Homeopathy Remedy Cyclamen


      Drawing pain in submaxillary glands on bending neck forward. Fauces red; and painful on swallowing, with much tough mucus. Uvula and tonsils contracted and white. Much hawking. Scraping in fauces; frequently, with pain on swallowing; burning S. Sudden sore pain. Drawing-bruised pain deep in muscles, extending internally down oesophagus and causing tension in it. Jerks in evening, with pain. Constriction. Burning.


      Appetite great; alternating with loss of A.; unnatural, then at times lost; diminished; D. at dinner, then constant empty eructations; lost; L. Especially for breakfast and supper, at these times satiety, as soon as he begins to eat. Aversion to bread and butter, warm food goes down more easily. Thirst; at night; after eating; great during during dinner; no T. all day, but it occurs in evening as face and hands become warm; absent, then greater at times than in health. Aversion to beer.

Eructations; after breakfast, which consisted of a cup of coffee; in evening after eating, always ending in hiccough, wherewith rancid fluid rises into throat; sour; empty after eating; empty, burning and rancid; of a fatty smell; with oppression of stomach. Hiccough; after eating; when eating and afterwards, or hiccough-like eructations.

Nausea; towards morning; at night; in morning after the accustomed smoke, with fulness of chest and unusual hunger; in afternoon; towards evening, with vertigo, weakness and ill humor; after a cup of coffee in evening that was not relished, with sour eructations; after the breakfast that was not relished, with vomiting; after dinner and supper, with uneasiness and qualmishness in epigastric region as after eating too much fat (Pulsatilla); in throat and palate on eating a little; caused by everything but lemonade; with waterbrash; with headache; with diarrhoea.

Vomiting; at night, with diarrhoea; then vertigo, dim vision and frontal headache; violent, then sleepiness; of a greenish liquid; of mucus; of food and mucus, with vertigo; of mucus, then uneasy sleep interrupted by starting up and unpleasant dreams; of watery mucus, the vertigo, so that she must lie down. Distention; with rumbling in hepatic region; and of abdomen, with eructation, especially D., like a ball beneath liver, with crawling as from something living in abdomen, on rubbing the crawling changed into the breast, and it felt as if air–streamed out of nipples. Fulness as if overloaded, and six hours after eating incomplete eructations tasting of food. Sticking; in epigastric region; in pit; in pit, and fulness as if overloaded as if overloaded; ending in eructations.

Clinical A general aggravation from fat food, like Pulsatilla, and many other symptoms similar to that drugs, from which it is differentiated by its peculiar conditions.


      Distention (Lycopodium); at night, with full feeling; by gas. Rumbling, with griping; R. after breakfast, with movings, then pain. Flatulence. Frequent emissions of flatus. Sticking; through A. on moving. Cutting with pain in small of back. Griping at night; G., then diarrhoea twice. gnawing as from a tape-worm, with sensation as from something living it it. Cramplike pain; in evening; with headache, (<) in forehead; sudden intermittent. Pain; in afternoon and night; on touch. Dragging, with in creased warmth.

Sticking in hepatic region;beneath hepatic region. Tearing, piercing through-and-through sticking beneath stomach, on moving about. Griping in upper as before diarrhoea, then yellow soft stool, then griping, then constipation. Throbbing in upper. Paralytic pressive sensation in upper, as if part of the intestines were loose, with tensive sensation in neighboring parts. Tension in flanks Sticking in umbilical region. Frequent Griping in U. region, walking him at night, (>) pressure upon abdomen, disappearing after stool. Deceptive distended sensation in r. side beneath umbilicus.

Lower. – Rumbling after eating (Lycopodium); R. after emission of flatus. Sticking in l. inguinal canal in evening. Jerking cutting along inguinal canal; sudden intermittent pinching cutting in lower A. Pinching; and pressure inward. Pain on touch, with sometimes pressive, sometimes griping pain, at other times a mixture of the two. Tension in inguinal region after midday nap. Discomfort, with nausea in it.

Rectum and Anus

      Sticking in R.; in A. in evening. Drawing pain in and about anus and in perineum, as if suppurating, when walking and sitting. Heat in R., with pressure nd with swelling of haemorrhoidal vessels. Urging to stool; which was thin, with burning and straining, then streaks of blood; ineffectual, after a normal stool.


