Homeopathy Remedy Causticum

China- Tearing in middle of bone; T. on lower part. Burning- cutting in r. side, as if a piece of glass were cutting outward. Tensive drawing pain in lower part.

Clinical Facial neuralgia at every change of weather. Paralysis of face taking cold, with hemiplegia. Acne rosacea. Rheumatism in the articulations of the lower jaw.


      Teeth. Looseness of some; of incisors; painful L. of incisors. Stitches; on biting on them; on opening mouth; in upper back, extending upward; in lower back, extending downward. Tearing in diseased root of a l. lower; T. in last l. upper back, at 2 P.M., (<) open air; in both r. rows, extending into zygoma, with bruised pain in both r. jaws on pressure and one chewing; extending into head and l. eye; in all in forenoon, as if they would fall out; intermittent, in roots of lower in morning. Boring in a lower malar; extending to nose and eyes. Prickling-digging in lower back, extending to ear. Pain; with much spitting of saliva; in a r. back; in a sound one on drawing in cold air; consisting of pressing-tearing and sticking combined, with erysipelatous swelling of cheek and a swollen suppurating pimple on gum; jerking, throbbing, with painful gum, so that he could not chew; throbbing, in a diseased back T. Toothache as if ulcerating, at night and during the day when she moves the mouth. Pain as if sore, in morning, then throbbing, the pain (>) bleeding of gum. Drawing toothache; in l. lower, from articulation to chin, in afternoon; with itching between teeth; in r. second molar, more in external surface, and extending into temples. Burning pain in hollow T. white eating and drinking. Pressure from without in roots of both anterior upper molars. Sensitiveness to touch; S. of T. and gums in morning. Peculiar sensation in roots, so that he must gnash the teeth.

Gums.- Swelling; in front and behind, with pain; of l. side, with sensitiveness while eating and with spasmodic pain in evening; with excoriation of pudenda on urinating. Bleeding. Drawing pain in lower. Sensitiveness without pain in teeth.

Tongue.- Vesicles on margin; painful V.; painful on tip. T. and back part of mouth threw off a thick and tough membrane. Sore pain on and breath T. and on palate. Pain on l. side as if bitten. Pain as if burnt on tip and margin. Scraping, then roughness of mouth as if covered with a skin; burning S. on tip, as if burnt, with salivation and burnt taste. Burning on tip. Dryness, with thirst.

Epidermal coating of mouth and fauces abraded; in morning, but partly hanging in large pieces, the mucous membrane itself swollen and loose, tongue scarlet, papillae swollen, arch of palate and uvula swollen and dark red, in mouth and fauces sensation of glowing coals, with constant pressure to swallow and hawk, which increased the pain, discharge of much saliva and mucus, voice hoarse and nasal, disposition bordering on desperation, with febrile symptoms, rapid pulse and unquenchable thirst.

Sore, painful spot on hard palate. Swelling of inside of cheek, which he bites when chewing. Mouth open at night, causing dryness. Stitches in l. side of palate. Pain in mouth, oesophagus and epigastric region; anteriorly on palate, as if suppurating, when touched with tongue. Burning scraping. Burning on palate, with soreness. Crawling posteriorly on palate, with burning pricking. Dryness at night; all forenoon, without thirst; and on lips, without thirst; with thirst; burning. Salivation; when walking after eating, with moisture in nose; rancid; watery, in forenoon, with nausea.

Taste of food remains long after eating; T. for food diminished. Fatty. Offensive; afternoons, as from a disrobed stomach. Viscid, glutinous.

Clinical Violent toothache from taking cold, even in sound teeth, from cold air. Painful looseness and elongation of teeth. Gums bleed easily, and are swollen. Dental fistula.


      Painful swelling of l. submaxillary gland. Distention of l. side, with suffocative sensation and necessity to loosen the neck-band. Audible cracking, deep-seated. Mucus after eating; clots of M.; after dinner which he cannot loosen by hawking, but he is obliged to swallow it. Hawking of mucus; in morning; from 5 P.M. till night, with soreness and burning in throat; every half hour of mucus, which immediately accumulates again; with pain in pit of throat.

