Homeopathy Remedy Baryta Acetica


      Muscular relaxation, he was scarcely able to sit in an arm- chair. Digging in I. shoulder bone. Bruised pain in a spot in humerus. Drawing in all long bones of r. arm. Heaviness of I. arm, with difficult motion of it, the shoulder alone seems to act, the hand and forearm are paralyzed, Bruised pain on back of forearm, as if in bone, worse by paroxysms, Painful drawing in I. forearm, as if in bone. Twitching in inner condyle of wrist in slow, wavelike paroxysms in morning in bed; rhythmical T. in outer condyle of wrist. Tearing in wrist, extending to tips of fingers. Cramplike pain in r. wrist, extending outward. Stitches in lowest joint of I., index.

Lower Extremities

      Tearing down leg, most painful and lasts longest in knees, and also in other joints, nates, hips and ankles; intermittent, downward in r. nates; in external and anterior side of thick extending downward under skin, as far as knee when walking.

Knee-Tearing extending downward under skin, while walking. Stitches through I. on ascending stairs, leaving painful paralysis; sudden S. on inner side of I. Aching on inner side of I. when sitting, more towards inner side, on extending foot it becomes a dull, Pressive sensation.

Drawing pain down whole I. leg. Sensitive drawing in small spot in I. tibia. Legs sensation in middle of thigh. Giving way of r. then I. leg. Weariness or legs when sitting, with jerks in foot and aching in posterior surface of thigh, which is (<) by stepping and extends to foot. DRawing pain in I. sole.


      Acne pimples on chest. Pustules on I. middle finger, with sore pain in touch. Red., eroded, moist, burning spot between scrotum and thigh. Fine stitches here and there. Crawling here and there, with burning stitches, often sudden in a spot. not. by scratching and rubbing; C. in palm, with biting; I. on whole body nights, especially on back, hips, legs, ankles, back of feet and fingers, waking him, with constant scratching which only transiently relieves; burning, on back of hand and fingers, only transiently (>) scratching. Itching on chest.


      Yawning, with scratching and sleepiness; Y., with suffusion of eyes. Wearied with sleep in forenoon. Overpowering sleepiness. Sleep in afternoon and continual nodding. Frequent waking, with heat, throwing off of covering, and with aching of feet as after long standing, (>) walking. The first sleep uneasy, with frequent waking, though he was tied and sleep on going to bed. Sleep unsound and Unrefreshing. Unrefreshed in morning on waking, (>) rising, with bruised feeling in limbs. Dreams of dead persons (which did not frighten him), with murmurings in sleep. Vivid, strange dreams. Confused dreams; with restless sleep, frequent waking and fatigue, so that he soon fell asleep again.


      Chilliness in forenoon, coldness rising in pit of stomach, with pressure, so that it seems as if the hairs were drawn together, it then extends slowly down arms and legs into feet. C. in attacks extends down through whole body, with coldness of hands; C. in attacks, especially in arms, with gooseflesh and yawning. Shivering chilliness in head, with tension in malar-bones as if there would be gooseflesh in face and as if the hair stood on end. Shivering in attacks, with flashes of heat, mostly in bad, the chilliness extends from the face, in which the is tension. She cold; and covered with seat. Feeling of a cold air along leg as far as condyles. Chilliness extends from pit of stomach, then warmth of whole body except, feet, then chilliness again.

Flushes of heat over whole body, then exhaustion, so that the hands sink down, face and hands hot, the rest of the body almost cool. Hot sensation on back; in face, without redness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.