Homeopathy Remedy Hydrocyanic Acid


      Hunger increased, with aversion to food. Appetite diminished; and digestion; A. lost; lost, then unusually increased; lost at breakfast, a few mouthfuls cause nausea, desire for stool, oppression of chest and palpitation, at 12.30 sinking at stomach, but inability to eat. Aversion to eating. Thirst. Eructations; of gas; sour. Violent hiccough, (>) a cup of black coffee. Nausea after eating, with discomfort; N. and vomiting, with relief of symptoms. Vomiting; frequent; of black liquid; of black mucus. Distention of region. Heartburn after eating, with waterbrash and salivation. Feeling of a lump; gradually changing to sticking, then pressure. Sensitiveness of epigastric region. Warmth. Disturbances. Unpleasant sensation in epigastrium, with such weakness of limbs and muscles that he thought he would fall.

Clinical Chronic dyspepsia, with vomiting of food in evening and night (Ferr).

Abdomen and Stool

      Rumbling in A. Spleen feels enlarged. Involuntary stools. S. omitted; urgent, copious; mushy.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Burning in urethra during micturition. Frequent micturition, urine not increased; involuntary M. Urine and sweat copious; U. copious and saturated; copious and watery. Urine retained four days. Emissions of semen. Sexual desire increased.

Respiratory Organs

      Scraping in larynx; with rawness; with tickling, causing dry cough; as from eating too many walnuts; S. in trachea. Larynx feels enlarged. Increased mucus in trachea; expectorated in evening; increased mucus in larynx in afternoon and evening. Hoarseness. Cough; in evening; violent; in paroxysms, with expectoration of black-yellowish mucus, relieving the rattling respiration.

Suffocation, then stupefaction, and congestion and pain in chest. Dyspnoea; with contraction of sides of chest; with pressure in region of heart; with stertor and rattling respiration. Respiration difficult; caused by exercise, with nausea and sweat on face and hands; and rattling; and deep. Convulsive breathing then regular, with snoring inspiration and moaning expiration. Gasping. Groaning. Moans; low, Sighs, with occasional sobs. She made a noise (Oh! oh! oh!). Noisy and agitated breathing. Wheezing, rattling. Irregular breathing. Anxious B. Respiration slow; and convulsive; and labored; and labored, with hissing; and stertorous; and deep, whereby the ribs were drawn back to spine; with deep, prolonged inspirations and moaning; and weak; and faint, gasping, sometimes with slight stertor. Respiration imperceptible. Respiration forcible.


      Sticking on deep breathing; S. under short ribs; S. internal to l. nipple; beneath lower end of sternum; in region of r. fifth and sixth ribs, near sternum. Acute pain, with anxiety. Pain; in r. side; between r. fifth and sixth ribs, near sternum; in region of heart; with dyspnoea; in sides, becoming a sticking. Constriction; transversely across; with sudden difficulty of breathing; obliging deep inspiration; of diaphragm, with sense of suffocation. Tightness; gradually extending into r. side of chest and becoming a pain that extends over chest and makes breathing difficult. Tension transversely across, especially in region of seventh and eighth ribs, (<) inspiration. Oppression.

Clinical Threatening paralysis of lungs and heart (compare Mur-ac.)


      Sticking. Pressure. Praecordial anxiety; alternating with vertigo, pain in same locality. Palpitation; with soft, full pulse. Irregular action, pulse hardly to be felt; irregular, with slow, depressed pulse; action and pulse variable, sometimes rapid, sometimes slow and intermittent, also weak. Action weak; and fluttering, pulse at wrist imperceptible.


      Rapid; and weak; and weak, and action of heart could scarcely be felt when lying on back; and small; and small, feeble; and small, a weak impulse alternating with a strong one; and small, unequal; and now strong, now weak. Slow; in evening; and weak. Unequal in strength; and irritable, small; the tone of the different beats irregular. Small. Imperceptible; almost.

Neck and Back

      Neck bloated. Congestion of veins of neck and face. Cramp in back. Sudden pain in region of r. kidney, extending to epigastric region, then spreading over abdomen, causing warmth in abdomen.


      Seemed bloodless. Flaccid; and fell lifeless when lifted. Trembling; and useless. Contractions, but no tetanus. Weak, so that he thought he would fall. Immovable and cold. Paralyzed and lay wherever placed, not rigid; hands and feet P. Arm stiff from tonic spasms. Arms bent and hands clenched. Arms relaxed, fingers contracted. Fore-arms stiff and infected on arms. Trembling of r. hand. Hands partially contracted, fingers rigid and about nails of a dark lead color. Staggered. Legs dark when in a dependent position, from congestion of bloodvessels. Legs stiff; and straight.


      Pallor and coldness; P. and cyanosis. Rubescence on arms, then on legs. Yellow and livid about neck and breast. Urticaria, (<) upper part of body. Prickling in various parts. Formication, (<) epigastric region; F. on thighs, legs; limbs. Itching on neck and arms.


      Yawning; frequent, with overpowering sleepiness, on waking confusion of head and difficulty in keeping awake. Sleepiness; towards noon. Condition between sleeping and waking, paying to attention to surroundings, on waking sensation as if he had not slept at all. Sleep prolonged and deep. Sleeplessness.


      Chill; intermittent, creeping, in afternoon; general, then general warmth; alternating with heat, with stupefaction and vertigo. Rigors, (>) coffee and brandy. Shivering like electric shocks; S. in paroxysms in afternoon when riding in a wagon over a rough road; creeping. Cold skin. Cold limbs. Forehead and face cold and dry. Heat; (<) feet. Sweat; general; general, clammy; clammy on forehead; cold, clammy; cold, covering face. Dry skin.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.