Homeopathy Remedy Agaricus

Stitches, outward in walls, also forenoon, when walking. Cutting; late in evening; during stool; before stool; before soft, crumbling stool; griping in forenoon and afternoon, with accumulation of flatus; as from a purgative, (>) liquid stools. Pinching; during liquid stools; before and during stools, with cutting. Griping; morning, on waking, then two liquid stools; forenoon and afternoon; at noon, with emission of flatus; after breakfast; after walking in open air, with burning pain in lower abdomen; with dragging and with cutting in anus and dry stools; here and there, more against walls than in intestines; with diarrhoea; with clawing in upper abdomen, stitches and then cutting; cutting, griping; that urged to stool, (>) by stool, accompanied by cutting in abdomen; beginning with a stitch. Writhing. Pain; morning, after stool; after light food. Searching. Burrowing at 9 A.M., with griping and ineffectual urging of flatus towards anus. Feeling as before diarrhoea. Dragging in intestines, in inguinal canal and in pelvis. Oppression from flatus. Heaviness; after dinner, with griping and ineffectual urging of flatus towards anus. Urging. Soreness. Tension Nausea; with pressure. Burning; after breakfast. Sensation of a cold. Discomfort. Restlessness; sinking into abdomen. Faintness. Empty feeling. Flabby feeling. Crawling and coursing, extending through all nerves. Symptoms disappear during drawing cutting pain in a hollow back tooth, and vice versa.

Upper abdomen.- Twitching, undulating. Cutting, colicky spasms just below diaphragm, when sitting, extending towards spine. Clawing stitches, then cutting. Discomfort, with nausea.

Umbilical region.- Distention. Flatus accumulates Pressure of flatus under umbilicus. Stitches; morning, on waking; biting. Tearing above umbilicus, in a fine line. Cutting. Pinching; below umbilicus, with bloated abdomen; clucking pinching; crawling pinching. Griping; after breakfast; till dinner-time; between umbilicus and right hypochondrium. Pain; in morning, when half awake; sometimes rising into right chest; deep-seated. Fulness. Heaviness; after a scanty stool; under umbilicus, also after breakfast; below umbilicus, with feeling of a ball of the size of a small fist. Urging under umbilicus. Discomfort.

Sides.- Twitching in l., writhing jumping of recti muscles in evening in bed. Griping in left; in l., with rumbling in abdomen. Pain in l., causing nauseated ill feeling in same spot; spasmodic in l., urging to stool and arousing him at midnight; sprained pain in muscles on stooping. Nausea in l. with pain.

Hypochondria.- Stitches in liver; when breathing; in r. lobe of liver, radiating from surface towards centre; in liver and pit of stomach, with nausea; sudden stitches in liver towards noon; occasional stitches in r. hypochondrium, (<) pressure; deep-seated stitches in r., mornings; extending from r. and from umbilicus to behind sternum; under l. short ribs on inspiration; (<) sitting with a stopped chest; in region of spleen in afternoon. Pain in liver mornings; in r. hypochondrium, more towards the back, also with occasional stitches, (<) bending to the l.; in r. extending upward; at l. last true rib, with pain as from a gunshot wound in corresponding place on r. side; in region of spleen, also (>) walking; in region of spleen in evening, when lying on l. side, (>) turning to r. side; deep contractive pain in region of spleen; cramplike pain in region of spleen; pulsative pain below l. hypochondrium, rising as far as third and fourth ribs. Soreness in hypochondria and in region of pit of stomach as if contents of thorax were compressed, (<) after eating. Pressive tension below ribs after an emission. Heaviness in r. hypochondrium, with drawing as if liver had increased and would be torn from its ligaments.

Hypogastrium.- Distention after a copious pappy stool, with sensitiveness; with cutting and movements of flatus. Rumbling. Gurgling; in l., with rattling. Twitching in l. flank; of pyramidal muscles. Stitches in r. flank; extending from pelvis to r. side, along r. flank to r. ribs, growing weaker in their course; in region of coecum from sneezing; sudden stitches in l. Drawing tearing from l. inguinal region to middle of fore side of thigh. Cutting; in evening, as before diarrhoea. Griping after a pappy stool, and in forenoon while walking in open air; with burning pressive pain; in l., with rattling in intestines; in l. ilium, between umbilicus and symphysis pubis, extending to r. ilium, (>) pressure; cutting griping in forenoon and afternoon, with accumulation of flatus. Pinching above l. hip, (>) passage of flatus. Pain in groin; sprained pain in l. groin when walking; tensive pain in r. inguinal region.

