Homeopathy Remedy Arum Dracontium

Arum Dracontium homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Arum Dracontium……

      Preparation, General Action and Relationship same as Arum tri.


      Occasional shooting pain in r. malar region, then in r. external malleolus, then in thenal eminence of r. thumb, then in l. malar region. The pains are mostly transient in any one part, course along the extremities, sometimes in one direction, sometimes in the opposite one, are not very sharp, are generally intermediate between aching and shooting, those in nervous trunks are more of the shooting character, in but always leave an aching, at first the pains are confined to r. side, afterwards chiefly to the l. Prostration. Languor and depression of spirits.


      Aching pain over l. eye. Head feels heavy and aches in occipital and r. parietal regions in morning on waking. Aching in l. occipital region, then in l. temporal, then in l. frontal region.


      Conjunctivae injected on waking at 6 A.M., lids dry. stiff, agglutinated, and burning and smarting of edges of lids. Heat of eyelids, with dryness and smarting.


      Shooting pain in l; in r.; in r., leaving fulness and aching in middle ear. Warmth and fulness in l. middle, then in r., afterwards in one or the other when swallowing, seldom in both at the same time, caused by mucus in Eustachian tube. Aching pain behind r.


      Aching in r. malar region in morning on waking.


      Aphthous ulcer on tongue. Soreness of mouth and throat. Peculiar acrid sensation in mouth and throat. In the morning tongue and mouth coated with a foul slimy mucus, having a putrid taste.


      Uneasiness, with disposition to cough. Soreness in muscles when swallowing. Loose cough, with soreness of throat, (<) swallowing, simulating catarrhal angina, with dryness and smarting in throat, rawness and fulness, causing continual disposition to clear the throat by swallowing, coughing or hawking. Raw feeling, morning on waking, with rattling of mucus in larynx at every full expiration;(>) after rising and moving about. Mucus, the raising of which by cough produces a rattling in larynx, with disposition to swallow arising from excess of mucus.


      Eructations of flatus. Sinking at pit.


      Pain caused by incarceration of flatus. Escape of flatus from stomach and bowels.


      Copious, semi-fluid, with much flatus. Three, copious, bilious, with aching in abdomen and burning in rectum. Bilious diarrhoea, with borborygmus and emission of flatus. At one time slightly constipated, at another somewhat loose. Late and insufficient.

Urinary Organs

      Tenderness and smarting or burning at orifice of urethra, (<) during micturition. Burning in urethra after micturition. Irresistible desire to pass urine, which is diminished in quantity, high-colored and causes burning or smarting in urethra. Frequent copious emissions of limpid urine.

Sexual Organs

      Fine shooting in course of l. spermatic cord. Desire diminished and most of the time absent, with flaccid and relaxed penis.

Respiratory Organs

      Rattling of mucus in larynx at 7 A.M. if expirations are prolonged. Soreness of larynx, with disposition to cough. Hoarseness; at 6 A.M. on waking, with expectoration of mucus, rawness and tenderness of throat, rattling in larynx on expiration, (>) by rising, except when expirations were prolonged. Cough; all night; from laryngeal irritation, (<) night and lying down. Expectoration of thick heavy, yellowish-white pus; of mucus by coughing in morning. Asthmatic attacks nightly; waking about midnight, leaving rattling of mucus in larynx and upper part of trachea, followed by bad sleep. Dyspnoea in paroxysms, with aching in chest and secretion of mucus in larynx and trachea.


      Dull heavy aching. Shooting and aching pain in l. brachial plexus of nerves.

Heart and Pulse

      Aching pain in praecordial region and down l. arm. Heart beat so violently as to shake walls of chest. Pulse rapid, hard and jerking; rapid, small and irregular the artery seems to roll under the finger, and it requires considerable pressure to be counted correctly.

Neck and Back

      Shooting in l. anterior inferior triangle of neck, near clavicle. Aching along spine, especially between scapulae and in lumbar region with weakness across loins.


      Aching pain along outer aspect of l. foot, then in corresponding part of l. hand. Tingling or slight stinging in fingers and toes, as when circulation is impeded. Fine tingling or pricking in hands and feet, (<) r.; in r. foot, then in r. hand, then in l. foot, then in l. hand. Aching pain r. shoulder; r. humerus. Occasional shooting and aching pain along r. humerus and r. thumb. Aching pain in r. forearm; l. forearm, l. hand and r. humerus. Sharp shooting pain in styloid process of r. ulna. Fine tingling all over r. hand, which is warmer and redder than the l. and swollen. Shooting down r. thigh.


      Flushing of hands and face. Pimples, a species of lichen, on nose, and urticaria near r. elbow,


      Heat in palms. Burning in soles. Sweat on neck and breast at 8 P.M.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.