      Fluid, with frequent rumbling and passage of Flatus. Thin, light yellow. Diarrhoea; after every cup of coffee; sudden Slimy, which afterwards is passed unnoticed. Pasty. Hard and frequent; in hard masses; compact, with burning in rectum. Constipated. Odorless, brownish-yellow and mixed with mucus. Shooting out, at first crumbly, then soft, with palpitation. With great urging and drops of blood. Delayed. Twice a day. Absent.

Urinary Organs

      Pain going from bladder to urethra in evening when urinating. Pressure on bladder and rectum after midday nap, with frequent urging to urinate, much urine and emission of much flatus; P. on bladder and rectum without frequent micturition or stool. Urging, with pressure in anus. Frequent urging; with scanty discharge. Frequent micturition after dinner; F., with dragging; F., with urging in bladder and rectum, with passage if Flatus upward and downward; of much clear urine, also at night; of watery urine. Rare micturition; and urine scanty. Sticking in urethra; in forepart when urinating; with urging. Urine increases; and passing in a large stream; diminished; light, containing epithelia cells; dark, containing floating flakes; dark reddish-yellow, discharged as if shot out all at once; much sediment reaction acid, chlorides abundant.

Sexual Organs

      Prepuce retracted in open air. Frequent erection at night without dreams to cause them. Sore sensation in glans and prepuce in evening after slight robbing. Menses profuse, black and clotted (Chamomilla), with labor pains and distention of abdomen, so that she could scarcely stoop; black, clotted and membranous; M. too early (Chamomilla, Carbo-v.), relieving somewhat the heaviness of feet and melancholy; M. preceded by pain in abdomen; omitted the second day.

Clinical Profuse frequent menstruation, which comes on too early, with labor-like pains extending from back to pubis. Suppressed menstruation with a great variety of symptoms of the head, eyes, stomach, anaemia, etc. (general dream of fresh sir or with constant chilliness). Chlorosis, with scanty and suppressed menses, great dream of fresh air. Membranous dysmenorrhoea, with profuse flow.

Respiratory Organs

      Pain in larynx. Scraping in trachea in open air, with dryness, causing suffocative cough; sudden S. in larynx. Tickling in larynx, with scraping and with dry cough, lachrymation and watery salivation; T. in larynx, with dry cough; frequent sudden T. in larynx, with paroxysms of cough. Voice rough. Voice weak when reading, with hiccough Cough, (<) during sleep, never caused by talking or walking, even against at cold wind; violent at night, with tickling in larynx; violent at night, with scraping in larynx, pain in fauces and thick mucus; hacking. Much expectoration; E. in yellowish – white consistent lumps.. Suffocation.


      Sticking in r. side; l. about l. nipple at 4 P.M. when walking; in r. side above sixth rib in evening; l. side, (<) by inspiration; intermittent, in upper part of sternum; tearing, with dyspnoea and short breath; tearing on last true ribs on bending forward. Pressure on sternum; in middle of S. in evening; in l. side, (<) about heart, as from too much blood, with palpitation. Tightness in morning. Oppression, with difficult respiration. Fluttering in l. side. Burning in l. Mammae feel larger than usual, sticking and tensive pains in them, glands hard and painful, flow of watery milk from nipples, the milk left a starchlike spot on the linen, as this fluid appeared the symptoms of the breast disappeared. Feeling as if air streamed out of breasts, with swelling and painfulness of them and discharge of watery, milky fluid.

Heart and Pulse

      Sticking in praecordial region at night on waking; S. in region of apex. Heart’s action excited, fluttering in region. Palpitation in evening. Heart’s beat and pulse scarcely perceptible. Pulse full. Pulse rapid and respiration somewhat accelerated; P. rapid, but respiration quite; R., hard and full; R., scarcely perceptible.


      Rheumatic drawing in l. side on bending head backward. Drawing rheumatic pain in l. side in evening on moving head, with heat in l. side in evening on moving head, with heat in muscles of neck and in l. ear. Paralytic in nape, (>) on bending head backward. Smarting sore sensation internally and externally in nape.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.