Homeopathy Remedy Hamamelis

Clinical Haematuria.

Sexual Organs

      Glans, stitching; tingling; pulsations. Erections; at night; on retiring, without desire, but in morning he found he had had an emission; frequent. Pain in spermatic cords running into testes, at night. Sweat on scrotum at night; profuse and cold. Frequent pain in testicles all day (Clem., Rhododendron); with distress in bowels; drawing P. in testicles (Rhododendron). Desire increased. Emission at night without sensual dreams; and without being aware of it; E., without erection. Active uterine haemorrhage; loss of over a quart of bright, fresh blood, not coaguable, midway between two menstrual periods, her menses were usually dark and coagulated.

Clinical Varicocele. Varices of the labiae. Dysmenorrhoea, with pain in ovaries. Chronic metritis. Uterine haemorrhages, dark venous flow. Ovaritis, subacute. Orchitis.

Respiratory Organs

      Hoarse in morning on rising. Cough dry, sometimes expectoration of thick, yellowish or greenish-gray mucus. Return in evening of inflammation of diaphragm, which was caused fifteen years ago by running, now all the original symptoms, labored respiration, tightness of lower part of chest, inability to inspire deeply and fully, and on attempting to lie down inability to breathe, with fulness of blood in neck and head, and suffocation so that he was obliged to sleep that night in a chair with the neck bare, (>) morning, but returning, riding and walking painful.


      Sudden haemorrhage from lungs. Spasmodic movements of diaphragm. Occasional sticking. Cramp; at 11 P.M. Pain in r. lung; at 10 A.M.

Heart and Pulse

      Pricking pain in region of H. and in veins of arms. Palpitation. H’s beats can be counted by lying still and pulsations are felt in balls of fingers. Pulse rapid. Pulse irregular; full and hard, then almost imperceptible; 60, every fifth, sixth or seventh beat a little faster and stronger.

Neck and Back

      Sore pain down cervical vertebrae. Tearing across back. Backache; caused by an emission; all day, and pain in legs; along spine, back of stomach, about 4 P.M.; in loins all day; in loins in morning; in kidney region in morning on rising; in sacrum and hip all day, (<) walking.


      Aching and tendency to go to sleep. Drawing pain in hands, legs and feet. Rheumatic symptoms in arms and legs through the day. Fulness in joints as if they would burst. Weariness in r.; r. arm and leg; of limbs and arms when walking. Going to sleep easily in afternoon.

Upper Extremities

      Arms, drawing pain in flexors of r.; weariness; stiffness of A. and shoulders after horseback riding; bruised pain in upper A. and shoulders, (<) motion, next day with drowsiness. Pain in humeri; extending to elbow and causing stiffness in elbow; sore, in head of r. in morning, extending to elbow, with stiffness of elbow. Shooting along flexors of r. forearm into palm. Pricking pain from wrist to shoulder, along course of superficial veins, (<) pressure. R. wrist and fingers stiff in morning. Pain in back of r. hand, extending to shoulder-joint; P. in hands and fingers in morning, with stiffness. Sore pain in r. thumb-nail after a slight knock, (<) night, afterwards with sensation as if growing into flesh, afterwards transiently (>) discharge of pus. Finger sore after rubbing off a small piece of skin. Fingers stiff at night, and sticking in first joint of r. index.

Lower Extremities

      Bruised feeling, (<) l. Tired; from hips to feet, inability to run fast; in r. at 6 P.M., with forcing feeling in varicose veins; in r., where there are varicose veins, (>) placing it on a chair, removed by walking. Sensitiveness of varices. Peculiar feeling in varices. (Apparent diminution of varicose veins above knee.) Sticking along l. sciatic nerve; S. in l. hip and under l. patella when walking. Soreness of femoral vessels to middle third of thigh. Sore pain in r. femur; S. pain running down thighs, (<) r. Weary pain in thighs; (<) l.; at night, (<) middle and lower third, and in popliteal space, with dilatation of varicose veins. Stiffness of upper part of thighs.

Pain in l. knee. Sore pain in popliteal space. Soreness of knee. Rheumatic pains in legs. Fulness in joints of legs as if they would burst, then dread of moving the limbs, with weary, stiff, full feeling. R. leg tired. Pain in feet and toes; in r. great toe; suddenly in r. great toe running. Feet easily go to sleep when driving in cold wind. Stitching in corns on r. foot at 10 A.M., afterwards as soon as boots are put on in morning (rainy day), permanent during the day, occasionally pulsating. Sharp pain in corns on toe. Pulsations in corns on l. toes in evening; P. in corns on both feet after paring them in morning.


      Herpes on lower part of nose; on nose in afternoon, (>) evening. Hands chapped. Pimples between thumb and index, (<) r.; on face, caused by emissions, with bad feeling; on nates, sore on touch; behind ear and on body, sore on touch and pressure; fine, all over body, next day not so sensitive. Feeling as if vermin were running over body; all over hairy parts. Tingling in foot when counting femoral pulse. Itching of hands; axilla, (<) r.; all over body on undressing; on lower limbs on undressing of hands in morning on waking, transiently (>) rubbing them together, (<) scratching, I. next day at 6 A.M. on waking, (>) rubbing and putting them into cold air, unaffected by washing in cold water.


      Sleepiness; two hours after dinner. Less inclination to sleep than usual, slept well at night. Sleeplessness from thinking too much. Could scarcely sleep, heard the clock strike every hour. Uneasy sleep in morning; U. sleep, constant waking from thinking of the business of the day, turning over in bed, unrefreshed on waking. Restless night, whole body felt hot and dry, sexual dream, with emission, then weariness and pin in loins. Sexual dream, with an emission; without emission. Fearful D. Unpleasant D. at 5 A.M., then uneasy sleep. D. that a bat was flying in the room and fear of injury therefrom.


      Coldness; on going to bed; running up legs; in flashes over back and hips at 9 A.M., extending down limbs. Heat; then tearing across small of back and fulness in joints of legs as if they would burst, which soon extended to all joints. Hot hands; and dry; burning in palms, with dryness. Hot and dry skin. Sweat at night after lying down.

Clinical It has been used in low forms of typhoid or malarial fevers, with weak, rapid pulse, etc. It has been given for haemorrhagic measles, haemorrhagic smallpox and purpura.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.