Homeopathy Remedy Cuprum

Clinical Neuralgia of the face, burning stinging pains, (<) touch (Ars).


      Teeth green; T. coated with sulphuret of copper; dark greenish- blue line on T.; T. fell out, (<) upper, without salivation. Black line on gums; purple line; G. lax and spongy; soft, with purplish-red patches at their juncture with cheeks; retracted; ulcerated; swollen and ulcerated at their edges.

Tongue. – Coated; white; yellowish; light brown, except on edges and tip, which were clean and pale red, whole T. moist; and clammy. Pale, with thin whitish coat. Green. White; in middle, red at edges. Red, with enlarged papillae; and dry. Cracked and brownish. Swollen and pale. Moist and flabby. Roundish ulcers, with yellow base, on tip and margins. Epithelium came off and mucous membrane of mouth loosened in large flakes. Dry; and foul. Loss of speech.

Mucous membrane pale inside of lower lip and part of upper, mostly where the teeth had made an impression, dark blue, teeth slate-colored, (<) edge. Froth. Much mucus in morning; thick bloody mucus in mouth and throat. Spitting of blood, (<) morning on rising. Soreness, with blisters on mucous membrane. Sharp pain in M. and pharynx. Dryness; and of throat; without thirst. Tingling of M. and teeth as from a galvanic current, from acids of any sort, fruit, etc. Saliva flowing from mouth. Salivation; with swelling of tongue and of salivary glands; viscid.

Taste. – Bitter. Nauseous. Sourish all the afternoon as if he tongue had been held against iron. Salt, sour in morning. Bad. Coppery; with burning in throat; in oesophagus. Sweetish; and metallic also with saliva running from mouth, dryness of throat and constriction when swallowing. Flat. Food tastes like water. Lost.

Clinical Paralysis of tongue associated with general paralysis. Speech stuttering.


      Audible gurgling of drinks. Spasms. preventing speaking. Redness of velum, with croupous exudation on tonsils; spotted R. of of fauces; velum palati and posterior wall of pharynx brownish-red and dry, with difficulty in swallowing and rough voice. Inflammation, preventing swallowing. Swelling; and hardness, with inability to swallow. Sticking. Pain; in thyroid cartilage. Constriction (Zincum met.); of pharynx; of gullet; of fauces, with nausea. Compression of pharynx as from a foreign body at anterior surface of throat. Soreness. Dryness, with thirst. Burning. Swallowing difficult.

Clinical Spasms of the oesophagus (Zincum met.), paroxysmal cough, intense pain behind sternum on attempting to swallow.


      Eats hastily. Desire for cold rather than warm food. Appetite lost; in evening; but empty feeling in stomach; A. Diminished. Aversion to food. Thirst; for cold water; unquenchable; drinking only a little at a time. Desire for acids. Eructations; in afternoon and evening; of mucus mixed with green lumps; bitter and sourish, as from heartburn, spasmodically constricting throat and preventing swallowing. Hiccough; with spasmodic contractions of pharynx; then eructations of sourish bitter water; then vomiting of offensive odor, tasting copper.

Nausea; on attempting to swallow animal food; as if associated with intoxication; in upper part of throat, then vomiting of bitter, greenish mucus and pain in stomach; in almost whole abdomen, extending into throat, (<) pit of stomach, with putrid taste; sudden, then vomiting of fluid arterial blood, next day vomiting of dark fluid, then sensation of something passing into stomach and thence into bowels, next day haemorrhage again, then sudden collapse. Retching; ineffectual; ineffectual, with constriction of oesophagus and across chest in direction of diaphragm; violent.

Vomiting; with burning nausea rising to throat; with colic; (>) drinking cold water ( Arsenicum in part). Forcible. Constant, with purging; C., with colic. Frequent; after drinking (Arsenicum); at night; with colic and diarrhoeas, as in cholera. Of breakfast; of every kind of food; of contents of stomach and bile, then dry retching. Of water, with lachrymation. Frothy fluid mixed with blood. Bloody matter; of blood and mucus; bloody, with bloody diarrhoea, little colic, but much cramping in limbs; of B. without cough, with deep stitches in l. side of chest. Bilious fluid. Greenish; and yellowish; and liquid; liquid, with blood; violent, sudden, of water, with copious greenish diarrhoea and colic (compare Veratrum); violent, bilious, with frequent liquid stools; and yellow-green bile, with cramps; bitter, slimy, at one time of sweetish, clear, tenacious saliva; viscid, glairy, tinged with blood. Frequent, almost brownish-yellow, in part greenish.

