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Inflammation of the Horse’s Brain

Homeopathy Treatment for Inflammation of the Horse’s Brain. Find the best homeopathic medicines to treat Inflammation of the Horse’s Brain naturally. …

General [General]

This somewhat rare disease is generally met with in hot weather; horses in high condition after being exposed to the rays of the sun for a considerable time are the ones usually attacked with it; but it is sometimes produced by a blow on the head. The first symptoms of this disease are notices by the animal having a dull heavy appearance, he stands with his head down, and it is with difficulty that he is made to move; after a day or two his breathing becomes accelerated, with violent trembling of the whole body, he stares wildly about, he throws up his head, rears upon his hind legs, dashes furiously and unconsciously about, plunges headlong on the ground, springs up again, gnashes his teeth, strikes at anything that happens to be in his way; after a time he becomes calm, and stands motionless, or walks slowly round.

REMEDIES: Aconite, Belladonna, Veratrum and Opium

Aconite [Acon]

Aconite, in the very commencement of this disease; if the pulse is accelerated, fever, congestion toward the brain, rapid breathing, and trembling of the whole body.

Dose. Six drops every twenty minutes until several doses have been taken, or the more violent symptoms, after which the next remedy should be taken into consideration.

Belladonna [Bell]

Belladonna, if the animal has a wild staring fixed look, dishes furiously and unconsciously about, which is indicative of violent congestion to the brain.

Dose. Six drops put upon the tongue every fifteen or thirty minutes until the violence of the attack is subdued.

Veratrum [Verat]

Veratrum, if the legs and ears are icy cold, with convulsive trembling of the whole body, or where there is reeling, staggering motion, and the animal plunges violently and falls down head foremost.

Dose. The same as directed for Belladonna.

Opium [Op]

Opium, if after the paroxysms the animal remains motionless, with fixed staring eyes, the tongue of a leaden or black colour.

Dose. Six drops every half, one or two hours, according to circumstances.

John Rush
John Rush, School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North Grafton, USA. The Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy, by John Rush, was published in 1854. Originally published in London by Jarrold and Sons. "The Homeopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog and the Swine."