Homeopathy Remedy Benzoic Acid

Toes-Stitch perpendicularly upward through r. great, in morning while lying, then burning, which increases gradually to a stitch, then in r. great toe, from which it vanishes with a thrill. Deep sticking tearing in lowest joint of great (Ledum, Sulph). Pain raw P. between. Numbness.


      Red spots on fingers; on nose. Formication in forehead. Itching on various parts, then an agreeable feeling of being scratched, leaving burning: I. on chin; in nape: I. in r. palm in evening, with deep tearing in metacarpal joints of little and ring fingers.


      Sleepiness, with dullness of head. Deep sleep. Starting up from S. Disturbed by dreams.


      Horripilation before stool. Coldness, with feeling of heat: C., then heat and sweat. Cold sensation in head. Coldness of back; at sacrum; of hands; feet; knees; of knees, as from a cold wind; of hands, with head symptoms. Heat during the coryza; H., with sweat. Internal H. on waking; internal H. wakes every night at 2.A.M. with a hard-bounding, abut not quickened pulse, so that he must lie on his back because he pulsations of temporal arteries sound like puffing in ears and prevent sleep. Heat of face; on one half of F.; around mouth. Sweat; morning in bed, especially on face, with moderate heat; at night; while eating; while walking; on disappearance of other symptoms; with anxiety; with itching; of feet; with aromatic odor. Cold sweat on head; on face; on feet. Exhalation from skin diminished.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.