Torn sensation, not on swallowing, but on making an exertion with head and on lifting or carrying anything. Pressure behind palate and on epiglottis; in pit on deep; breathing; as if under sternum, as from swallowing too large a morsel; choking, in morning on waking, as from swallowing a large crust. Sensation after eating as if food stuck. Frequent contractive sensation. Tension in r. side of T. and chest, drawing the body towards r. side. Sensation as if swollen and too narrow; as if swollen and raw. Sensation of tightness and suffocation, obliging him to loosen the neck-band. Rawness, with tickling and with dry cough and expectoration only after long coughing; R., with heartburn; with hoarseness and sore pain; with oppression of chest and febrile coldness; and, when breathing, sensation as if he had inspired too little air. Scraping, (<) evening and swallowing; S., with clawing and with heartburn. Scraping-clawing, with sensation on swallowing as of a lump. Burning.

Soreness; behind palate; from morning till afternoon, (>) dinner, with stitches, so that he could scarcely swallow; as if attachments of tongue had grown fast; as from a lump, with sticking; burning-sticking, (<) swallowing, and on uvula. Dryness in morning; D. when swallowing, then scraping down throat; of back part; in forenoon, with dry hacking cough; without thirst; now D., now moisture. Coldness, rapidly passing over palate, with salivation. Nauseous sensation. Itching, extending along Eustachian tube into ear. Constant inclination to swallow. Dysphagia, with stricture five inches and a half from incisors.

OEsophagus.- Ejection of mucous membrane in a perfect cylinder. Pain.

Clinical Acute sore throat, with laryngitis. Paralysis of muscles of pharynx.


      Eats with too much haste. Hunger early; ravenous H.; causing headache, (>) eating; but food is not relished. Appetite, but without having aversion to food it seemed as if she did not dare to eat. Little appetite, but food is relished; little A. but much thirst, (<) eating. Satiety, then hunger; speedy S. if she attempted to eat without being hungry. Appetite disappeared when beginning to eat; A., but when eating aversion to food. Aversion to food, even when beginning to eat; A. to sweets. Can eat only smoked meats, vomiting on eating fresh meat. Thirst; mornings; for beer; for something cold from forenoon till 3 P.M.

Eructations; with choking in oesophagus, impeding breath. Suppressed in middle of throat. Loud, explosive; violent, with a sour taste. Of air. It seems as if lime were dissolving in stomach, causing a bubbling, with a continual rolling eructation of much air. Hot, in afternoon and evening. Of food five hours after eating; E. as when undigested food remains in stomach; E. tasting of the soup eaten at breakfast; E. having the odor of the food. With the odor of musk. Pleasant-tasting, almost like almonds. Gulping of water, with soreness of anus. Eructation of tasteless water, or rising of it into mouth, with nausea, which disappears after the eructations. Acrid fluid rises into mouth. Cool waterbrash in evening on lying down, with constant spitting. Salt waterbrash in forenoon; slimy salt W. after the third stool that day. Hiccough.

Nausea; every morning; in afternoon; in afternoon, then hunger; on waking from evening sleep; in evening when beginning to eat; before eating, with hunger; with eating; after supper, which had been eaten with good appetite; after stool; with frequent gulping of water, which causes constant spitting; with emptiness in stomach and acid taste; with weakness of stomach and with alternations of chill and heat; with anxiety. Vomiting; sour, then sour eructations; of clotted blood at night. Movements extending to throat.

Stitches; in pit; in pit, seeming to contract heart. Cutting in pit after eating, extending to abdomen, with taste to food in mouth, eructations tasting of food, confusion of head, diarrhoea, chilliness and necessity to lie down. Cramp; like a pressure and contraction, in morning on waking from a frightful dream, with nausea and salivation. Clawing in pit; pinching, in pit on deep breathing. Pressure in pit; in epigastric region; in region of S. and in diaphragm; in morning after rising, only when sitting; in morning after rising, (<) sudden motion, with heat in r. side of head and necessity to lie down, and the pain seemed now in stomach and now in chest; in morning fasting, then contractive sensation in abdomen; at night on waking; after breakfast; in orifice, (<) leaning against edge of table, reading aloud, talking much, lying upon back and when cold air strikes abdomen. Pressure, (>) lying down; (>) dinner, with uprising; in and above S. and below navel, with diarrhoea three times at night, with periodic stitches from back forward to r. side of abdomen, arresting breathing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.