Homeopathy Remedy Helleborus Niger

Clinical Suppression of menses.

Respiratory Organs

      Mucus, so that breathing was audible. Contracted feeling, with audible inspiration. Cough; sudden, constant hacking, when sitting smoking tobacco as usual; dry hacking with painful tension in l. short ribs. Moaning. Groaning and grunting. Involuntary sighing. Breathing difficult; in evening; from tightness of chest; and he must breathe slowly and deeply; with frequent need to breathe deeply (<) walking in open air. Rapid breathing. Short breath when reading or speaking. Breathes better with mouth open.


      Sticking in walls; in top of lungs; in l.; l. costal region; beneath l. ribs; in l. short ribs when walking; in last true ribs on every inspiration; in l. on every deep inspiration when lying in evening. Cutting on lowest true ribs outward through chest, (<) inspiration. Twinging at one time in r. anterior part, at another in region of heart. Piercing pain in l. breast near axilla. Pain in walls; in muscles; l. muscles; near r. axilla; in l. breast on leaning over; in l. breast and shoulder on moving, extending down arm to elbow. Constriction so that he gaps for breath, with open mouth, but cannot breathe. Tight, as if lungs were tightened, because ribs do not seem to expand. L. short ribs seem screwed to spine. Scraping in upper part of sternum. Warmth in lower part.

Clinical Hydrothorax, difficult respiration, necessity to sit up, with great constriction of chest and gasping for breath.

Heart and Pulse

      Pain in region of H. Heaviness in region of H. Palpitation. Violent throbbing of H. Pulse rapid; then slow; slow; varied from 30 to 50, small, at times scarcely perceptible; small; small; and tremulous; small and feeble; strong; felt vividly through whole body, (<) heart.

Clinical Heart’s action weak, pulse small and tremulous, with dropsical symptoms.


      Pain in cervical bone; P. in nape extending to vertex; in some muscles on moving neck, with stiffness. Stiffness of muscles of nape as far as occiput, during rest, (<) moving head; rheumatic S. of nape.


      Sticking in middle of spine, with gnawing; boring S. in region of spine just below shoulders. Pain in various parts; P. under scapulae; in l. scapula, becoming sharp on moving it; in lumbar muscles; above waist, rocking from side to side; bruised, in spine between scapulae; bruised, in loins; P. in loins as from flatus which could not pass, towards evening when sitting; contractive, in sacrum.


      Stretching. Unsteady, feet weak, knees tottering. Sticking in calves, shoulders and toes. Tearing in toes and fingers; T. in joints at night in bed. Boring drawing pain in fingers, forearm and knees. pain in fingers and toes; fingers, knees and shoulders; arms, toes and knees; knees, toes and shoulders; l. knee, r. shoulder and in toes; lower part of thighs and in elbows; anterior muscles of thigh and wrist; all day in r. knee and in legs, externally, in tibiae, joints of fingers, wrists and ankles; r. ankle and leg, then in r. shoulder, then in r. fingers, between metacarpus and fingers; changing from one joint to another; P. and drawing alternately in l. fingers, calves, l. elbow, beneath r. shoulder, in l. cervical muscles, in r. knee, then more seldom, in toes and in l. side of head; rheumatic P. in bones. Drawing in fingers and toes. Heaviness; with sensitiveness of muscles. Weariness, (<) standing, with bruised pain in small of back. Limbs and arms relaxed. Paralytic feeling, they feel large and heavy. Torpor, with stiffness.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulder, tearing in l.; pressure; in l., which feels higher than r. Arm, tearing in shafts of bones; pressure in muscles of a. and scapulae. Upper arm, bruised pain; in l., with twitching of muscles; pressure. Pressure in elbows. Forearm, tearing in r.; pain in l.; drawing from middle to elbow. Wrist, sticking in l. in evening on walking in open air; pressure; pressure in r.; drawing pain from r. into index. Hand, sticking transversely across flexor tendons of l. on walking in open air; pain in bones, also in evening; pain in last r. bones; weakness; numbness of r., with prickling in it and coldness through r. arm; N. of r., with coldness through arm to tips of fingers; N. of r., with internal coldness of arm and hand.

Fingers. – Inflamed spot on nails of l. index and r. thumb, with suppurative pain on touch, next day whitish exudation, after which they heal. Jerking of l. index towards thumb during the day when walking, sitting and reading, and sometimes jerking of thumb towards fingers, sometimes sudden J. of muscles between two fingers. Tearing in l. middle, (<) middle joint; on backs of all l. in morning in bed; paralytic, in r. little; paralytic, in r. fourth during rest, with spasmodic stiffness. Boring in middle joints of middle and index. Painful pressure transversely across r. thumb. Tickling in l. index.

