Homeopathy Remedy Cuprum

Cuprum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Cuprum…

      Pure precipitated metallic Copper is triturated with sugar of milk. Solutions of the salts of Copper are used. Allies. – Plumbum, Arsenic.


      Stretched upon the floor without sense, lay constantly with legs drown up; constant dorsal decubitus; on back, with head bent backward; the child lay upon its stomach, with jerking upward of pelvis; lay still and apathetic, looking straight ahead, with dim eyes and stupid expression. Emaciation. Violent struggles. Writhing of whole frame under the pain. Trembling; (<) hands. Cramps.

Convulsions; form pressure on stomach; general; with stiffness of limbs and body, jaws clenched; in sleep, twitching of fingers, arms and hands backward and inward towards body, drawing back of feet, at one time opening and distorting eyes, at another closing them and distorting mouth; after pain in last dorsal vertebrae, the pain extending suddenly into l. arm, to wrist, arm was spasmodically flexed and extended, then loss of power, these attacks returning the two next days; with constant vomiting and pain in abdomen, gradually passing into paralysis; C., (<) abdomen and limbs, when attacked they croaked like frogs or howled, were crazy, looked frightened, attempted to escape, eyes glistened and seemed to start from their sockets, if one was attacked the others on hearing his cries were likewise attacked. Epileptic fits; epileptiform convulsions, trembling, staggering, falling down unconscious, without crying; epileptiform attacks, with frothing at mouth, trunk bent outward, limbs forcibly trust outward and mouth open.

Shooting through body; (<) r. side, causing shuddering. Painful jerks or thrusts in various parts. Pains all over; in muscles; in bones in morning, with headache and nausea; in bones during remissions of delirium and convulsions, with headache; neuralgic P. in various parts, stomach, intestines, hips and lower limbs; rheumatic. Jaundice, with vomiting, eructation, heaviness in head, difficult hearing, grayish stools, thirst, dark, turbid urine, with yellowish sediment. Sensitiveness to changes of weather. Sensibility of paralyzed parts.

Agitation. Uneasiness; with tossing about )Arsenicum); with piercing cries; with anxiety (Arsenicum); with jerking of limbs. Weakness (Arsenicum); after walking, so that limbs trembled; with increase of corpulence. Faintness; on slightest motion. Heaviness. Paralysis. Trunks and limbs stiff jaws clenched. Aggravation from lying down. Amelioration after stool; and micturition; A. of pains and of hardness of abdomen after diarrhoea, then nervous symptoms.

Clinical Spasmodic contraction of flexor muscles, especially of the fingers, toes and thumbs. Epilepsy characterized by the most violent spasms, with cold sweat, blue surface, etc. Chorea brought on by fright. Chorea of the most violent character, with spasmodic vomiting, cold sweat, etc, Chorea, with violent hysterical symptoms, laughing or violent weeping. Chorea during pregnancy. Uraemic convulsions following cholera. Convulsions preceding the outbreak of eruption in measles, scarlet fever, or in repression of the eruption. Convulsions from worms. Neuritis, with lightning-like pains, (<) touch. Paralysis of flexor muscles (Plumb, extensors).


      Delirium; with disconnected talking; in attacks, with full, rapid, hard pulse, inflamed eyes, wild look and disconnected talking, ending in sweat; attack of surly; in attacks, he fancies that he is a captain in the army, fancies that he is selling green vegetables or that he is repairing old chairs, merry singing, spitting in faces of attendants and laughing at it; quit, unintelligible murmuring interrupted by lamentations; furious. Rage in attacks, they tried to bite bystanders. Talking all the time. Crying like a child; C. our frequently. Howling in unexpected paroxysms. Spasmodic laughter; immoderate L. in evening.

Anxiety; with tossing about (Arsen.); deathly, in attacks, without heat; that is peculiar to pain in pit of stomach. Fear; it seems as if he must tread lightly to avoid injuring himself or disturbing his companions. Melancholy; with desire to be alone and anxiety about her death, which she supposes imminent. Fretfulness, with irresolution and dissatisfaction with everything; intermittent F., he does not know what he wishes, he desires to be alone. Apathy. Disinclination to work; yet idling is irksome. A version to everything. Taciturnity. Loss of sensitiveness and moping in a corner. Obliged to think a long time before they can answer. Loss of ideas, weakness of memory. Lethargic stupefaction. Coma. Semi-conscious, voice faint, eyes half open, fixed, glassy, insensible to light, pulse weak, in some quick, in others slow, difficult to arouse, when aroused complaining of cold and of pain in abdomen. Senseless, he seems in a half-waking dream. Unconscious; and fell down in sudden convulsions.

