Homeopathy Remedy Caulophyllum

Caulophyllum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Caulophyllum …

      A tincture is prepared from the fresh root of Caulophyllum thalictroides, Mx. (the blue Cohosh).

General Action

      Two general effects are prominent: (1) on the uterus, causing labor-like pains; (2) on the small joints, causing pain, soreness and swelling.

Allies.- Cimicif., Pulsatilla

Weakness and nervousness. Headache. Dullness of head. Frequent vertigo. Aching in forehead; with sensation as if needles were stuck into it; with contracted feeling in skin of forehead. Drawing pain over l. eye. Intermittent pain in temples as if crushed together. Aching in eyes, with feeling of something under lids. Lachrymation. Drawing pain in nose. All the teeth seem sore and elongated. Tongue coated white. Distress in fauces, causing frequent inclination to swallow. Canine hunger. Desire to drink a great deal of water. Eructations of sour, bitter fluid; empty E. frequent pain in stomach and umbilicus. Distress in stomach; and in umbilicus; and in small intestines; and in bowels, with drawing pains in r. hypochondrium; burning.

Rumbling in abdomen, waking at 1 A.M., with urging to stool, copious, painless stool of water running in stream. Drawing pains in r. side over liver. Pain in umbilicus, (>) emissions of flatus; when moving, (>) emissions of flatus; intermittent. Stool soft, very white. Stool dark. Stool hard, afterwards a soft one, followed by pain in umbilicus. Intermittent stinging in glans penis. Drawing pain in sternocleido mastoid, that draws the head to l. side. Pain in back; in lumbar region.

Pain in fingers, ankles, fed and toes, causing a restless night; flying P. in arms and legs, first in one part, then in another. Drawing pains in fingers, ankles, feet, especially in toes; in hips, knees, wrists; elbows; legs; in joints of arms and legs. Aching in wrists and joints of fingers; in elbows. Cutting in second joints of all fingers on closing hand, with stiffness. Pain in finger-joints, with redness and stiffness, and on closing hand pain in them. Stiffness of fingers. Cracking of joints of lower limbs when walking or turning. Drawing pain in inside of l. thigh; in thighs, knees, legs and ankles; in knees and toes, very sharp by spells. Sharp pain inside of l. knee. Weakness of knees when walking. Drawing pain in legs and more in feet. Pain in l. ankle and l. toes; in feet; in metatarsal bones, from walking. Drawing pain in toes. Restless night; after 3 A.M. Skin hot and dry.

Clinical Labor pains are weak, do not press downward, pass off with a kind of shivering. Inefficient labor pains which do not press downward, but fly in all directions. Useful in false annoying pains a few weeks before the time for labor. Rigid os during labor, pains sharp, pricking. Threatening miscarriage, with uterine cramp, haemorrhage. Prolapsus of uterus. Retroversion of uterus, with dysmenorrhoea, profuse leucorrhoea, etc. Subinvolution of uterus after child-birth, with general debility and loss of power in lower extremities. Aphthae in vagina, with dysmenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea. Leucorrhoea in a child. Hysterical convulsions during dysmenorrhoea, with pain shooting to various parts of body, great debility. Whooping cough, with vomiting and nosebleed. Rheumatism in small joints, especially of the hands, with cutting pains on closing hands, especially in women with suppressed menses.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.