Homeopathy Remedy Antimonium-et Potass Tart

Nausea – at noon when his appetite is nearly satisfied; at night, with vomiting and frequent stools; after dinner; after eating; after drinking; at sight of food; from swallowing saliva; with pressure in pit of stomach, then aching in forehead; with swelling and pain in epigastric region; with vomiting of mucus and acceleration of pulse; with disagreeable taste and salivation; with aversion to food; with aversion to food and pinchings in abdomen; with discomfort and depression; followed by yawning with lachrymation, then vomiting. Anxious nausea (Ars). rising suddenly from umbilicus and epigastric region in repeated attacks.

Retching; at noon after soup; after vomiting; with sweat on forehead, weakness of limbs and flow of water from mouth, then weakness; ineffectual.

Vomiting after eating (Arsenicum, verat); after pressure on stomach; (>) lying on r. side; with headache and trembling of hands; with frequent stools, also with weakness (Ars); with anguish (Arsenicum) then constant involuntary watery stools (Ars). Difficult V; of bitter, bad smelling, pasty fluid with an acid reaction V. of food; from cough; food and drink. Of curdled milk. Whitish liquid. Green;’ in masses, with great effort. Dark. Of mucus; tenacious, with bile; painful, of mucus and bile mixed with blood Of bile. Of blood, with colic and rolling about in agony.’

Flatulent, audible motions in epigastric region. Sticking in epigastric region; below pit, (<) retracting abdomen; in stomach extending downward into l. side of abdomen and again upward and aching when touched; burning. Cutting in pit, extending downward into l. side of abdomen and again upward, with aching when touched; burning. Cutting in pit, extending upward, Cramp. Pain; (>) eructations’; in pit; in epigastrium, also with tension; in epigastrium on pressure; in epigastrium, with retching and thirst; with heat; anxious, in pit, with distention and sensitiveness to touch; in pit as from incarcerated flatus, in evening, with forcible expulsions of flatus, which relieve; burning, after eating.

Enteritis. Anxiety in; it. Fulness; at night, with eructations like foul eggs and restless sleep; after dinner, with nausea, a griping in umbilical region and sticking in sinciput and occiput. heaviness; and in whole abdomen, (>) open air and eructations, (<) in house, causing malaise. Emptiness. Digestion diminished. Weakness. Warmth; causing restlessness. Feeling of cold water in pit, with faintness, then heat in head. Tension in epigastric and liver regions. Whirling in pit evenings on going to sleep, with violent rapid beating of heart. Pulsation in epigastric region. Soreness on touch; in epigastric region. Creeping. Malaise, and in abdomen, on touch the pain increases in stomach but diminishes in abdomen.

Clinical Continual nausea, with vomiting or efforts to vomit with perspiration on forehead, great prostration and trembling, usually without thirst; or vomiting of tough, slimy matter, with great thirst and disgust for food.


      Distention; with gurgling. Meteorism. Offensive flatus. Gurgling. Rumbling; after eating; before diarrhoea; during stool;, with pressure as from water, (>) eructations and emissions of flatus. Commotion. Stitches; extending through rectum. Tearing, with drawing. Griping; (>) emissions of flatus; after eating, with cutting; passage of wind upward and downward, with cutting and nausea. Pinching, with tension.

Cutting; towards 9 P.M.; with heaviness across lower abdomen, ineffectual retchings, then ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea, difficult vomiting, vomiting of food with sour taste, trembling in abdomen and bending together, then scraping in throat, then chill, then two diarrhoeic stools, the last like water; with twisting, and with tearing from hypogastrium through thighs to knees, like labor-pains, stitches at navel nausea and waterbrash, then diarrhoea, preceded by rumbling.

Pain; in evening after eating, (>) bending backward and stooping; after eating; P. after vomiting; before diarrhoea; (<) movement; on rising and on going to bed, sometimes changing into flatus, the emissions of which reliefs, also (>) standing, returning when sitting, (<) bending extending towards rectum, (>) emission of hot Flatus; drawing, with fluid stools; (spasmodic, with closure of eyes and necessity to sleep); a from stones, (<) sitting and stooping, at ties changing to griping about umbilicus. Sensation as if full of stones after long sitting at work, though it does not feel hard. Inflammation. Nausea, like approaching griping. Tension, especially over bladder; becoming griping and flatulence. Sensitiveness to touch. Uneasiness. Discomfort, starting from A., with groaning, moaning and restlessness. Relaxed.

