Homeopathy Remedy Drosera

Drosera homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Drosera…

      A tincture is made of the entire fresh plant of Drosera rotundifolia, L.

General Action

      The greatest interest centres about the action of the drug on the respiratory apparatus, especially its spasmodic cough, closely resembling whooping cough. it is said to have developed tuberculosis in animals.

Allies-Hydrocy-ac., Conium, Kali-carb; and compare spasmodic cough remedies.


      Weakness in morning; on waking, so that he can scarcely open his eyes; general W., with sunken eyes and cheeks.


      Rage at a trifle. Mental uneasiness when reading. Ill humour. Depressed by persecutions of others on all sides and discouraged and solicitous about the future. Despondency, with anxiety and loss of appetite. Uneasy, sad, he imagined that he was deceived by spiteful., envious people. Anxiety evenings when alone; A, (<) about 7 or 8 P.M. as if impelled to drown himself; with restlessness and distrust; rising from region below ribs; as if his enemies allowed him no rest; as if he would hear unpleasant news, with general flushes of heat, (<) over face, afterwards with Obstinacy in execution of matured plans. Taciturnity, with dread of hering sometimes unpleasant. Joyless, stupid and disinclined to physical or mental labor.


      Tearing in brain, (<) towards forehead, (<) moving eyes, (>) resting head on hands. Aching, in brain, he feels every step in it. Heaviness on holding it upright (>) stooping; H. and confusion. Vertigo on waking in open air; and inclination to fall to I.; with disinclination to work. Forehead, cutting stitches in r.; tearing tensive pain, (<) stooping; gnawing externally above brows in morning, with drawing thence into cerebellum; boring outward on stooping when writing; pain after violent motion and while walking, like the confusion of head which arises from violent talking; pain above orbits on stooping, (>) walking; pain extending outward in F. and zygomatic processes; sore pain in I. eminence. Pressure outward at r. temple. Pain above r. temple. Boring externally on vertex. Pressure externally at vertex, with extending towards occiput; in I. brain extending towards occiput; in I. brain extending towards temple. Scalp. sore sensation in skin of r. temple; sore pain above r. side of forehead; burning sore pain of r. side, (>) touch; biting burning pain on vertex; itching, gnawing on forepart, (>) rubbing.


      Stitches extending outward, stooping. cutting transversely across I. pain more biting than pressing, on exerting vision. Tensive burning transversely across I. and lids. Pupils dilated; contracted. Sticking in I. ball during rest. Tearing across I. ball. Agglutination. Sore pain in r. lower lid, (<) touch Itching of lids. Drawing, burning pain in superciliary ridge, (<) towards temple. Pain in I. brow and lid as if suppurating, on pressure. Vision as through a veil the letters run together when reading. V. obscured at 7 P.M on entering the house from a walk, with vibrations before eyes on attempting to recognize small objects. Glistening flickerings, (<) about upper part and on one side, on looking, at the flickering it moves out of the field of vision, disturbing him when reading.


      Sticking in I. middle, with twinging; S. in r., not wholly external; slow S. inward through I.; tensive, (<) externally; tickling, in innermost part of r. Tearing in front of I meatus, with twitching pain. Gnawing beneath cartilages. Pain in r. middle as if in r. lobule and part of cartilage. Pricking and burning pain externally in r., then drawing inward. Difficult hearing, with increased humming before E. Humming hearing, with increased humming before E. Humming before E., with roaring or sound as of a distant drum.


      Pricking in I. side, with crawling in I. ear. crawling in r., provoking sneezing. Frequent sneezing, with or without fluent coryza; painful Sensation., with cough, obliging him to hold his hand with his chest. Fluent coryza, (<) morning. Bleeding; morning and evening; in morning, on blowing when washing the face; on stooping. Very sensitive to sour smells.


      Sudden jerking in I. cheek. Jaw, sticking tearing in I. lower, as if in periosteum; borrowing in r. joint and in adjacent bones, (<) opening mouth; pain in r. joint; drawing pressure on upper. Crack in middle of lower lip. Dry lips and little taste.


      Teeth (loose); sticking in morning after warm drinks; pain; cold sensation in crown of an incisor. Tongue, whitish ulcer on tip; round, painless swelling in middle; picking sticking on dorsum; sticking biting in r. side and tip. Biting on inner side of I. cheek, as after pepper. Bitter taste to bread; B. taste in throat in morning, till dinner. No taste to food.