Lower Extremities

      Aching as they get warm. Hip, sticking in l.; pain in l. like sciatica; pain in l. all day as if rubbed sore or burnt, (<) touch; drawing pain in r.; burning pressure in l.; sudden paralytic stiffness of l. when walking in open air. Thigh, tearing in anterior and outer part of r. like sciatica; boring in r. T. and leg, with sticking; pain; P. in bend of r.; P. in muscles of l.; P. in anterior muscles of l.; P. in muscles above knee; compression above l. knee; weariness; stiffness of muscles, with tension; S. of hamstrings, (<) external, on walking in open air.

Knee, boring sticking through l., frequently in open air, when walking and standing; boring externally in r.; burrowing in r. patella; pain in l. knee and patella as after a thrust, (<) bending knee and by pressure; pain; P. in r.; P. in outer part of l.; P. and sticking; stiffness in hollows. Legs, frequent twitching of muscles; sticking in calves; sticking upward near r. external malleolus; pain; P. in calf; P. in r. calf; P in tibiae; drawing pain; weakness. Ankles, sticking extending to toes, with tearing; pressure; P. in r., above and below, in evening; sprained pain in l.; bruised pain in l. inner malleolus.

Foot; tearing in ball of l.; pain in back; P. in heels; P. in r. os calcaneum; P. in heels; P. in r. sole when sitting; pricking in l.; heaviness and weariness; numbness. Toes, sticking jerking in l. great; prickling in all; pain in r.; P. in r. great; P. in great.


      Sudden dropsical swelling; swellings in forehead, with bruised pain. Desquamation. Hairs of whole body and nails fall out. Pimple on l. side of forehead, with bruised pain on hard touch. Yellowish roundish tetter on arms, exuding water on scratching. Vesicles between first joints of fourth and fifth fingers, smarting on touch, moist, then scabs; moist painless V. on middle joint of r. fourth finger, with soreness of bone on pressure. Crawling in l. cheek. Itching corrosion on arms after going to sleep in evening and morning, and after scratching biting as from salt water.


      Frequent yawning. Sleepiness in evening; S., then uneasy sleep disturbed by dreams or coma vigil, then deep sleep. Uneasy sleep towards morning, turning from side to side, with dark floating visions; U. sleep, filled with historical fancies towards morning, during which he turns from side to side. Dreams confused, unremembered, often anxious.


      Coldness (Colchicum); always in evening on lying down, sweat every morning; when sitting, standing and walking, with cold hands, internal heat and Dullness of head, sleepiness, heaviness and weakness of feet, stiffness in hollow of knees, and on lying down in bed heat and general sweat, all without thirst; (<) morning; with headache; over body without thirst, with heat in head and bruised pain in occiput; internal, between 5 and 6 P.M., (<) lying down, with shivering and with heat over body, (<) head, without thirst, when he wishes to drink it become repugnant and he drinks only a little at a time (Pulsatilla); shaking, in morning, with gooseflesh, sensitiveness of external head to touch and motion, drawing tearing in limbs, frequent sticking in joints, (<) elbows and shoulders, without thirst. Sensitive to cold, with sticking in and about eyes and nausea. Shivering, then thirst; S. so that he desires to lie in bed, with yellow face; S. beginning in arms. Cool skin. Coldness through back; in loins during dinner, with shivering; extending up and down near l. side of spine and for a moment across l. shoulder towards front. Cold limbs, with general cold, clammy sweat; limbs, with hot head and face; hands and feet; hands and feet, with internal heat of head, then general sweat; backs of hands, with sweat in palms; )feet in evening.)

Heat; with rapid pulse; alternating attacks of dry H., then shivering and coldness, then concealed colic. Heat in head; deep; and in face, with heaviness; in forehead, with fulness; hot forehead; deep in sinciput; extending to nape and down back, with hot, red cheeks; into back and small of back in flushes. Heat in face; after dinner, with redness; with redness and rapid pulse; external, in room. H. in back; extending to small of back. Burning in l. hip. Sweat; general towards morning, with usual warmth of body; at night; inclination to, in afternoon by open window; in drops on forehead and back of nose; cold; general cold clammy; on feet towards morning.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.