

Hypochondria. Liver voluminous. At first a sensation of heaviness and pain in the hypochondria and loins, followed by prostration. Feeling of a heavy weight in both hypochondria (after seven days). C Cramp like pains in the hypochondria alternating with oppression of the chest and difficult breathing. Pinching griping pressure upon a small spot in the hepatic region. Pinching pressure in the hepatic region. Pressure upon the left hypochondrium. Pressing pinching in the left hypochondrium (splenic region), at intervals. Pressure in a small spot in the right hypochondrium. Pressure with stitches, in the left hypochondrium. Jerk like tearing-drawing and pressure in the right hypochondrium. Intermittent tearing in the hepatic region. Sharp jerking stitches in the hepatic region after supper. Pinching in the right hypochondrium and right side of the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus, aggravated by motion. C Sticking in the right hypochondrium at various times, sometimes also in the region of the hip, violent, even to crying out, or with burning or biting externally; at times also in the evening or after dinner. Sticking in the right hypochondriac region during sour eructations and on inspiration. Sticking in the right side and middle of the hepatic region. Sticking in the hepatic region and right hip. Dull sticking in the region of the spleen. Stitches in the left hypochondrium, also in the evening, while walking and standing. Pressing sticking deep in the region of th spleen, aggravated by pressure on the spot. Stitches in the left hypochondrium (splenic region). Slow pulsating sore feeling in the left hypochondrium. Umbilicus and Sides. Tense sensation above the navel, with a feeling of qualmishness in the pit of the stomach. Colic below the navel, tearing from one side to the other, lasting till evening. A pressing griping below the navel, as from flatus, while walking. C Colic about the navel. Dull colic above and below the navel. Dull pressure on a small spot beneath the navel, as from an internal induration, aggravated by external pressure and by drawing in the abdomen. Sharp pressure between the pit of the stomach, and the navel, especially aggravated by drawing in the abdomen, but relieved by the eructations caused thereby. Tearing stitches in the umbilical region (eight day).


Heaviness in the rectum while standing, disappearing on emission of flatus. Soreness in the rectum. Pressing and boring from the rectum into the abdomen, on account of which she could not sit down. The rectum seems pressed by flatus, though none passes. A feeling in the rectum at though flatus were pressing against the coccyx, by which it was retained, in the evening. Drawing pain in the rectum, extending into the abdomen (after twenty four hours). Cutting and smarting in the rectum. Jerking stitches extending from the rectum into the root of the penis. Itching in the rectum. Itching in the rectum, he constantly wanted to scratch (after ten days). Anus. Prostration of hemorrhoids, with smarting pain. Discharge of blood from the anus (tenth day). Jerk like cutting in the anus. Tearing in the anus. C Burning in the anus (eleventh day). C Burning in the anus during a stool. Feeling of burning soreness in the anus, in the evening (first day). Burning in the anus, immediately after a stool. Burning sticking in the anus, in the evening, while walking. Sore crawling in the anus. Crawling pressure in the anus (sixth day). C Crawling as from worms, in the anus. Crawling stitches in the anus, in the morning. Stitches in the anus (tenth day). Stitches extending into the anus. A twinging stitch like lightning from the anus into the rectum, causing him to start (after three days). Itching in the anus, in the evening. Itching in the anus, ending in a dull pain. Violent itching in the anus for several days (after four days). Violent itching in the anus and oozing of corrosive moisture. C Violent itching in the anus almost every day. Violent itching in the anus after a soft stool. Urging. Desire for stool, with movement in the abdomen (very soon). Desire for stool in the morning and after eating. Ineffectual desire for stool (twentieth day). Frequent ineffectual desire for stool (after two days). Long urging to stool, which at last follows soft, but with great effort. Tenesmus.


