Homeopathy Remedy Ignatia

Sticking deep in r. temple. Pain in temples; (<) r.; with deep sleep; externally, extending across orbits, and when touched pain as if beaten; as if pressed outward; as if pressed outward, in morning when lying on sides, (>) lying on back. Contractive pain in vertex, extending to forehead, where it remained till 4 P.M. Pain in r. side in forenoon; P. in one half of brain on walking in open air, (<) talking or reflecting. Pain in occiput and r. side; in r. half of O. all day, (>) night’s sleep; above mastoid process in afternoon, at times involving ear, when hearing was blunted; in O. as if bone were pressed inward; throbbing P. in one side of O. (Hair falls out).

Clinical The headache of Ignatia is usually sharp, confined to one point, as if some piercing instrument, like a nail, were being driven into the head. Supraorbital neuralgia, boring pain in a small spot. The headaches sometimes present the unexpected condition of being relieved by stooping. Hydrocephalus from sudden metastasis from the bowels to the brain during dentition, with sudden pallor, delirium, rolling the head, difficult swallowing, convulsions of the eyes and lids.


      Inflammation of l. Starting in front of him without thought. (Sticking in r.). Pressure in and above them in morning on waking; P. outward in r. as if ball were protruding. Itching internally. Irritability of r., with increased mucus in both. Pressure in balls, (<) looking at the light, with pressure above eyes. Itching in ball at inner canthus. Pupils contracted; then dilated; dilated; cannot be dilated. Pressure beneath l. brow.

Lids.-Agglutinated in morning, with purulent mucus, on opening eyes the light is blinding; A. in morning, pressing in eyes as from sand, on opening lids sticking in eyes. Sticking tearing in external canthus, lids agglutinated, lachrymation in forenoon. Sensation of a particle in l. external canthus, which at times presses on tissues. Pain above and behind upper; in inner surface of upper in evening, as if too dry; like a soreness in external canthus on closing eye. Biting in external canthi; gnawing B. on margins of lids in morning when reading. Weariness as if they would close.

Vision.-Dim in r. after midday nap; in one, as from tears, in evening when reading. On reading, the letters to which the eyes were directed became invisible, but those near were more distinct than ever, it seemed as if the middle of a word were marked with chalk while the beginning and end became more distinct. Zigzag and serpentine white flickering (Lachesis), at one side of field after dinner; a circle of white, glittering, flickering zigzags about point of vision, and letters at which one directed the eye invisible, but those at the side are distinct. Objects seem to move. Cannot endure candle-light.

Clinical Asthenopia, with spasms of the lids and neuralgic pains about the eyes. It has been used for inflammatory affections of the eyes, especially in intense photophobia and nervous excitement.


      Sticking. Pain in middle. (Throbbing). Itching in auditory canal. Ringing. Roaring. Intolerance of noise. Music causes an unusual and agreeable sensation. Insensibility to music.


      Ulceration of nostrils; sensation of U. and soreness in inner angles. Tickling. Crawling itching in nostrils. Stoppage of one nostril as by a leaf, not like dry catarrh; (inability to draw air through N. on closing mouth). Trickling from N. then coryza. Fluent coryza. Dry catarrh. (Bleeding).


      Redness from slightest contradiction. Sticking in zygoma in front of l. ear; in cheeks. Pressure in zygomata before sleep; intermittent paralytic, in l. zygomatic process; P. beneath rami of jaw as if flesh beneath jaw were pressed downward. Jaws closed, impeding speech. Pain in joint of jaw in morning when lying. Lips cracked and bleeding. Enlarged gland on inner surface of lower lip, with sore pain; and suppuration. Ulceration of inner surface of lower lip; U. of one corner of lips. Sticking in lips, (<) moving them; S. in lower; in lower on touching a hair of beard in that place. Inner surface of lower lip painful as if raw.

Clinical Distortion of the facial muscles whenever the patient attempts to speak. Neuralgic of the face.


      Clawing digging in incisors in evening. Toothache near end of a meal, (<) after eating; T. and looseness of teeth; T. as if nerves of molars were crushed; sore T. in anterior molars, (<) reading; T. in morning as if loose; as if an incisor were numb and loose, (<) touch of tongue. Inner side of gum painful as if numb, as if burnt. Glands under tongue excited, inflamed. Sticking in tip of tongue; in fraenum. Tearing in tip of tongue as if burnt or sore in morning after waking. Sharp feeling in tip as if sore. Biting on forepart from tobacco-smoke, with pain incisors. He easily bites one side of posterior part of T. when talking or chewing. Burning of T. Front half of T. numb when talking, when eating it feels burnt or sore.