Clinical In mania, biting and tearing, foolish gestures of mimicry, or the patient shrinks with fear and tries to get away from every one, with general chilliness, nor (>) heat, etc.


      Drawn backward; D. obliquely. Inflammation of brain. Lancinations, (<) turning it to wither side, it felt as if fastened to shoulders by a long peg. Aching; in evening; (<) motion; with nausea; then vomiting and purging; bruised, in brain and eyes on turning eye; beating; compressive, in deferent parts; drawing, in many parts, with vertigo and general sick feeling. Confusion; with beating. Heaviness; with sticking in 1 shoulder on moving it from side to side. Dullness. Congestion. Apoplexy. Vertigo; on looking up (Plumb.), with vanishing of vision as from a veil before eyes; on reading; on rising from bed, even to falling; (<) moving, (>) lying, with weakness, head sinking forward; (>) stool, with stupefaction; preventing sitting up in bed; in attacks; as if it were turning around in head and he would fall forward.

Forehead. – Intermittent lancinations, sometimes in F., sometimes in vertex, sometimes in temples or occiput, (<) pressure. Burning sticking in l. side. Pain;over eyes; as if brain were pressed outward, (<) stooping, with confusion of head.

Temples. – Veins swollen. Burning sticking in l. and on vertex. Tearing, (<) touch. Pain in r.(<) touch; P. in temples, frontal eminences, occiput and in brain, (<) motion and touch, with vertigo; drawing P. in l., (<) touch. Painful throbbing in arteries.

Pain in vertex. Cutting jerking in l. side of head. Pain or r., then I side; (P. in parietal bone, (<) touch). Drawing in l. side, extending to face, ear, behind ear and to l. side of neck. Burning tearing in occiput at attachment of cervical muscles on moving head forward. Heaviness in occiput. Hair colored green; from white. Crawling on vertex. Prickling tickling on vertex. Soreness; on touching hair.

Clinical Meningitis from suppressed eruptions, with convulsions, loud screams, clenched thumbs, lips blue, etc. Valuable in extremely violent continued headache, with sensation as if cold water were poured over the head. Violent headaches, with vomiting of all food and drink, sunken eyes, etc. Extremely violent headache over frontal sinuses in nasal catarrh (compare Kali iod.).


      Sunken; and staring; and dim; and glazed. Surrounded by blue rings; and sunken; and looking weary. Prominent. Fixed; upward. Wandering. Sparkling. Dim, inclined to close from weakness. Pain as from night-watching; burning P.; Sore burning P. now in one, now in other. Itching towards evening. Public dilated; contracted; insensible. conjunctiva injected; C; greenish-yellow. Itching of balls. Lids red; and swollen. Pressure in lids on opening and closing them, (<) touch. Pain in orbits; bruised, on turning eyes. Photophobia. Blackness before eyes. Flickering eyes. Photophobia. Blackness before eyes, flickering vision of sparks.


      Sticking in r. Tearing in cartilage of l. Pain in ears, tearing in r. Boring in and behind E. Pressure in r. Concha as from something hard. Itching. Distant drumming in ear on which he lay in morning, (>) raising himself. Roaring and ringing. Fluttering in l. Deafness.


      Red and swollen. Sensation of rush of blood. Itching internally. Stopped coryza, with sleepy yawning; fluent C., with lachrymation and smarting of eyes; profuse C. Bleeding; with petechiae. Frequent sneezing. Loss of smell.


      Pale; dirty, shining color; and thin; and collapsed; with expression of prostration or stupidity. Bluish, with blue lips; B. over cheek-bones. Red; and swollen; and swollen and hot; with heat and sometimes coldness running over body. Icteric. Pale yellow coppery color. Sallow, almost clay-colored; dark S. Greenish-yellow. Lead-colored. Sunken; and yellow; and discolored; and pasty. Look confused. Heavy. Sad. Anxious. Suffering expression. Expressive of pain. Wild. Distorted; spasmodically, also with staring, retracted eyed. Sticking in r. side Pain in l. side as from a thrust. Pain in front of ear. Drawing inward beneath chin, (<) touch. Spasmodic contraction of jaws; tetanic C., with spasm of pharynx, preventing speech. Sticking inward in l. lower jaw, (<) touch, and in l. tonsil. pressure in l. ramus of J., (<) Touch; drawing P. on r. side of lower, (<) touch. Lips pale; livid; swollen; dry; soreness within upper.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.