Homeopathy Remedy Colocynthis

Upper Abdomen – Flatulent distention, (>) emission of flatus, with pulsation in small of back. Rumbling in l. hypochondriac and umbilical regions, with cutting. Sticking in hepatic region; after dinner, and in sacrum; in hepatic region, causing a restless night; beneath last ribs. Cutting; on inspiration, as from flatulence. Griping; with two pappy stools. Pinching after taking anything, (<) towards evening. Sudden thrust forward through hepatic region and then in a straight line through head. Pain towards noon after violent exercise; P. rose towards chest and became constrictive, (<) a shock, hawking or the like; in r. hypochondrium, at arch of diaphragm, oppressing respiration. Throbbing in l. hypochondrium, at arch of diaphragm. Drawing in l. hypochondrium.

Umbilical Region – Swelling, with confusion in forehead and temples. Sticking in a spot obliging him to bend up, (<) lifting; S. on r. side beneath navel, then on l. side to navel, only when walking on a level, (>) standing still and even on violent agitation (as in descending stairs); twitching S. extending towards loins and spine. Burrowing tearing, (<) expiration or loud laughter. Cutting after eating, with tenesmus. Griping; (<) eating fruit; (<) stool, with cutting and general chill; (<) dinner; (<) pressure, with sensitiveness of abdominal integuments; with discharge of flatus; below navel; (drawing hither and thither), changing into cutting as if a chisel were thrust deep into upper abdomen, passing in a curve backward into pelvis, then cutting upward again, at 4 P.M., at 4.30 the cutting in the hypogastrium was forward and upward, (<) forcible discharge of flatus and by straining and consequent expulsion of a long train of slippery bubbles of wind, with scanty bland mucus, returning at intervals, finally after 5 P.M. a painful expulsive pressure, then involuntary thin bland stool of faeces and much mucus, then relief of all pain in abdomen. Pinching; with cutting. Gnawing, (<) morning fasting. Repeated sensation below navel when walking as after taking cold, with urging to stool as if the sphincter had to no resisting power, stools thin, orange-colored and pappy, afterwards drawing-cutting darting repeatedly from behind forward and upward in a curve to navel, (<) urging to stool, which ran out in a watery stream and contained undigested soup, the sphincter seemed paralyzed, then ineffectual urging, which when repressed by voluntary muscles caused tension in lowest abdominal parietes and pressure at inferior angle of r. scapula, with tensive pain extending thence forward, then free protracted stool, the sphincter standing wide open. Acute pain, (<) walking. Pain emanating from navel (Diosc.), (>) by frequent discharge of flatus, preventing sleep; P. in evening; at night; after rising, with eructations; (>) night-sweat and flesh-colored urine, with the

difficulties in the head; in spot below navel, extending after the night-sweat through whole abdomen. Bruised pain in a spot, (<) walking, (>) eructations. Constriction; waking at 3 A.M.; in evening; after dinner. Compression at times, (<) towards morning, with sensation of a ball, increasing to a twisting or cutting pain. Sensitiveness. Sense of inflation, after dinner (Mag-c.), with compression in throat and nausea. Bubbling in a spot below navel.

Lower Abdomen – Gurgling in groin. Movements after dinner, (>) a soft stool. Sticking in public region; in r. flank; in l. groin; deep in l. groin; in flank, interrupting respiration; single S., now in r., now in l. groin, apparently connected with ovaries. Cutting; so that he must walk bent over, with general weakness, which makes walking difficult, with dread of work; after dinner, forcing him to a fluid stool; smarting, when walking, (<) every step. Griping, with rumbling and inflated sensation, going off with a stitch towards l. pubic region; G. in l. groin. Boring in l. groin close to pelvic bones. Pain after dinner, (>) discharge of fetid flatus and a stool; P. in pubic region; in groin as if a hernia would protrude and on pressure pain as if a hernia were going inward, in afternoon. Bruised pain, (<) walking and sitting bent over. Constriction about pubic region. Dragging from both sides to middle of hypogastrium, as from flatus which will not pass, but provokes emission of serum. Drawing pain in both groins, going all around pelvis. Tensive pain in r. groin, (<) pressure. Tension in region of l. anterior superior spine of ilium in evening, changing next day into drawing, extending from spine of ilium to inguinal region and upper third of inner surface of thigh.

