Homeopathy Remedy Helleborus Niger


      Burrowing boring-sticking in r. at night, with sticking-tearing toothache, only the earache remained in morning and during the day. Pressure; in fossa behind lobule. Drawing pain as if middle ears would burst. Roaring and ringing.


      Pain in root. Constriction as if suffocation would follow. Heat; in nostrils; about nostrils; under nose; itching, in l. wing. Biting itching beneath nose and on upper lip, as in commencing coryza. Spasmodic tickling as if it would cause sneezing, with yawning. Sneezing; in morning on rising, whereby upper lip cracks in middle; in morning fasting; with nausea. Catarrh, of l. nostril; fluent C., with dizzy confusion of head; fluent C., with stupefaction of head. Smell less acute.


      Pale during heat of head; P. and features distorted; and sunken; pulse lost, icy coldness and cold sweat all over body, so that a drop is on end of every hair. Red. Yellow. Boring in l. zygoma. Pain in l. zygoma; in r. as if in bone. A row of stitches behind ascending ramus of lower jaw, near ear. Vesicle in middle of red of upper lip in morning, after waking. Ulceration in corners of lips, with itching.


      Tearing in third molars on biting them together, extending into roots; sticking T. in r. molars in evening in bed, (<) warmth and cold, so that he sleeps little, the lower molars seem longer, (>) during the day. Hollow teeth feel as if cold air passed through them. Tongue, trembling; vesicles; pimple on tip, with sticking on touch, sticking; dry and white in morning on rising; stiff, insensible. Scraping posteriorly on palate; s. on arch of palate and in fauces. Dryness; all day, with scraping in throat; of palate, with cutting scraping in it on moving mouth to swallow. Salivation; watery. Taste bitter in throat, (<) eating; B. to all food; sourish T., with salivation; dry, slimy, with thirst.

Clinical Aphthae of the mouth.


      Pain in cervical glands. Flapping as of mucus, like the opening and shutting of valves on every inspiration. Sticking; low down; and in fauces and tongue, with strangury and constriction of throat and difficult swallowing, pain at epigastrium and violent sickness, swelling of tongue and other organs of deglutition, much viscid mucus from mouth. Scraping; in fauces from 10 to 1 to 11 P.M.; in fauces, with dryness. Rawness as after acrid liquor. Pressure on swallowing, with excoriated feeling. Constriction. Burning and dryness; agreeable warmth from pharynx to stomach and over whole body, as after spirituous drinks.


      Appetite great; in forenoon; with frequent tasteless eructations; ravenous; diminished; lost; A., but no relish to food and nausea while eating. Aversion to food; to fat meat; to green vegetables and sauerkraut. Thirst; none all day. Eructations; of bitter fluid; suppressed. Empty eructations; after breakfast with nausea, but inability to vomit. Hiccough. Nausea; in evening; in evening, (>) bitter vomiting, with prostration and bitter vomiting; after eating; (>) breakfast, with headache; disturbing sleep; rising from pit of stomach; in whole abdomen; it often seems as if he were hungry, but food disgusts him. Vomiting; copious, frequent; of mucus; of food, then relief; greenish slimy; greenish-black, with colic; bitter at night.

Distention in pit and epigastric region, impeding respiration, with ulcerative pain; D. in stomach, with ravenous hunger; D., with grumbling in abdomen as of frogs. Lancinations form epigastrium to rectum. Griping. Cramp in pit and just below it, (>) straightening up and when walking, returning on sitting, with nausea. Pain; in pit; in pit at every step; ulcerative, after every meal; distending; bruised near and beneath pit and in region of pylorus, where it is painful on every step, the pain (<) talking loud and on touch. Soreness, (<) stepping and coughing. Scraping as if rubbed with woolen. Biting; in evening, with heaviness and distended feeling; during a short walking, with gnawing, ravenous hunger and prostration of lower limbs; in morning fasting, then pain in abdomen, with rumbling, then slight soft stool, then dragging in rectum. Oppression. Pit feels drawn inward. Feeling as if a fluid were poured into it. Uneasiness as before vomiting. Burning; rising through oesophagus; rising into head like nausea; and in fauces, like a streak of fire.