Upper-Distention, with pain. Spasmodic motion as the nausea paroxysmally increases and retching arises in throat. Stitches. Tearing in l. Pain; in a spot in l. on retracting abdomen. Painful tension below short ribs, (<) sitting, from incarcerated flats, which is emitted at times. Struggle in upper and lower A. between nausea and tendency to diarrhoea at times (>) empty eructations and emissions of flatus. Discomfort in upper and lower, with necessity to lie and stretch out.

Dullness over liver, especially at base. Liver sensitive to touch. Aching in mesogastric region, with horripilation and gooseflesh: A. in umbilicus in morning. Pinching below umbilicus. Stitches over pubis. Sticking tearing in a spot in q. lower. Pressure in hypogastrium, with aching and cold shivers, as before menses. Pain lower part of l.side. Burning in lower. Rheumatic sensation in l. pelvic bones.

Clinical Violent colic, as if the bowels would be cut to pieces, tearing from above downward; accumulation of water in mouth, and perhaps diarrhoea. shifting of flatus, with sharp cutting colic, with nausea.


      Sticking. Burning irritation like a tickling, extending through urethra to glands, where the tickling is most severe. Irritability and soreness. Ineffectual desire for stool though bowels seemed full and pressing. (Haemorrhoids). Heat in anus during stool; burning in anus after a stool. Tension in perineum, (<) walking, with urging to urinate.


      Watery; at night; and greenish; like opaque rice-water, with vomiting, pulse feeble features shrunken, skin cold and bluish, (<) on hands and feet, fingers and toes dark livid or purplish, fingers shrunken like a washerwoman’s cramps in extremities, pain in. stomach and bowels (Verat) Half fluid. Diarrhoea with vomiting; offensive; bilious, mucous; involuntary; yellowish- brown; like yeast, with cadaverous smell. Pasty; after repeated desire, though it seemed almost fluid. Hard; sometimes hard, some times soft; hard at first, then pasty, with tenesmus. Constipation. Blood-streaked. Bilious. Containing dead round worms. Mucous. Copious. Difficult. Involuntary. Frequent, with vomiting, and with weakness. Stool after eating.

Clinical-Stools grass-green, slimy, with vomiting, colic, etc.

Urinary Organs

      Sticking in lower part of bladder. Micturition frequent; difficult and painful; involuntary M; urging at night; urging increased, with burning in urethra and scanty urine, the last drops of which are bloody and accompanied by pain in bladder. Sticking in posterior art of urethra in forenoon. Tearing in forepart of urethra. Burning in urethra when urinating; B. after urinating. Diuresis. Copious urine forenoon and evening copious and watery; copious, dark and turbid. Urine remained, then fatal; eclampsia. U. Brownish-red, turbid and of strong odor; red inflammatory look and deposit of blood red fibres. Turbid U at first clear like water, deposits milky sediment. U. contained desquamated epithelium of universe tubes. U. albuminous (Arsen).

Sexual Organs

      Swelling of external. Excited, then relaxed. Desire aroused.

Respiratory Organs

      Pain in larynx, with short cough on talking. Hoarseness in morning; H. (<) talking (K bi.); H., with cough, hawking and expectoration. Voice small, changed, in evening. Weak, slow speech. Fulness and oppression in bronchi. Tickling in trachea, causing short cough. Tough mucus in bronchi and trachea (K bi).

Cough; in morning, with easy hawking of mucus; about 2 or 3 A.M., with expectation; before midnight; when angry; after eating, with vomiting of food and mucus; with sneezing painful; dry; dry and short; difficult, with expectation. Irritation to C from to catarrh, though she has no power to cough; irritation to C., with tough mucus in throat,, oppressed breathing and stitches in l. chest. Expectoration of sweet transparent mucus; white frothy sputa.

Asthma. Suffocation at 3 A.M., with necessity to sit up (K.iod),. (>) cough and expectation; S. in evening in bed, with necessity to sit up a.l might. Breath arrested. Dyspnoea; with necessity to be supported in a sitting position in bed (Arsenicum). Short breath. Slow and labored B. Breathing hindered by swelling of pharynx and accumulation of tough mucus, with fever and delirium. Heavy, anxious B. Deep B. Sighing. Snoring expiration in sleep, with intermittent inspiration to two jerks. Rapid B. Snuffing for air before she got the strength to cough. Rough B. On auscultation..

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.