Easily bites inside of cheek near orifice of salivary duct when chewing (nitricum acidum). Painful swelling of orifice of salivary duct. Inner surface covered with offensive smelling mucus in morning on waking. Sticking in palate, extending to inner ear. Inner surface sore. Palpitate feels excoriated (as after frequent swallowing of saliva). Palate feels as if swollen or covered with tenacious mucus. Constantly full of mucus. Avoids opening M. and speaking. Salivation; in forenoon; in forenoon, with nausea; white, frothy; frequent spitting of saliva; spitting of frothy S. all day; flow of S. from mouth in sleep.


      Sour, saliva has a sour taste. Bitter, then sour, with sour eructations; B. to tobacco-smoke; to beer; B. and putrid to various articles, (<) beer (Pulsatilla). Nauseous, as after fasting, with appetite and relish for food and drink. As from a disordered stomach; flat, watery, morning and noon after eating. Insipid, as if he had eaten chalk. Flat to beer, as if spoiled. When eating, drinking and smoking, the good taste disappears as soon as the actual need is supplied, or it changes to an unpleasant taste, and one cannot take any more, though there is a kind of hunger and thirst.


      Pain in submaxillary glands; after walking in open air; drawing pain; drawing, extending into jaws, then swelling of glands; in anterior, as if compressed. Pain in glands beneath angles of jaws on motion of throat. Pain in throat on touch as if glands were swollen. Tonsils turgescent. Sticking when not swallowing, and even somewhat when swallowing (compare Lycopod.), the more he swallows the more it disappears, entirely (>) swallowing anything solid; S. when not swallowing, when swallowing sensation as if one swallowed over above, causing jerking; low down when not swallowing; in parotid gland when not swallowing; (>) when swallowing. Pain as if raw and sore; when swallowing. Soreness like a lump, which is painful as if excoriated when swallowing. Pressure. Constriction in pit, causing cough. Food seems to stick high up in evening before sleep and in morning. Difficult swallowing of food and drink. Inability to swallow bread, it seemed too dry.

Oesophagus- Choking constriction in middle in evening from a plug, (<) when not swallowing. Sensation as if a plug were sticking in it when not swallowing. Sticking low down on swallowing, (>) continuing to swallow, returning when not swallowing. After dinner it seemed as if food stuck above cardiac orifice of stomach. Crawling.

Clinical Inflamed tonsils, ulceration, with sticking pains (the general indication for Ignatia in sore throat, a side from the mental state of the patient, is the relief of the throat symptoms from swallowing). Diphtheric sore throat, with sensation of a plug and with constant efforts to swallow. Some alarming cases of diphtheria are reported cured by this drug.


      Appetite great; at 11 A.M.; but diminished when the time for eating came; ravenous, at 11 A.M., with at times nausea; A. good, but when he attempted to eat he was satiated. Desire for fruit; D. for acid things. Appetite diminished. Satiety; so that he could eat nothing in evening if he smoked in afternoon. Appetite lost; and desire for tobacco and drink, with frequent salivation. Aversion to tobacco-smoking; though it has not an unpleasant taste; as if he had smoked enough; A. to milk; to boiled milk after his necessity is satisfied; to meat, and desire for acid fruit, cranberries; to warm food and meat, desires only bread, butter and cheese; to fruit, it does not agree with him; to acids; to wine. Thirst, with chill; T. in afternoon and evening; at night.

Eructations, empty; bitter E. in forenoon; of bitter fluid; of food, and the taste of milk taken in morning cannot be removed from mouth for a long time; tasting of food; sour; musty, mouldy in evening; (ineffectual, in morning in bed, causing pain in orifice of stomach and in oesophagus to pharynx). Hiccough from tobacco-smoking (Pulsatilla, Staphs.); H. after eating and drinking; in evening after drinking. Nausea; towards noon; in forenoon, with loss of appetite; from smoking, in an old smoker. Ineffectual retching. Efforts to vomit, (>) eating.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.