Clinical Colic of the most violent character, (<) hard pressure, sometimes with nausea and vomiting, sometimes with diarrhoea, sometimes with discharge of great quantities of gas; pains often extend into chest and pelvis, and may be caused by suppressed perspiration, as from drinking ice-water when heated, or it may be brought on by fits of anger; the patient always doubles up with the colic (compare Diosc., Magnesia, etc.).


      Stitches. Pain in lower part; as from swollen haemorrhoids, when sitting, walking and at stool. Tickling after a pappy stool. Urging to stool; with sensation in anus and lower part of rectum as if weakened by diarrhoea; U. to a copious, yellowish-brown, partly thin, sourish, offensive stool, then transient relief of colic; then two abundant stools in quick succession, first pappy, then fluid, with ulcerative pain in bowels, (>) by bending forward, (<) upright position; sudden, then copious, pappy stool, then griping, coldness in abdomen, sleepiness and disinclination to study; frequent; which was under control. Ineffectual urging; frequent; then stool in single stony pieces.


      Haemorrhoids; painful; blind. Discharge of blood; daily, with sticking and burning in small of back and in anus. Moisture, and at perineum. Oozing of moisture in afternoon instead of the expected flatus. Twitching in anus and rectum in afternoon, with burning. Itching sticking; and in rectum. Pressing as before stool, but escape of only dissolving mucus; P., (>) escape of slightest quantity of wind or mucus. Sensitiveness around A., with frequent urging to an unsatisfactory diarrhoeic, but painless stool. Sensation as if successive slippery bubbles were escaping. Prickling and oozing. Itching; and in orifice of urethra. Burning; after stool; during insufficient stool, with sticking; as after diarrhoea, with excoriated pain and moisture; B. and jerking in anus and rectum.


      Fluid, after eating, with discharge of flatus, with colic all the afternoon, (>) warmth of bed; with tenesmus; with griping, then tenesmus; and frequent; frequent, mucous, painless; and slimy, then bilious, at last bloody; and faeculent at first, later almost of pure blood, with tenesmus and passage of pieces of mucous membrane; and light yellow in morning, F. and dark green at 6 P.M.; and rapidly discharged after gentle pressure and passage of slippery flatus at noon; almost F., frequent, yellowish; semi- fluid, with a storm of flatus, then considerable flatus; half watery, half solid. Dysentery; with passage of blood, with burning pain in sacral region. Thin, frothy, saffron-yellow, musty, smelling almost like burnt blotting-paper Diarrhoea; after dinner; with tenesmus; with nausea without ability to vomit; then flatulence and weakness; copious, with discharge of much mucus; frequent; yellow, after dinner; greenish-yellow, with feeling as if he had taken cold. Soft, frequent, brown; soft, frequent, mixed with lumpy faeces and flatulency; soft, light-colored, mixed with hard knots; soft, dark green; soft, slippery, with tensive pressure over forehead, at 11 A.M., and again in afternoon, then pressure alternately upon bladder and anus; soft, scanty, viscid, every three days. Pappy after dinner; with shivering over head and back; P. after eating, then burning at anus; with burning at anus; then intermittent griping and feeling of having taken cold in umbilical region, and rumbling in bowels; and frequent; and frequent,, with discharge of flatus; frequent, yellow, painless; with much mucus, then burning in anus.

Constipation. Hard, only occurring once in two or three days; H. as if he were passing stones; and dark, small (Bryonia); dark green; and unsatisfactory in morning and after dinner; hard, lumpy, with much flatus. Partly dry and knotty, partly diarrhoeic. Consistent, brown, often blackish-brown. Bloody. Scanty, mixed with mucus; S., slimy, tenacious. A second stool after dinner. Several small stools. Sluggish, occurring every other day. Delayed, and either diarrhoeic or hard and unsatisfactory.

Clinical Diarrhoea as the result of anger, or from fruit, with colic, the evacuation preceded by the characteristic colic of Coloc. as an important indication. Dysentery, bloody and mucous, stools always after eating or drinking, preceded by colic.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.