Homeopathy Remedy Cannabis indica

Unconsciousness every few minutes; U, caused by the candle- light; when listening to the piano, is seemingly gently raised to a great height, when the music becomes celestial, on regaining consciousness his head is bent forward, neck stiff, with ringing in ears; at night, alternating with delirium and semi- consciousness; of the centre of gravity, and seeming on the point of falling.

Clinical Delirium tremens, with misapprehensions concerning time and space. Delirium, with great exaltations of mind, great flow of language, very exalted ideas and florid notions. Delirium, he laughs at trifles, is inclined to be very foolish.


      Frequent involuntary shaking. Jerking extending to l. outer canthus. Aching; on waking; in the sunlight. coffee; (<) vertex, with beating; heavy throbbing through it, with sensation of a blow on occiput and nape. Bruised feeling. Gradual expansive feeling in brain, as if I were apart from myself and dwelling in a new world, within the cavity of the skull. Crisping sensation in brain on falling asleep or on waking; seething or C. of blood in brain like sheet-lightning. Confusion. Fulness; with drowsiness and flushes in face; with sharp intermittent pain under r. parietal bone. Tension. Compression of brain in a warm room, with paralytic feelings. Constriction, with inability to think; C. as from an iron skull-cap. Swollen sensation. Heaviness; with unconsciousness and falling; with wandering of mind and apprehension that he was going to faint; on brain, forcing him to stoop. Shocks through brain on regaining consciousness. Felt-light, mind very active, yet apparently sluggish. Vertigo; on rising; on rising, with stunning pain in occiput, and he falls; on bending forward or walking; with backward inclination of head.

Forehead. Jerking in r. side and towards interior and back part of head. Pain; throbbing; drawing; (<) over eyes; heavy; heavy, in brain, (<) l. side. Heaviness in sinciput, with confusion; H. in sinciput, with heat; H., with fulness and with pressure at root of nose and over eyes, headache over l. eye, pain in vertex and l. side of occiput. Pressure of F. and vertex, which seemed to cause his slowness of speech and action; outward over eye in afternoon. Fulness as if it would burst.

Temples. Sticking in r.; gradually changing to pressing pain. Pain; (<) r.; burning; darting, throbbing, in r., and from occiput to forehead; throbbing, extending anteriorly in r., with warmth about head, cheeks red and hot, nausea, increased during the warmth, vomiting of mucus and bitter-tasting water, with scratching in throat, afterwards Dullness in occiput, sick feeling in the whole body, necessity to go to bed on account of weariness and heaviness in limbs.

Sides. Pain in r.; intermittent, near anterior-inferior angle of l. parietal bone. Feeling as if something were going from before backward in r. Boring in r. parietal protuberance at 11 A.M.

Occiput. Pain; before the convulsive movements, which changed into heat, then coldness, in consequence of which his hands were carried automatically to that spot and held there, as if it were difficult to detach them. Surging towards forehead. Fulness in r. side of cerebellum, (<) shaking head, with pain.

Scalp. Sore to touch. Feeling as if tightly stretched, and in skin of forehead. Crawling on vertex.

Clinical Migraine as if the head were opening and shutting cannot realize her identity. Uraemic headache, feeling as if head were opening and shutting.


      Fixed. Staring wildly, and he seemed to have awakened suddenly. Wild-looking. Brilliant. Injected. Swollen and inflamed; S. and dull. Divergent squint. Has an expression of cunning and merriment. Appeared small and drunken on looking at himself in the mirror. Pressure on r. Heaviness. Heat; and smarting. Weakness.

Lachrymation. Pupils contracted; and insensible; dilated. Pain at back of ball. Distended feeling in balls, as if starting out of head, they ached on trying to read. Lids, twinkling; drooping, the coma; contraction; distention of bloodvessels of upper, with heat; prickling in margins; soreness of upper; heaviness; burning of edges, with itching. Jerking in external canthus and in lid. Cool burning-stinging in l. inner canthus and in adjacent side of nose. Sharp pain in r. inner canthus, extending up side of head, back, and out. Inflammation of caruncula lachrymalis, with swelling. Injected vessels in conjunctiva; in a triangular patch from each internal canthus to cornea, (<) night; with heat, greater in eyes than in lids. Conjunctivitis. Pain from bottom of orbit through brain, and in ear; P. as from a blow over r. orbit.