Drawing pain in hypogastrium, extending towards lumbar muscles; pain in pelvis towards umbilicus and r. flank; rheumatic drawing externally in r. ilium under gluteals, in l. in afternoon, (<) sitting, (>) walking. Spasmodic drawing in l. groin when urinating. Dragging in l. groin. Heaviness; after breakfast, also after a copious pappy stool; in pelvis, with dragging. Urging in hypogastrium. Tension; in pelvis; in r. inguinal region, (<) drawing up and stretching out thigh, afterwards (>) walking, but recurred while sitting or lying. Burning.

Clinical The gastro-enteric symptoms are due to an acute catarrhal inflammation with severe sharp pains, often with purging or only with great flatulence. The profuse inodorous flatus is often found in the nervous affections requiring Agaricus. The pains in the region of the liver may indicate the drug in hepatic disease, but probably not in an acute inflammation.


      Discharge of light-red blood after stool, with great straining; of much mucus, with wind. Stitches, as of flatus forcing to anus, but which there caused a recurrent motion into pelvis. Tenesmus after stools. Urging to stool; mornings; with painful straining towards the front of rectum; with a kind of tenesmus and with burning sticking deep in spine; ineffectual, also with emission of much wind; sudden. Feeling as f diarrhoea would set in. Acrid pain during and after stool; when passing wind. Distending pain, them emission of flatus. Pricking; as from worms. Cutting itching just above anus in evening, as after acrid diarrhoea, (>) pressing out anus.


      Haemorrhoids, burning, also painful; inflamed; swollen. Stitches. Pressure at noon. Disagreeable sensation, like heaviness and fulness, at noon, (>) while sitting. Burning; heat at noon, with itching; and itching mornings, as with tenesmus during stool; after stool; after hard stool; after soft stool. Dry feeling, with inclination to retract it. Moist feeling. Smarting after easy stool, with inclination to retract anus. Itching; after a copious pappy stool, then burning; with tickling. Prickling. Closed feeling, with urging to stool. Paralytic weakness of sphincter.


      At noon and evening, which is unusual Dysenteric flux. Liquid; with burning in anus; semi-liquid, also scanty. Watery early in morning, with colic and tenesmus; at night, with pain in region of spleen. Dark-green, liquid, afternoons. Diarrhoea early in morning, with violent pinching; frequent, with griping and emission of much flatus; frequent, with swelling of haemorrhoids and bearing down of intestines into inguinal canal and pelvic cavity. Pasty; with much wind; then heaviness. Slimy, with much wind; with tenesmus and pain. Soft and crumbling. Crumbling preceded by a moist feeling in anus.

Hard; every other day; after dinner, with scraping; then pappy stools, then diarrhoea. Knotty at night; easy in morning, preceded by colic, then liquid, with colic, fermentation and nausea, after a quarter of an hour watery. Delayed, hard and scanty. Dark. Leek-green. Yellow. Offensive. Tough, sticky, copious, after sudden urging. Causing burning. Copious. Scanty. Difficult. Frequent; at night. Omitted; every other day. Stoppage of excretions.

Urinary Organs

      Twitching pain in bladder. Tensive pain in region of bladder in forenoon while driving. Paralytic weakness of sphincter vesicae. Retention of urine. Frequent urging to urinate; and violent, and copious urine, with stitches in meatus urinarius; violent urging at night and much urine; with scanty urine. Micturition frequent; and profuse, rare; rare and scanty; intermittent; after several attempts; followed by dripping, also with cold, shrunken penis.

Urethra.- Effusion of viscid mucus. Stitches; when urinating. Burning while urinating; at orifice at night. Feeling as if a drop of cold urine passed. Sensation as if he had not done urinating. Disagreeable sensation at end, along glans, inducing pressure. Crawling itching in glans, seemingly in urethra. Prickling and itching at orifice. Tickling as from a small foreign body in fossa navicularis.

Urine.- Copious; at night; with stool; with relaxed penis; and pale. Scanty; and dark; and reddish. Clear, lemon-colored. Hot and dark. Watery, Milky after standing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.