HYDROCYANIC ACID symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy HYDROCYANIC ACID…


HYDR. AC. Prussic Acid. See Hartlaub and Trinks.




Of large doses: Am., Chlorine water, cold dash, Solution of Nitre or Salt in cold water, Coffee. Of small doses: Camph., Ipecac., Opium, Coffea


Rapid languor and weakness of the limbs, particularly the thighs. Nervous weakness. Cramp in the back. Cramp in the face and jaws, convulsions. Paralysis of the lower, then the upper limbs. The limbs become insensible and stiff. Catalepsy. The limbs are excessively flexible and yielding. The beats of the heart become more and more slow, small, imperceptible, until apparently extinct. Diminution of the animal heat.


Itching of several parts, particularly between the chin and

lips. Itching burning vesicles on the upper limbs and on the neck. Dryness of the skin. General paleness with a blue tinge.


Frequent yawning, with shivering and cramps of the skin. Irresistible or constant drowsiness. Sleeplessness. Vivid, incoherent dreams.


Chilliness, without shuddering, particularly after midnight and morning. Feeling of coldness. Alternation of violent chilliness and burning heat. Heat in the head, with violent nervous irritation paroxysms of heat, and quick, irregular, confuses motion of the heart. Stupefaction of the head and vertigo during the chilliness. Mist before the eyes during the chill.


Despondency. Lowness of spirits. Oppression. Anguish in the pit of the stomach. Nervous irritability. Vexed mood.


Pleasant languor. Dullness of sense. Insensible to pain. Loss of consciousness. Slowness of thought, with dull feeling in the head. Inability to think. Weakness of memory. Illusions of the senses. Dullness and heaviness of the head. Stupefaction and falling down. Dizziness, with feeling of intoxication. Cloudiness of the senses, the objects seem to move, he sees through a gauze, is scarcely able to keep on his feet after raising the head when stooping, or rising from one’s seat, worse in the open air. Vertigo, with reeling.


Headache, with giddiness. Stupefying headache. Dull pain in the forehead proceeding from the temples. Oppressive pain in the forehead. Violent aching pain in the occiput and sinciput, extending from the vertex to the forehead and orbits. Oppressive pain in the left side of the head. Tension in the frontal region.


Protruded eyes. Difficult motion of the eye-balls. The pupils are dilated and immovable. The pupils are insensible to the light. Immovable lids. The lids seem paralyzed. Obscuration of sight. Dimness and gauze before the eyes. Amaurotic blindness.


Pressure in the interior of both ears, with roaring or buzzing. Hardness of hearing.


The wings of the nose are enlarged and look bluish. Dryness of the inner nose.


The face is bloated. Sunken face. Pale, bluish face. Sallow and gray complexion. The features look transfigured. Lock-jaw. Frightful distortion of the facial muscles. Cynic spasms.


Increased secretion of saliva. Tongue coated, white, afterwards dark and foul. Cold feeling in the tongue. Burning in the tip. Lameness and stiffness of the tongue, which is often protruded. Loss of speech. Pain in the palate. Inflammation of the palate. Spasm in the pharynx and oesophagus. Scraping in the throat and pharynx. Heat in the pharynx and oesophagus. Inflammation of the pharynx and oesophagus.


Fetid taste. Acrid and pungent taste. Loss of appetite. Absence of thirst, with heat in the whole body. Violent thirst. Disposition to vomit. Vomiting of a black fluid.


Cold feeling in the stomach, with stitches. Pressing in the pit of the stomach, with great oppression. Spasmodic contraction of the stomach. Inflammation of the stomach and bowels. Throbbing pain in the praecordia. Coldness in the abdomen, alternating with burning. Rumbling in the abdomen. Involuntary stool.


Retention of urine. Burning in the urethra.


Painful scraping and burning in the larynx. Inflammation of the larynx. Sensation as if the larynx were swollen. Spasmodic constriction of the throat. Tickling, stinging, and drawing in the trachea. Frequent short and hacking cough, occasioned by a prickling in the larynx and trachea. Haemoptoe.


Rattling, moaning, slow breathing. Arrest of breathing occasioned by stitches in the larynx. Frequent and snoring deep breathing. Paralysis of the lungs. Tightness of the chest, asthma, oppressive. Feeling of suffocation, with torturing pains in the chest. Acute pains in the chest. Pain and pressure in the region of the heart. Irregularity of the motions of the heart. Feeble beating of the heart.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.