Vision. Letters run together when reading. Twinkling, trembling and glimmering. A large spot hovers above vision of l. eye. Violet spots on the paper when reading. Pea-green circles around the candle-light. Ugly faces assume a pleasing expression. Clairvoyance; on waking suddenly at midnight, although the room was dark he could see everything about him and could read the titles of books twelve or fifteen feet off, this passed off as soon as he had urinated. Photopsia. Sensitiveness of r. eye to light, with lachrymation. Confused. Weak. Lost, except a small spot where he looks.


      Jerking or electric shocks. Stinging in l. Tearing in r., (>) pressure. Boring in r.; above r. and back of it. Aching; in with singing. Throbbing and fulness. Stuffed feeling in r. Burning. Buzzing; in r.; and ringing. Noise like boiling water. Singing; in l.; when lying and dozing, (>) rising; periodical, always renewed during the dreamy spells. Music is intensely agreeable. His own voice sounded a long way off. Hearing acute. Hearing difficult.


      Pain at root; with fulness. Dry, feverish feeling in l. nostril. Sneezing. Blew coagulated blood from r. nostril.


      Expression drowsy and stupid. Wearied expression. He thinks his expression must be altered, as people look at him more than usual. Intoxicated look. Red; from mounting stairs. Pale; and anxious; as in faintness, (>) fresh air. Stinging on r. side as if stuck with pins, on scratching it changes to another part of the body. Pressure about posterior borders of both malar-bones. Warm tingling over l. side. Skin especially on forehead and chin, felt drawn tight. Insensible, but to the hand (which was moved with difficulty0 it felt hard. Drawing in muscles of mastication. Jaws, constriction; sensation as if muscles were drawn tight; desire to forcibly compress them; immovable before falling asleep. Lips glued together; trembling; jerking of lower.


      Teeth. Grinding in sleep. Boring in r. lower molars, (>) pressure, (<) grinding them together. Aching in r. lower molars; at root of first r. upper molar; in upper T., with feeling as if loose. Felt no pain while conscious that the toothache was present. Heavy throbbing at roots. Soreness at union of incisors and gums, (<) inside, with sensitiveness to touch of tongue. Clenched feeling in r.

Tongue – White and sickly-looking. Coated white; in morning, with bad taste, as if he had been intoxicated over night. Viscid mucus on its upper surface. Covered with dry mucus. Thick mucus before rising, with dry feeling as if scalded. Felt as if covered with pepper. Stinging-burning as from a blister, at r. anterior pillar of fauces. Sensation in T. and throat as if covered with a dry, soft body. Dryness. Metallic sensation on r. half. Stammering and stuttering. Lips failed of utterance, as if paralyzed.

Mouth dry; and lips; all night, with thirst; with thirst; without thirst; with froth; radiating from back of throat, without thirst; and in fauces, so that he can hardly speak or swallow. Saliva white, thick, frothy and sticky. Foam. Thick, tasteless salivation. Breath hot. All food is extremely palatable. Taste metallic; with dry sensation and exudation of gummy mucus; coppery.


      In morning hawks up glairy lumps, with a spot of blood in each. Pressure in tonsils. Sensation of a fleshy body at pit, impeding deglutition. Sensation of a plug rising in it, choking him. Dryness; with thirst for cold water; in open air with rawness, so that he could not smoke a cigar; and roughness. Burning; on inspiration; in pharynx and oesophagus.


      Appetite increased; at dinner; great for bread; ravenous at tea; little; lost. Thirst for water, and yet dread of it. Eructations; when moving; of tasteless gas. Nausea after eating, with efforts to vomit; with scraping in pharynx and eructations; with heaviness and pressure over eyes.

Cutting griping. Agonizing clutching. Crampy pain. Pain ar cardiac orifice, (>) pressure; in epigastrium, (>) eructations of tasteless gas; in pit, then pricking, (>) eating; in pit, nervous grumbling sensation in stomach every few minutes, extending into thorax. Swollen feeling when eating, with oppression of chest, as if he would suffocate, forcing him to loosen his clothes. Weight. Burning; changing to aching, with oppression of chest. Cold feeling. Sinking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.