      Distention; in evening; with constant ineffectual urging to stool; with ulcerated sensation on pressure; painful. Rumbling; with uneasiness. Movements of flatus; as if bubbles rose and burst, then offensive flatus; rising of flatulence towards short ribs, with empty eructations. Offensive flatus; in morning after the customary milk; after dinner. Sticking, with tearing transversely across it. Cutting continuing in evening. Griping on ascending step; dysentery-like C. transversely across after eating. Burrowing.

Colic; on waking at 5 A.M., with more urging to urinate than usual in morning and scanty urine; at night; with pallor, sunken features and staggering, found leaning against a tree, arms, hanging down, relaxed, hands cold, eyes sunken, lids closed, pupils moderately dilated and scarcely sensible to light, lips bluish, face covered with clammy sweat, pulse thready, 102, then four liquid stools, with tenesmus, retching and vomiting twice of slimy, yellowish fluid (compare Colchicum); as before diarrhoea; bruised pain anteriorly and laterally in walls. Loose sensation in morning, so that pressure was agreeable. Heaviness. Coldness. Discomfort, with coldness, as before diarrhoea; D., with drawing pain as before diarrhoea, then urging to stool and pasty stool.

Twisting griping in hepatic region extending downward and forward. Umbilicus, twisting about, in morning, (>) bending together and passage of flatus, with cutting; pain deep in region; heat deep in region; sharp pressure inward transversely across below U., (<) sitting. rumbling beneath umbilicus; R. low down as if in spine. Sticking in hypogastrium, disturbing sleep. Jerking cuttings from r. iliac region (Beneath and outward in umbilicus) to outer part of l. iliac region, returning in r. iliac region, which was painful to pressure. Pain in r. groin; becoming a sticking, a sensation as if a hernia would form; intermittent, in outer surface of os ilium, similar to sciatica, in afternoon. Pressure on middle of pubis.

Clinical Many cases of ascites have been cured. Dropsy the result of disease of the kidneys or following eruptive diseases.


      Aching. Tenesmus after stool. Frequent inclination to stool. Sudden urging, with cutting in abdomen, then pasty stool, with disappearance of discomfort in abdomen, sudden pressing asunder urging, then a thick, dry, difficult stool, with smarting in anus during and after stool. Ineffectual urging. No desire for stool at usual time, and a sensation as if anus were closed forever, then sudden pressure and sensation of distention, at first only short emissions of flatus, then a hard, large, difficult stool, l with smarting during and (<) after the stool.


      Inclination to haemorrhoids. Dragging, with pressing asunder sensation, then stool difficult, frothy, mostly hard faeces in balls. Sudden pressure as from a foreign body, with desire for stool, but only flatus is passed, afterwards return of pressure and a small amount of large faeces. Feeling all day as of constipation. Burning biting after stool. Itching as from ascarides.


      Of only clear, tenacious, colorless mucus (Colchicum). White, gelatinous, like frog spawn, frequent, with pressure. Liquid, twice at night. Diarrhoea; with nausea and colic; always preceded by colic, which is relieved after stool. Soft and in part thin, with feeling as if intestines had not power to evacuate it. Constipation. Hard, scanty, during and after which there is cutting sticking upward in rectum, as if it drew itself tightly together and something with sharp edges were sticking between its walls. Large, difficult, with burning smarting in anus, which continues after stool, (<) sphincter. Undigested. Frequent. Retained, next day earlier than usual, and in afternoon diarrhoea.

Clinical Diarrhoea, stools of jelly-like mucus, like frog spawn, generally with tenesmus (Colchicum); sometimes profuse watery diarrhoea alternating with constipation, in abdominal dropsy.

Urinary Organs

      Urging; frequent, with scanty discharge (Colchicum); desire and scanty discharge, with burning through urethra. Frequent micturition. When urinating there is no stream and no desire, as if bladder had lost its power of expulsion. Urine copious; without much urging; and watery; diminished; U. decomposes in a few minutes; U. dark yellow; passed without a stream.

Clinical Subacute inflammation of the kidneys, with suppression of urine in dropsical symptoms. Inflammation of the bladder and almost complete suppression of urine.

Sexual Organs

      Relaxation and no desire. Itching sticking in tip of glans. No erections even when urine has accumulated in bladder. Desire suppressed. Pain in region of r. ovary.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.