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Preliminary Remarks

Preliminary Remarks about homeopathic veterinary practice and how to treat animals with homeopathy….


Treatment of a sick animal: As soon as an animal is discovered to be unwell, let it be immediately placed in a house by itself; this is necessary both for the welfare of the sick animal and for the safety of the others. The house that the animal is placed in, ought to be warm, well-lighted and ventilated, and above all, kept scrupulously clean. Let the person who attends to the wants of the animal be very cautious to approach in a quiet manner, never make any unnecessary noise, or do any thing that would tend to irritate the animal when in a state of health.

With regard to diet: In acute diseases no food whatever ought to be given until improvement has taken place, and even then only in a sparing manner; the articles of diet most suit able are bran, oats, hay, carrots, swede turnips, and greed food, either grass or clover.

1. The bran may be given either dry or wetter, whichever way the animal prefers it.

2. Oats may be given mixed with the bran, either raw and crushed, or whole and boiled.

3. The hay ought to be perfectly sweet, and free from dust, and only a small quantity given at a time.

4. Carrots and swedes may be given raw, and cut into small pieces.

Cold soft water may be given to drink, of which a small quantity may be constantly kept within reach of the animal, and renewed several times a day; if the animal allows food to remain by it for several hours without eating it, it ought to be removed, and a little fresh put in its place. It is necessary in all disease. whether acute or chronic, to keep the animal without either food or water half an hour before and after administering medicine.

Administration of the Medicine: The way in which I administer medicine is as follows; I drop the necessary quantity upon a little fluor, and place it on the animal’s tongue with a bone spatula, or I mix it with a tablespoonful of cold water and pour it into the animal’s mouth either from a new vial or small horn; a tea-spoonful of water is sufficient for sheep or dogs.

The quantity of medicines to be given for a dose is, in horses six drops, in cattle ten drops. in dogs, sheep and swine from two to four drops.

It is necessary to keep the animal without food or water half an hour before and after administering the medicine.

Repetition of the dose: In acute diseases it is necessary to repeat the dose every five, ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes.

In less acute diseases every two, four, six, or eight hours.

In chronic diseases once in twenty-four hours is sufficient.

The dilution I generally use are the lower for horses, and the higher for cattle.

John Rush
John Rush, School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North Grafton, USA. The Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy, by John Rush, was published in 1854. Originally published in London by Jarrold and Sons. "The Homeopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog and the Swine."