Homeopathy Remedy Antimonium-et Potass Tart

Antimonium-et Potass Tart homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Antimonium-et Potass Tart…

      Tartar emetic, a tartarate of Antimony and Potash, is dissolved in pure water for use.

General Action

      It increases the secretions generally, but produces nausea and vomiting and profound depressions of the heart, pulse and temperature. It promote rapid waste of tissues.

Allies-Arsenicum, Phosphorus, Kali-bi., (Cad,) Camph., Veratrum, Sec-c.


      Emaciation. Blood loses fibrin and becomes thinner. Convulsions; with tetanic spasms; with unconsciousness; epileptic, with vomiting; convulsive movements. springing into the air as soon as he got warm in bed. distortion from cramps and rigidity as if dead, with gangrene of one foot and violent pain. Contraction of all muscles, especially of abdomen and upper limbs. Trembling; internal; of head, with paralytic trembling of hands on every motion. Unsteadiness alternating with syncope.

Tearing in limbs, chest, abdomen, testicles and eyes: T. in abdomen and limbs with drawing. Pain (<) violent and quick motions, especially when sitting damp afterwards; rheumatic P. in whole l. side. Bruised feeling. Drawing here and there. The child wishes to be carried constantly. Malaise; after supper. General distress; alternating now with chills, now with heat. Pulsation in all vessels, perceptible externally. Restlessness; or nausea; morning on rising, with weariness; from pain in abdomen; (<) 5 P.M., especially in epigastric region. The touch of anything is disagreeable, with inclination to unbutton his collar. Indolence, with sleepiness. Faintness; from vomiting. Relaxed condition of whole body. Weakness (Arsenicum, Veratruma); after vomiting (As); on waking; from waist to toes, with coldness; as if death were close at hand (verat.a.). Sensation lost. Aggravation while sitting. Amelioration after frequent emission of pale urine.


      Furious delirium (Veratruma). Talking to himself. Unconnected wandering. Unconsciousness. Stupor interrupted by spasms. Restlessness. Excitement. (Suicidal mood, with raving). Anxiety increasing with the nausea, with pressure and warmth in the abdomen, which moves about as from flatus. Apprehension with fulness about heart and heat; A., with restlessness; about his recovery. Dreaded to be left alone test he “should be dreadfully nervous and not know what to do with himself.” Despondency towards evening, with pain in chest, sleepiness and chilliness. Fright at every trifle. Quarrelsome. Whining and crying if touched, with drawing inward of toes and finger. Ill humor; on waking, with rubbing of his eyes as if in a stupid sleep and howling if one looked at him; with intolerance of noise. Gayety, then towards evening peevishness and anxiety about the future.


      Stitches from 11 A.M. till evening; S on motion. Aching; in brain; with pressure and throwing in forehead and temples; with sensitiveness in epigastric region stupefying; tensive, in afternoon, with drawings and borrowings as far as root of nose; tensive, especially in forehead, mornings on waking, (>) cold water. Inflammation of meninges of brain. congestion. Compression. Intoxicated condition, as from wine. Stupefaction as if confined. Confusion; morning; morning, (>) rising; with a feeling as if he ought to sleep with warm forehead, depression of vigor and indifference; with nausea; with heaviness and pressure in sinciput; like a pressure in temples. Heaviness; with confusion; in morning on waking, with confusion and discomfort; requiring a support behind. Vertigo; on closing eyes; on lifting head from pillow (Cact); on walking;tottering from V. when walking; with flickering before eyes. Internal weakness; external, with inability to hold it erect.

Forehead-Twitching and drawing, especially over l.eye, with tension. Sticking (or rather tearing) from 2 P.M. till 3 A.M. Boring below r. eminence. Bruised feeling. Aching; (<) motion; above nose; over nose and one eye; in sinciput and occiput; in r. side in evening and in l. half in night, both with sensation as if brain were balled into lumps: in l., with pressure on eyes, as from a band; wavelike, on r. eminence; drawing about, in F. and vertex, with tension and pressure; more like sticking, extending into l.eye, with inclination to close eyes; which sometimes becomes a sticking, which extends to temple, (<) cough. Throbbing in r. side.

Temples-Sticking. Drawing pain in r.; extending to zygoma and upper jaw. Pressure inward in l. Compression. Tension as if squeezed, with stupefaction; Pulsation in blood vessels.

