurgling. Discharge of flatus; copious, at night, even in sleep; after eating; unsatisfactory, abrupt, offensive, not without exertion of abdominal muscles. Wanderings. Flatulence which presses upon bladder.

Cutting sticking after eating, then meteorismus. Cutting; in evening, then diarrhoea; then diarrhoea twice. Griping; in open air, as before diarrhoea, (Tearing). Pinching when walking in open air; P. after the least fruit, (<) standing and walking, (>) sitting. Flatulent pain at night; F. pain, with sticking extending to chest; F. pain here and there in evening in bed and always on waking at night. Bruised pain in morning in bed. Drawing two days before menstruation, with griping in it, pressure in rectum, nausea, weakness in pit of stomach and pallor of face. Oppression, with cutting. Throbbing. Anxiety arising from A. after breakfast.

Griping in side, then sticking. Cutting in r. Contractive pain from sides beneath ribs. Pressure in l. Distention of hypochondria, (<) in sides, pit of stomach and small of back, inability to breathe on account of tension and fulness under ribs, with anxiety and necessity to loosen clothes (Lycopodium). Intermittent pain in region of spleen and pit of stomach. Constriction in hypochondria in morning, as in constipation, with one-sided pain as if nail were pressed into brain.

Upper- Pain as if intestines would burst, like cardialgia, extending into throat, in morning when lying on side, (>) lying on back. Pain as if something pressed towards chest at 6 P.M. Tensive pain as if walls were pushed downward and diaphragm upward, pain (<) in region of spleen, whence it extended towards spine, alternately worse in different places, the pain returned at 3 P.M., (<) towards evening, when it extended into chest, where it at times became burning, which was worse in spine in region of coeliac ganglion, these attacks transiently (>) eructations of air.

Umbilicus- Sticking beneath U.; above and to l. of U. Cutting in region. Griping in region, whereupon the pain, consisting of pinching and sticking, extended into l. side of chest. Flatulent colic above U. alternated with salivation. Pressure in region, then distention of abdomen; painful P. near l. side; painful P. near r. side, (<) deep breathing and voluntary distention of abdomen, (>) returning U., with rumbling in abdomen. Sensation of something alive.

Hypogastrium- Sticking in l. Cutting and contracting pains. Sticking jerking pain in l. groin in evening in bed. Pinching in region of caecum, (<) walking in open air. Flatulent pain in morning, causing sticking, which extended into chest and sides. Pressure; painful in l. Sensation in l. groin as if a hernia would protrude.

Clinical Excessive flatulence, especially in hysterical subjects (compare Arg-nit., Zincum met.).


      Prolapsus from moderate exertion at stool (Lycopodium, Podophyllum). Spasmodic tension all day. Frequent cutting deep in (Silicea). Sharp pain in evening after lying down; S. P. deep in after stool, as from incarcerated flatus (as after a hurried stool). Pain as from blind piles, contraction and soreness (Silicea, Lycopodium), after stool; P. as from piles, constrictive and smarting, as from touching a sore spot. Crawling as from thread-worms (Sulphur); near anus. Itching in evening in bed; I. in perineum, (<) walking.

Urging, with feeling as after a purgative, then several natural stools during the day; U. more in upper intestines (Nux-v.), stool soft and insufficient, the U. lasts long after stool; anxious U., inability to evacuate faeces without danger of eversion and prolapsus of rectum (Nux-v.); sudden U., then difficult, insufficient, tenacious, clay-colored, not hard stool; frequent, almost ineffectual U., with colic, tenesmus and tendency to prolapsus; ineffectual U.; ineffectual U. in evening (<) middle abdomen, with protrusion of rectum (Nux-v.); ineffectual U., (<) eating, with desire in upper intestines (Nux-v.).


      Blind piles, with pressure and soreness in A. and rectum, painful when sitting and standing (Aesculus hip.), less when walking, (<) after taking fresh air. Swelling of margin, as from a distended vein. Itching pimple, which causes pressure when sitting. Haemorrhoidal symptoms, with soft stool. Thread-worms crawl out. (Discharge of blood, with itching of perineum and anus). Coarse sticking; extending deep into rectum. Sore pain without reference to stool (Aesculus hip.); pain as from blind piles after a soft stool, with sore pain; after mental exertion. Contraction evenings, painful when walking, (<) standing, not painful when sitting, with insipid salivation. Painless contraction. Drawing downward towards anus. Crawling burning. Itching.

Clinical Fissures of the anus, without constipation, with acute pain shooting upward. Prolapsus ani, with sharp stabbing pains shooting upward. With the symptoms of the rectum and anus there is frequently spasmodic contraction of the anus, (<) after stool. Bleeding haemorrhoids, with the characteristic shooting pains. Violent itching of the anus caused by swellings, which produce most violent nervous symptoms, even convulsions in children.


      Diarrhoea; frequent. Thin, involuntary, with flatus; T., frequent, small. Soft; after eating. Hard, then thin. Slimy. Acrid. Copious. Large and difficult; and yellowish-white. Yellowish-white. Frequent.

Clinical Diarrhoea from fright or emotional excitement, especially from grief, with great urging. Diarrhoea stimulating dysentery, with tenesmus and great nervous excitement. Like Nux v., it is often indicated when there is almost constant desire for stool in the abdomen, but no stool follows. Painless diarrhoea, with much moving of flatus in the bowels, first brought on in a child by fright, the diarrhoea had lasted for several years and had resisted all other treatment (compare Arg-nit., Gelsemium, etc.). Alternations of diarrhoea and constipation.

Urinary Organs

      Scraping pain in region of neck of bladder, (<) walking and eating, (>) when urinating. Sharp pressure upon bladder after supper, as from incarcerated flatus. Discharge of much prostatic fluid while urging at stool. Stitches in urethra when walking; S. in forepart after dinner, ending in tearing. Scraping in middle of urethra in evening in bed, with scratching and scratching tearing; scraping tearing in middle in evening when sitting. Biting burning in forepart of urethra when urinating. Crawling in urethra, (<) urinating, with burning, sometimes with stitching. Itching in forepart of urethra. Frequent micturition; of watery urine (Gelsemium). Urine burning in morning; (B. and dark). Urine lemon-colored, with white sediment. Urine turbid.

Clinical The urine is very much increased, not scanty, with hysterical symptoms. Retention of urine after confinement. Incontinence of urine in women and children.

Sexual Organs

      Itching in bed about genitals and on penis, (>) scratching. Penis retracted after urinating, so that it is very small. Paroxysms of pulling tearing pain in root of penis, (<) walking, (>) leaning against sacrum when standing. (Shooting into penis at every shock of cough, like sudden forcing of blood). (Cramplike pain in penis). Biting of gland, with itching. Urging and pressure over a large surface about penis (mons veneris), with violent erection, ending with emission. Erection; always on going to stool.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.