      Rough scraping dry sensation in fauces and soft palate, causing hacking cough, with yellow mucous expectoration and hoarseness so that he speaks with exertion in a bass voice, with oppression of chest as if the air were withheld on talking and coughing, so that the breath could not be expired. Burning rough sensation deep in T. after dinner. Crawling biting in r. side of fauces when not swallowing.


      Ravenous hunger without appetite, returning when he thinks it is satisfied. Thirst. Acid eructations. Bitter eructations. Waterbrash. Hiccough. Nausea after eating: N. when coughing; (on thinking of it); with stupefying headache, (<) in forehead. Vomiting at night; in morning, mostly of bile; during the chill, at last of bile; before dinner; of water, mucus and food on coughing; of blood. Sticking in put, with throbbing. Clawing together in pit. Pinching tension in pit as if everything would be drawn inward, (<) deep inspiration. Tensive pain in epigastrium before and after a soft stool, if he holds the breath., during inspiration and expiration, (<) sitting and stooping.


      Cutting. Cutting blows in muscles of A,. and chest, (<) sitting. Pinching, with clawing and diarrhoea; cutting P. as from incarcerated flatus. Pain; twisting; constriction when coughing if he does not expectorate easily, with efforts to vomit. Sticking in r. side when sitting; boring s. in r. parietes; drawing s. from r. side to I. when walking, almost arresting breathing. Pain across hypochondria and lower part of chest. in H. on touch and on coughing, obliging him to press upon then when coughing Constriction in H. on coughing. in H., preventing cough unless he presses on put of stomach. Sudden contraction of lower A. as if about to vomit, on expiration in evening in bed, causing cough. Sticking in r. iliac fossa; drawing s. from I. loin into penis.

Clinical Constrictive pain in hypogastrium during the paroxysms of cough, so that he can not cough on account of the pain, and so that he presses his hands on the pit of his stomach or holds his sides.

Rectum and Stool

      Pressing-out pain in R. when not at stool. Thin stool. then ineffectual urging. Stool always becomes softer as it passes. Copious, pasty. Scanty, hard, with pressing,. Frequent, with cutting in abdomen. Bloody mucus, with S., ten pains in abdomen and small of back.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty urine. Profuse urine; and frequent micturition. Watery, odorless urine, with slimy offensive stools. Itching sticking in glans.

Respiratory Organs

      Bruised feeling in larynx when inhaling. Crawling in larynx provoking hacking cough (Con), with sensation as if a soft substance were in it and with sticking extending to r. side of pharynx. Cough waking him at 2 A.M. (Kali-c) C. in morning, with expectoration in evening on lying down; at night (Hyos). from very deep in chest; paroxysmal, so that he could scarlet get his breath (Hydrocy-ac). Bitter expectoration in morning, nauseous E,. in morning; (salt E. by coughing and hawking). Dyspnoea, (<) talking, (>) walking, with constriction of throat. Difficult respiration. Deep respiration. the breath from the lungs has a burnt odor when coughing.

Clinical The cough is usually, night, coming on immediately after lying down, of a spasmodic character, often ending with choking and vomiting and with cold sweat, sometimes provoked by tickling in larynx as from a (feather, or from collection of mucus which must be expectorated, at other times it seems to come from the abdomen and to be associated with convulsions of the muscles. of the chest and abdomen, when he must hold his sides with his hands, the cough generally ends with expectoration of mucus. Whooping cough, with constriction of chest and abdomen and sides, so that he must hold them with his hands, attacks (<) night. Whooping cough, paroxysms (<) after midnight, the child holds its sides with its hands, often retches and vomits. In laryngitis there is generally a rather free secretion of mucus, the cough is paroxysmal in character. In laryngeal phthisis, with great hoarseness, secretion of tough mucus, sore bruised feeling if the chest, paroxysmal cough after midnight, breaks into sweat on waking, etc. Bronchitis of old people, with severe paroxysms; of cough, free expectoration. relieved by this drug. It is often indicated in the cough of measles., especially hoarse cough in afternoon and evening and after midnight. After coughing some of the expectoration seems to remain, so that he cannot fully expire, a (<) speaking and coughing, Whooping cough, with hemorrhage from mouth and nose and suffocation.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.