Homeopathy Remedy Asclepias Tuberosa


      Red erythematous tetter on r. thigh below ilium (after dinner), with pain and itching, less inflamed in evening, then another of lighter color, but sore to touch, behind it, the first followed by a dark colored spot for several months. Pimples; on l. temporal region and on back; below upper lip, on r. side; small red, in a thick cluster beneath l. labial commissure, with crawling gnawing itching; on lip, then below angle of mouth, becoming pustular, and one on eyebrow, which is painful (r. side); on l. side of nose, filled with serum; itching, on nose, thighs and back, red, on stomach; on nape of neck; on back, itching at night and towards morning; on l wrist; on l. middle finger; on thighs; red, on r. thigh. Itch pustules on l. hand, with itching. Various pustule on bend of l. arm. Blister as from a bug-bite between sacrum and r. ilium.

Itching of lobe of r. ear, of face, nose, and especially lips. At root of nose on both sides. Around body like a girdle, evening when lying; of waist and at top of l. thigh; thighs; nates; r. thigh in evening, then l.; hips and l. thigh; l. ham; arms at night; forearms at night; wrists at night; l. hand and r. side; l. hand between middle and little fingers; last l. fingers, then in r.


      Drowsiness; (>) open air; irresistible. Somnolence till evening. Sleeplessness. Slumbers tardy; with drowsiness in morning. Night restless; sleep restless during first part of night, with frightful dreams.

Dreams gloomy and frightful; frightful, all night, waking him at 5 A.M. Tiresome, of duels, flight, etc.; fatiguing, of reckless boasting, of trying of sing political songs in a loud voice in spite of the presence of spies. Extraordinary, of political affairs. Of churches, of the country, and other dreams. Complicated, but containing its own explanation, as if it had happened the night before.


      Chilliness, with cold feet. Fever, with adipsia and rapid pulse. Warmth of skin.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.