Homeopathy Remedy Gambogia

Neck and Back

      Tearing in nape and I. shoulder; lancinating T. in side of neck. Sticking in region of I. kidney; in r. sacral region; sudden, in sacral region, (>) walking. Bruised pain in small of back. Gnawing in os coccygis.

Upper Extremities

      Intermittent sticking in top of r. shoulder. Tearing in shoulders or in axilla, in tendons of extensor muscles of fingers, in ball of thumb and index and middle fingers, so that the skin is drawn backward. Pinching in r. humerus. Sticking through palm to back of hand, then burning in hand; S in palm to back of hand, then burning in hand; S. in last joint of I index; in ball of r. thumb and middle finger, with numb feeling, then S. from palm through to back of hand and extending to forearm, with heat.

Lower Extremities

      Spasmodic condition. Sticking in bend of I thigh. Tearing in I. hip; in bend of go I. thigh, with drawing. cramp in calf, (>) rubbing, with tearing and with contraction of toes. Sticking in I. calf. Tearing from middle of r. tibia, extending above knee: T. in tendo-achillis, withdrawing as if too short, Pain along r. tibia in afternoon and evening in bed, with stiffness and with difficult stretching of foot. Bruised pain below I. patella with ulcerative pain on touch. Pressure as with a hand above I. externus malleolus, (>) pressing foot to the ground, with sensation as if asleep. Spasmodic constriction in region of r. externus malleolus and great toe, when walking, causing limping. Sticking in r. sole, (<) rubbing. Pinching in dorsum of r. foot, towards toes. heaviness and languor of get. Camp in r. great toe when walking and in evening in bed. Sticking beneath r. get toe. Spasmodic tearing in two. r. smaller toes.


      Pimple above orbit, with tensive pain; P. on inside of forearms, with redness and itching in evening. Itching blister, pale, then red, on hands. Biting over whole body as from ants, (<) evening and at night even walking. Itching, (<) evening and night and after scratching generally a burning ulcerative pain, with swelling and redness; I of ball of I. thumb; I. here and there on head, I. side of forehead, face, upper surface below elbow, ball of thumb, index, bend of foot, dorsum of hand; voluptuous, her and there over whole body, evening and night, even waking, usually with burning, at times followed by redness and swelling.


      Sleepiness all day. Uneasy sleep. Disturbed by anxious dreams. Vexatious, anxious. D,. about dancing, lice., etc.


      Chilliness all day or only in forenoon; in morning, with elongated sensation in anterior teeth; with chattering of teeth thirst so that the lips stick together, but skin warm to touch; with empty eructations, yawning, thirst, pain in small of back, and biting as of ants over whole body (at night) or sticking in ears, in the beginning sudden transient shaking C. waking him at night internal and external, beginning at 6 to 8.15 P.M., lasting from a quarter to two hours or t.. 5 A., m., sometimes with thirsty shaking, from 7 P.M. till 4 A.M., proceeding from back, with external coldness, even of forehead; in I. temple in afternoon, as a wet cloth. Remittent or intermittent, quotidian or tertian fever, rather postponing than anticipating. heat in afternoon, with anxiety and sweat; H. in flushes; H. mounts to head, with sweat; H. in flushes; H. mounts to head with sweat. General sweat in morning; on waking at 4 A.M.; at night.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.