When is Arnica the remedy in Boils?
It produces crops of boils all over body, beginning with great soreness and going on to suppuration. Boils which have partially maturated become sluggish.
In Boils when is Belladonna useful?
When they are very painful. Swelling where there is throbbing, redness and tendency to suppuration.
When is Calcarea sulph indicated?
When there is great swelling and tumefaction and the boil is discharging.
When should Silicea be given?
In boils which occur in crops and do not heal readily, but continue to discharge a thin pus; areola inducted.
When is Hepar to be preferred in Boils?
Where there is much throbbing and ticking in them. In the early stage if given high it will sometimes abort them, if given low it will favor the ripening process.
Give indications for Lachesis.
The surface is very sensitive, bluish, and the central sore is apt to be surrounded by many small pimples.
Give three remedies most useful for a disposition to Boils.
Calcarea carb., Lycopodium and Sulphur.