Homeopathy Remedy Ferrum

Rectum and Anus

      Protrusion of large haemorrhoids. Violent haemorrhoidal flux. Ascarides are passed with the slimy stool, itching and gnawing in R. Spasms of R. Tearing in R.; in anus, with hard stool. urging, then frothy stool, with loud flatus, then three watery, almost odorless stools, then griping in pit of stomach, but relief of the full feeling in hypochondria; frequent U., with burning in anus and pain in back on moving. Straining at stool all day; S., with and after stool.

Clinical Bleeding piles, with itching and gnawing. Ascarides, with itching, unnatural appetite, flushed face, etc.


      Watery, with flatulence, and frequent, more frequent after taking food or water (Coloc., Crot-t); Wand sudden, without pain or smell; W. and profuse, with cutting in abdomen. Diarrhoea; frequent; violent; with nervous spasmodic pain in abdomen, back and anus. Constipation; and haemorrhoids which cause pain in going to stool; S. only every two or three days, frequent urging, S. dry, dark green. Hard and small; with pressing and tearing through anus; of small hard pieces, with straining, at first brown, then greenish or greenish-black, only once a day was there a copious soft. S.; hard and delayed; hard, greenish and black, afterwards copious pasty stools; partly hard, copious, generally delayed, greenish or greenish-black; hard and soft on alternate days. black. Yellow. odorless. Mucus and sometimes blood with the S. Scanty.

Clinical Diarrhoea, especially containing undigested food, (China), as a rule painless, recurring particularly when eating or, drinking, especially apt to recur at night; with the diarrhoea there is generally unnatural hunger, with easy flushing of the face, great paleness, weakness and exhausting sweats. Chronic diarrhoea, gushing, watery, painless, (<) night, with coldness of the body and great prostration. Diarrhoea in teething children, stools undigested, with flushed face, sometimes associated with vomiting, both diarrhoea and vomiting coming on immediately after taking nourishment.

Urinary Organs

      Pain in bladder. Urging; constant, with pain in liver, chest and kidneys; with tickling in urethra extending to neck of bladder; beginning with tickling in navicular fossa, obliging frequent micturition, with tenesmus recti in evening. Involuntary micturition (<) by day (Belladonna); at night (Pulsatilla); slight, when standing. Frequent micturition. (Gonorrhoea) mucous discharge from urethra after a chill. Soreness of urethra on urinating. Tickling in urethra in afternoon, (<) in fossa navicularis, with urging; T. in urethra on beginning to urinate, gradually extending along the whole urethra, afterwards with frequent urging without increase of urine. (Burning in urethra on urinating). Urine copious, with prostration and nervousness; C. wine-yellow or reddish, sp. gr. rose from 1005 to 1025, reaction acid. Turbid U. Dark yellow U. Blood-red, charged with blood- corpuscles. Light-colored U., with whitish sediment. Sediment in U.; profuse, mucous.

Clinical Involuntary micturition, especially during the day, the child wets himself even while walking; also nocturnal enuresis.

Sexual Organs

      Tickling of glans between 8 and 9 A.M. and 6 and 7 P.M., with warmth and irresistible desire to urinate, when the urine reached the glans distressing pulsation, which continued after micturition, with increasing tenesmus vesicae, the distress (>) rapidly drinking much water and compression of glans with the finger. Erections. Emissions; nocturnal.

Prolapsus of vagina during pregnancy. Pain in vagina during coition. Less dryness in vagina on beginning coition and more pleasure in it. A previously painless white discharge became painful as if the parts were raw. Leucorrhoea like whey, causing (at first smarting and soreness. Discharge of stringy mucus from uterus before menses, with sensation in abdomen as during menses. Sticking shooting in uterus. Pain near mouth of uterus when lying. Abortion. Sterility without abortion. Menses delayed; one day, scanty, watery with cutting in abdomen. Menses intermit for two or three days. Metrorrhagia. Menorrhagia, pale, increased by least movement. Menses copious.

Clinical Great sensitiveness of the vagina to coition (Sepia, Belladonna, Platina). Suppressed menses, with haemorrhage from other parts, lungs, nose rectum. Menses excessively profuse and prolonged, with great debility, flushed face. After severe uterine haemorrhage, Ferrum may be indicated by great coldness of the skin and bloating, by the gastric symptoms, by the prostration and headache. In anaemic women when the menses are very pale, watery and acrid, with great prostration. During anaemia or chlorosis calling for Ferrum there is apt to be milky and acrid leucorrhoea.

