Homeopathy Remedy Cyclamen

Cyclamen homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Cyclamen…

      A tincture is made from the fresh root of Cyclamen Europaeum, L.

General Action

      Drawing or tearing pains, (<) motion, in various parts where the bones are immediately covered by skin, as, for example, on tibiae and calves. Boring in r. metatarsal and in r. temple, then extending into r. upper teeth, and, after leaning on l. temple, extending into this also. Paralytic pressure on chest when sitting still and in upper arm and tibia. General discomfort. Uneasiness at night. Constant desire to lie down, in a child.

Weakness; in morning; on waking; in evening; in evening, with sleepiness and frequent yawning; in evening, with shortness of breath; in evening, but on rising after a nap bruised and stiff feeling in limbs and drawing pains in thighs and knees on waking, also with clammy mouth and irritable mood; on waking, with fretfulness, confusion of head and pasty taste; after eating; after dinner, after midday nap, with tension in abdomen, passage of flatus up and down, profuse micturition, with dragging in bladder and rectum, heat in head and shivering in back; when moving, but on sitting itching and other symptoms towards evening; with pallor, sunken eyes and rapid pulse; with profuse sweat; with disinclination to work. General depression, with weariness of feet, sleepiness and frequent yawning. Sudden faintness as if everything turned if a circle, with blackness before eyes, then violent vomiting. Heaviness of body and weariness of knees; H. of body in morning on waking, with pasty mouth, hot head, pressure in stomach and passage of flatus upward and and downward.


      Ill humor; with sleepiness of mind and weakness of body, the latter (>) on moving about; with disinclination to speak and little feeling in the body; with sadness, no desire to work and anxiety as if some misfortune were impending; then sudden joy, which he expresses by quivering of joints; alternating with liveliness. Anxiety. Apprehension. Sadness as if he had committed some evil and had not done his duty. Melancholy, complaints about her weeping mood (Pulsatilla). Profound reflection concerning the present and future, almost to weeping. Sudden joy towards evening. Absorbed in himself and disinclined to talk; A. in thought, desires to be alone and thinks especially about his future state. Paroxysmal disinclination to talk. Disinclination to work, lasting till evening; D. to work, alternating with great desire therefore. Dullness. Stupefaction, inability to rejoice or to be sad, although he feels as if he had just been afflicted, his mind is only somewhat clearer when he excited, and he then acts as if just awakened, having only half understood what was going on. Memory weak; he easily misplaces words; alternating with great activity.

Clinical Symptoms of depression, with weeping and desire to be alone, in suppressed menstruation.


      Sticking, (>) appearance of menses, with weakness; S. in brain on stooping. Aching; in morning; in morning on rising, with flickering before eyes; in afternoon, with vertigo; in evening; in evening on going to sleep; all night; with nausea; with weakness and nauseous taste; stupefying. Oppressive stupefaction, with obscuration of vision and sensation as if eyes were about to close. Confusion; in evening, with vertigo, as if objects were wavering, stupidity, heat of head, red cheeks, glistening eyes, alternations of heat and chill, full, hard, rapid pulse, finally nausea and watery diarrhoea preceded by rumbling and colic; after breakfast, with salivation, eructations and pressure in stomach; (>) cold applications to forehead, with other symptoms of head; with obscured vision; with roaring in ears; with warmth.

Emptiness changing to prickling in scalp and skin of face. Feeling as if bound. Heaviness. Dizzy fulness, with heat or it. Pulsations in brain in evening in bed, with late falling asleep. Congestion. Rush of blood, with headache, anxiety and dim vision. Vertigo; all the afternoon; towards evening; towards evening, with pain in forehead; (<) walking; with dim vision; periodic, with general sick feeling, disordered appetite and fulness in stomach; as if descending a mountain; as if objects wavered; as if all objects turned in a circle, and on lying down frequent eructations, as if objects were turning in a circle, (<) motion in open air, (>) in the room and when sitting; as if the brain were moving in the head or as if he were riding in a wagon with his eyes closed, on leaning if the body were turning around, and darkness before eyes.

Forehead. – Contraction of muscles as in anger. Sticking; in r. and temple; in forepart of brain on stooping; jerking, in r., extending to face, (<) motion. Sudden tearing in r. bone. Pain; making night uneasy; drawing from r. side to l., then back into r side, then in l. temple, (>) after touch. Stupefying pain, in r., then nausea and eructations. Confusion; of l. gradually extending over whole head, with prickling in scalp; in sinciput, with heat of it; in sinciput, with itching of scalp.