Distention in region, with soreness to touch; in epigastric region. Cramps and pains in bowels. Griping and pressure, then vomiting. Sticking near l. side of pit, not affecting respiration; gnawing S. in stomach. Tearing; in pit. Pinching, extending at times into throat and at times into abdomen. Pressure, with intermittent, contractive pains. Pain; in region; epigastric region; in pit, (<) pressure; in pit, as from something hard, (<) touch. Cardialgia. Heartburn in afternoon, then bitter mucus in throat. Burning, rising into throat and mouth. Distress after eating; D. in S. and abdomen, (<) vomiting. Occasional weight in epigastric region, rather towards r. side, with uneasiness, and after meals seals sense of distention; W. in epigastric region, with weakness and oppression. Epigastric pulsation. Internal heat in epigastric region. Sensation of something bitter in it. Sensitiveness to touch; epigastric region. Weakness. Irritability, (<) eating Impatient of everything but the most bland and simple milk diet. Disposition to remove some offending substances, without nausea.

Clinical Obstinate vomiting always on waking in morning, on the slightest movement. Cramp in the region of the stomach and abdomen, or very violent cutting pain going through to back as if transfixed and preventing the slightest motion.


      Tense, hot and tender to touch (Belladonna). Stretched like a board (Plum.) Distended, hard, painful to touch; D., with paroxysmal soreness and with falling our of teeth, (<) upper, without salivation, trembling of limbs, after a third attack lameness, paralysis of r. hand. Tympanitic. Rumbling in sleep. Spasmodic motions of muscles; S. motions of A. and stomach. Contracted; and sore to touch; almost to spine, but not sensitive to pressure (Plumb.).

Acute enteritis. Cramp at 6 A.M., as if drawn together with a first, and ineffectual urging to diarrhoea; occasional C. Shooting across A. and under ensiform cartilage; corroding S. and internal ulcers. Cutting; and tearing; and constriction. Chronic gastro-enteritis. Griping; after warm milk in morning; on walking after eating green vegetables, (>) rest and lying down, then weakness. Sudden pain as if struck when sitting reading, (>) pressure. Colic; during digestion; (<) pressure; (<) fatigue; (>) stools; with constipation; with almost constant urging to stool; with vomiting and purging of green matter; intermittent C.; intermittent, (>) bending double’ paroxysmal, with hot seat; causing anxiety; extending transversely across A., remitting at times but not intermitting; as from something hard, (<) touch; spasmodic; intermittent drawing. Feeling as if intestines were drawn into knots, in some paroxysmal, with inclination to draw knees up and press hard upon bowels. Pressing together of intestines every forenoon, (<) walking or pressure, with pressure from upper and posterior part towards, l. lower part. Constriction. Tension. Sensitiveness so that she could bear no covering. Internal heat, Inclination to waterbrash.

Colic in upper and middle, (<) pressure. Griping in l. side. Drawing in r.; l., from below false ribs to bend of thigh. Feeling in l. as if bubbles formed and broke. Swelling of liver. Stocking in hepatic region, in auxiliary line through to pit of stomach. Griping in l. hypochondrium, extending to hip. Pain in hypochondria; in r., extending to r. shoulder; drawing P. from l. H. to hip. Sensitiveness of H., l. Cramplike pain in middle and one side, (<) l. Pain in umbilical region; l. Hypogastrium dull on pressure. Pressure downward in lower A. as from a stone; drawing P. as from something hard, (<) touch. Pain in l. iliac region, (<) pressure.

Clinical Most horrible colic, with tendency to collapse, convulsive vomiting, hiccough, etc, Neuralgia of the abdominal viscera.

Rectum and Anus

      R. inflamed and sensitive. Heaviness of R. after stool, with uneasiness. Tickling as from pin-worms. Tenesmus; after stool; with scanty, dark, pulpy stools; with burning in R. close to anus. Frequent urging; ineffectual U. Sticking above anus. Smarting in A. after stool.


      Diarrhoea; violent; bloody; slimy, brown then greenish, with streaks of blood; profuse, with tenesmus and prostration; alternating with constipation. Liquid; and involuntary, also green and offensive; and involuntary, copious, waking him at 2 A.M., when lying on abdomen; and frequent, with bright red blood and shreds of membrane, sometimes scanty, sometimes containing fragments of solid faces. Like frothy molasses. Constipation; with tenesmus; with intermittent drawing pain about umbilicus and flank. Green. Grayish. Bloody; of bloody mucus; of almost clear bright red blood; bright blood from bowels. Scanty, mucous, brownish, afterwards greenish, next day streaked with blood; S. mucous, greenish, preceded and followed by griping, and tenesmus after stool. Copious. Difficult. Painful, green, with cutting and tenesmus. Involuntary. Frequent; and small, bilious, with burning and tenesmus; offensive, copious, green, relieving symptoms somewhat; slimy, tinged with blood, and on straining shreds of lymph and frothy ash-colored secretions were forced out, aggravating the sufferings. Omitted.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.