Aching on vertex; on waking. Tension on vertex. Tearing drawing from behind forward in l. half of head; intermittent T. in r. side of head Tensive pressing-in aching in l. half of skull. Stupefaction in l. half l. half of head, with tension. Feeling in occiput as if something fell forward on stooping. Heaviness in occiput, with an anxious oppressive sensation. Hair falls out.


      Fixed and turned upward. Squinting. Surrounded by blue rings and lying deep in their sockets. Swollen. Bloodshot. Yellow sclerotic. Pressure on. Burning in evening. Weak; and dim. Swimming and dim. Sudden tensive pain in upper part of r. ball. Bruised feeling in ball, (<) touch. Pupil dilated. Inclined to press lids together tightly. Lids difficult to move. Electric stitches in inner canthi, with pressure in eyes. Burning in r. inner canthus, with biting and with redness of conjunctiva. Conjunctiva congested. Flickering before eyes; (<) rising from a seat, with vision as through a veil and vertigo. Sparks. Vanishing of vision; and of hearing.

Clinical it has been found useful in herpes of the conjunctiva, photophobia, ill humor and weakness.




      Pointed. Ulceration in anterior corner of nostril, with pain (Ant. c). Stupefying tension across root, as from a band (Cad.) sneezing; with fluent coryza, chilliness, loss of taste and smell. (Camph.). Coryza towards evening fluent C; fluent, with tickling cough, eructations, retching and vomiting of tough watery mucus. Bleeding at 3 P.M., then fluent coryza, with sneezing.


      Pale and sunken. (Veratruma., Ars). Red. Smutty-colored. Swollen. Livid. bluish. Twitching. Distorted with tetanic spasm of jaws as if endeavoring to bite everything within reach. Expression anxious; of great suffering; lethargic. Pressure on l. malar- bone; preceded by drawing. Tensive feeling, and in neck. Drawing from chin along r. side of lower jaw. Lips dry, scurry; livid; cracked at night.


      Toothache; in morning; rheumatic, in r. lower back teeth. Gums bleed. gums appear like pink velvet with raised pile. Tongue white; T. coated.; thick, white, pasty coat; thick yellow c. in morning, thicker in afternoon;pasty C; slimy; gray Dryness and redness of T.(verat.a., Rhus t); in centre (Verat v). Tearing posteriorly on l.side of root of T. on swallowing. Motion of T. Painful. motion difficult. speech difficult.

Pustules in M. and on tongue. False membranes in M., (<) on tongue, in irregularly rounded patches, whitish or grayish, somewhat thick, constant and firmly adherent, in the oesophagus they are small delicate, pale and easily detached, beneath the pseudo membrane, the lingual mucous structure is excoriated, ecchymosed, wrinkled, and forms an elevated margin around the plastic deposit, which is red, the oesophagus is ulcerated, the borders of this ulceration not elevated but enclosed by a gray circle, the base being soft and grayish, and, at some points ecchymosed. Dryness. Salivation Verat a); with a qualmish filthy taste bitter; B. in morning; B. and pasty; clammy; C. in morning on rising; metallic salt; too sweet to drinks;(>) drinking cold water. No taste to food (Veratruma.). tobacco is not relished.

Clinical Tongue red and dry in the middle or red in streaks, with great prostration, or sometime brown and dry in pneumonia.


      Pustules, some leaving soft superficial ulcers. Redness of soft palate and pharynx, with vesicles, many of which are opened, swollen and covered with mucus. Swelling of tonsils and cervical glands. Mucus; with short breath. Pain. Choking sensation. Burning; and in oesophagus. Disagreeable feeling caused by nausea; disagreeable feeling on palate. Soreness and constriction. Rawness, with difficult and painful swallowing. Swallowing difficult; (>) drinking cold water. Burning pain in oesophagus (Ars). Sensitiveness of oesophagus.


      Appetite increased; great, for apples, with thirst for cool water (Verat a); canine (Veratruma). on walking in open air; diminished; D., with much thirst; soon satisfied, almost nauseate; lost, in morning. A version to food. No desire for tobacco. Thirst increase; at night; increased, next day lost; with internal heat; for acids and for strong liquors; no thirst.

Eructations; then rising of fluid (as of food), which she swallows, then sour taste and scraping down throat; empty; hiccough-like; of milk and acrid fluid; bitter; bitter and acid. Gagging. Nauseous. Salt, nauseous fluid. Sharp, salt, watery fluid. Sour. Waterbrash. Hiccough.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.