Inflammation of the Dog’s Lungs

Homeopathy Treatment for Inflammation of the Dog’s Lungs. Find the best homeopathic medicines to treat Inflammation of the Dog’s Lungs naturally. …

General [General]       The disease often follows neglected Catarrh, or it may come on suddenly after violent exertion. Lap dogs that generally remain indoors are subject to it.

Symptoms-painful panting, laborious breathing, troublesome cough, shivering, eyes and and full of water. The dog remains standing with the fore legs widely separated, or he sits upon his haunches, seldom lies down, or if he does it is only for a minute.

REMEDIES: Aconite, Phosphorus, Belladonna, Bryonia, Tartarus emeticus and Sulphur. Aconite [Acon]       Aconite must be given first, after which Phosphorus is generally indicated; but for particulars respecting the application of the different remedies, see inflammation of the lungs of the horse.

John Rush
John Rush, School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North Grafton, USA. The Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy, by John Rush, was published in 1854. Originally published in London by Jarrold and Sons. "The Homeopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog and the Swine."