Respiratory Organs

      Contraction of glottis in evening in bed with rush of blood to head, burning externally on neck, and between scapulae and on upper part of body generally, cold feet, and in the morning sweat. Pain in larynx provoking cough and hawking, (<)pressure, in morning on waking, but at noon giving place to a similar sensation behind upper third of sternum, and on hawking and coughing expectoration of frothy, tenacious mucus, mixed with black blood, frequently till 4 P.M. Tickling in trachea, causing frequent cough, (<) inspiration. Voice almost extinct, utterance difficult and panting. Hoarseness, with rough sensation in larynx.

Cough, (<) moving; C. all day and after lying down; at night. Dry cough, with sensation as if she could not get air; dry C. in evening after lying down, but expectoration on waking. Coughing up blood in morning on rising; at night, then increased dyspnoea; while suckling the child. Haemoptysis. Expectoration scanty, thing, frothy, with streaks of blood; E. of bloody mucus by hacking. Copious purulent e. in morning (with putrid taste); on waking, and greenish, with sickly taste; copious, purulent, white E. after coughing, (<) smoking tobacco and drinking brandy.

Dyspnoea; and oppression of chest as from pressure of a hand (Chin-s., Phosphorus); after midnight, so that he must sit up in bed; generally (<) in forenoon, often (>) when he walked a little, sometimes (<) when walking in open air, with weariness of limbs; from heaviness in l. lung; and slow breathing, (>) by walking and talking or by constant reading or writing, (<) when quiet and especially when lying, particularly in evening, he must take several breaths before he can fill the lungs. Suffocation from quivering and pulsation in stomach. Asthma; anxiety in pit of stomach, impeding breathing. Uneasy breathing from pain across chest. Panting. Wheezing; under sternum, with slight inclination to cough at night, (>) after rising. Mucous rales behind manubrium sterni.

Clinical The very marked symptoms of Ferrum, of occasional oppression of chest and difficult breathing, may be compared with those of Phosphorus; Ferrum is certainly extremely useful when the chest symptoms seem to occur from a kind of surging of blood to the chest, a not infrequent symptom in persons whose circulation is feeble, in such cases there are oppression and dyspnoea. It has been prescribed for asthma and even for pneumonia, and it is very probable that Ferrum has been overlooked as a valuable remedy for inflammation of the thoracic organs, for it certainly may be indicated when there is marked febrile excitement. The cough of Ferrum is usually dry, spasmodic, and may be accompanied by expectoration of blood, especially if there is the symptom of rush of blood to the chest; when blood is expectorated it is generally bright red and associated with great weakness.


      Consumption of lungs. Sticking all over; through lungs; in side under rib; in r.; r. side, with bruised feeling in neck; in sternum at night in bed; in side during exercise; wandering, in breast. Sticking cutting. Contractive cramp; on moving, and coughing. Pain; (<) full inspiration; below sternum; superiorly under sternum, with catarrh and cough; with sticking and tension between scapulae and inability to move; and in liver; in r. side and in liver and kidneys, with constant desire to urinate; revival of an old P. in l. lung. Drawing pain; and around heart. Heavy pain across upper, causing uneasy breathing; heavy sore pain below l. nipple. Bruised pain. Pain in l. clavicle as if it had fallen asleep. Oppression. Tightness, with anxious asthma, (<) walking. Fulness. Heaviness; in upper part of l. lung, making breathing difficult, with soreness below clavicle and l. nipple, preventing a long breath. Rush of blood with hot vapor out of windpipe, sweetish taste as of blood and haemoptysis. Burning at upper part of sternum after coughing. Sensation of dryness and mucus, the D. (>) transiently by drinking.

Heart and Pulse

      Bruit de souffle now and then. Tension in praecordial region. Rapid action of heart. Palpitation, (<) movement. Pulse slow, diminished in fulness, with rise of tonus in walls of arteries and rapid action of heart; s. and hard; S., full, tense; S. and tense; s., small, tense. Tense. Small, weak, sometimes intermittent, sometimes uneven pulse. Pulse scarcely perceptible.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.