(See also Skin, disease of)
What remedy is most often called for in Acne, and what are its indications? Sulphur; the skin is harsh and rough; the acne is principally on the face and is associated with comedos. Great aggravation from water.
When is Sanguinaria indicated in Acne?
Especially in women who have scanty menses and irregular circulation of blood.
Give indications for Ledum.
Red, pimply eruption on the face; small pimples at the root of the nose; acne in brandy drinkers.
What are the remedies for Acne due to sexual excesses, masturbation, etc.?
Antim crud., Aurum, Phosphoric acid and Kali brom.
What are some other remedies that may be found indicated in Acne?
Natr mur., Antim tart, and Hepar.
What local applications may be used?
Hot water is the least injurious. Thorough washing with Castile soap and hot water is the best treatment. Under no condition should medicated applications be used.
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