Temples. – Sticking in r.; in l., then in sinciput, with vertigo, then pressure in forehead; outward in bones; jerking, in l., then r.; drawing, in l., (>) touch. Pain; in;., in l., with heat of head, then confusion of r. side of head; contractive, and emptiness; jerking head, (<) forehead, and stiffness of nape.

Sticking on sides, (<) along coronal sutures. Sudden boring in l. parietal bone. Sticking in coronal suture; with pulsations in temporal arteries; in r., preceded by pressure. Pain in middle of vertex, at r., times causing vertigo; in vertex as if the brain were bond with a cloth and as if he were thereby deprived of his senses. Pain in occiput; painful drawing in brain, in a line from l. side of occiput through l. temple. Tearing externally. Pimples on occiput Itching sticking, changing its place on scratching. Itching.

Clinical In menstrual derangements, vertigo, with headache, nausea and vomiting, Vertigo in gastric derangements, things turn in a circle, (>) in the room, (<) open air (Coccul., Nux-v.), (thee opposite of Pul.). Periodic headache on one side, with debility, in an anaemic patient. The headaches of Cyclamen are apt to be associated with menstrual disturbances, or with anaemia, indigestion, etc.


      Sunken and dull-looking; S. and surrounded by blue rings. Glittering. Burning, (<) reading; on reading in evening in bed, with flickering of the light; of r. Sticking itching of E. and lids. Pupils dilated; (<) r.; alternately D. and contracted, finally contracted; alternately D. and contracted, dependent on respiration, occurring after inspiration or expiration, prover seemed able to see the fibres of the iris as through a magnifying-glass. Pupils contracted. Sticking in r. ball and lid. Vessels visible in whites, (<) l.

Lids. Swelling of upper. Contraction as from a strong light. Blinking; on slightest pressure or rubbing; of r. upper. Vibration of r. upper on rubbing eye or forehead. Pressure upon, on frequent waking at night; P. as if agglutinated; P. in l. canthus; l. inner canthus. Dryness and pressure as if swollen, with itching sticking in them and in balls. Itching; in r. inner canthus.

Vision dim; (<) on waking, with spots before eyes; in afternoon, so that she could knit. Flickering, of various colors, glittering needles, vision of smoke (comp. Lycopodium); F., with confusion of head; beginning with headache, (<) r. eye, but lasting longer in l, with inability to read, the light appeared like a luminous ball, also with open as well as closed eyes, vision of a dark disc frequently pierced by lightning, afterwards he saw with l. eye as through a dark blue glass. More acute than usual. Double. Rings around the light, so that she must stop embroidering on white. Vision of colors; yellow, at other times green; at times yellow, at times black.

Clinical The visual disturbances of flickering obscuration, etc. particularly associated with disturbances of the female functions and of digestion. Convergent strabismus.


      Tearing in inner passages of l Drawing pain in inner passages of r., hearing less distinct in this ear. Itching, with removal of much wax. Stopped feeling in r. Ringing; (<) night, with sticking and headache. Roaring; on walking a long time.


      Pain across bones in evening. Dryness. Coryza, with frequent sneezing; fluent c.; sudden fluent C., causing febrile excitement; sudden discharge of much watery mucus several times at night, without sneezing. Frequent slight bleeding. Sneezing; violent, with itching of ear and much ear-wax. Smell diminished.


      Red cheeks. Itching sticking in r. cheek, then burning. Biting together of jaws. Tearing in l. joints of jaw; T. in r. upper jaw and in crown of r. eyetooth. Lips numb or feeling as if indurated. Dry lips without thirst.


      Sticking in last upper hollow molar. Tearing in l. upper teeth; in three l. back T., as if they would be torn out. Jerking through upper T.; tearing, sticking J. in two first r. upper r. upper molars. Pain in r. lower T.; sore P. in r. upper incisors, (<) crowns, extending into walls of mouth. Tongue white; yellowish- white; T. coated; coated white; tip red, burning, covered with yellow blisters; tip red, burning, covered with blisters, with pain on speaking or chewing, and with salivation; sticking; burning in l. side, with sticking; burning ion tip in evening. Pale M. and fauces in morning. Much mucus. Rough, slimy sensation. Palate feels swollen. Dryness or palate in evening, with thirst and hunger. Salvia has a salt taste, which is communicated to all he takes. Salivation; with pasty taste; with frequent hawking; frequent S., with incomplete eructations tasting of food. Salt taste to food; T. flat; flat to food and almost wanting; bitter T.; nauseous T.; sudden nauseous.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.