Diarrhoea. Profuse evacuations of the bowels. Considerable action of the bowels. Offensive diarrhoea, alternating with constipation. Pasty diarrhoea for several days, without pain, only some straining after the stool, as though more were to pass. Diarrhoea in the evening, with griping in the abdomen (second day). Two diarrhoea like stools in two hours, followed by leucorrhoea (seventh day). Involuntary evacuation of a thin stool, in the morning, on waking. Thin stool Loose stool, with griping and tenesmus in the anus, at night. Two soft stools at night. Thin bilious stool (after four hours); no stool for twenty four hours. Thin bilious stools, followed by great relief. Stool very thin, diarrhoea like, with emission of much flatus (the second time in the day). Soft stool after dinner, with cessation of the pains in the abdomen. Several soft mushy stools a day, enveloped in bright red frothy blood, and preceded by colic (first day). Stool thinner, easier than usual (after six hours). Stool large in size and formed, evacuated only with great effort of the abdominal muscles. Difficult evacuation of soft stool, with emission of prostatic fluid. The first part of the stool large and hard, the last part soft, the whole light colored. Stool scanty, hard, succeeded by several very small and soft evacuations, in the evening. Stool at first solid, then liquid. Stool in the morning hard, without pressure; immediately after dinner very soft, accompanied and followed by vertigo and roaring in the head. The first part of the stool hard, the last easy and soft (thirteenth day). Natural stool, with griping in the abdomen, four times a day (after seven days). Stool intermits (first day). Stool scanty, tenacious, followed by straining and heat and burning in the anus (tenth day). Stool tenacious, light yellow, with sticking in the anus (twelfth day). Constipation. C Constipation (first for days). C Obstinate constipation. Constipation, but some desire for stool. Habitual constipation continued during six, eight, and ten days. No stool for three days after purging (after ten days). Hard stool, with some blood (after four days). C Stool dry, unsatisfactory, only every two or three days (second, fourth, and sixth days). C Stool hard, often crumbling, and in pieces, with pressure and clawing in the anus. Stool hard, difficult (first days). Hard stool, followed by renewed urging. Stool hard, rather dry, with much pressure and rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening.

Urinary organs

Kidneys and Bladder. Pain in the region of both kidneys. Sore pain in the region of the left kidney. C Pressure in the region of the left kidney, at times violent pinching. The region of the left kidney is sensitive to touch. Sharp intermittent tearing in the region of the left kidney. Pinching in the region of the kidneys. Tearing in the region of the right kidney, at times sticking. At times cutting tearing, at times drawing pressure in the region of the right kidney. Sticking pressure in the region of both kidneys. Stitches in the region of the kidneys, at times extending towards the chest, in the evening or after dinner. Dull stitches in the region of the right kidney (ninth day). Stitches in the region of the left kidney at intervals. Sticking and bruised pain in the region of the left kidney, while standing and walking. Feeling of cramp in the bladder, preceded by colic. Pressure upon the bladder but no to urinate. The urine in the bladder presses her greatly (after four days). Urethra. Flow of blood from the urethra after painful micturition. Much blood flows from the urethra. Profuse emission of prostatic fluid, without apparent cause (after nine days). Sore pain in the forepart of the urethra, when not urinating, after urinating. Burning before and during micturition. Tearing burning in the urethra, (sixth day). Very acute drawing in the forepart of the urethra and penis. Drawing and tearing in the forepart of the urethra. Cutting in the orifice of the urethra, in the evening, while sitting. Biting in the orifice of the urethra, after urinating (third day). Tearing and biting in the forepart of the urethra, when not urinating. Sharp tearing cutting in the middle of the urethra, extending forward (fifth day). Stitches through the urethra. Stitches in the orifice of the urethra (eleventh day). Twinging stitch, like lightning, from before backward, in the urethra (after two days). Itching in the urethra (after thirty-six hours). Micturition and Urine. Frequent urging to urinate, at night, with scanty discharge. Urging to urinate after urinating, every evening on lying down, but only three or four drops pass each time, but without pain. Excessive desire to urinate; very much urine is passed. Frequent and rather increased micturition of a watery or lemon- yellow color (first days). Frequent micturition, not very copious, very light-yellow urine, after midnight. At night she was obliged to urinate much, though she had not drunk much (first night). Involuntary micturition on blowing the nose (after a difficult stool). Emission of urine very slow and in a thin stream. Dribbling discharge of urine in the evening, for three days (after sixteen days). Urine seems increased, in the evening. Diminished amount of pale urine, in the evening and morning (second and third days). Urine apparently diminished, after dinner. Diminished secretion of urine, approaching at one time entire suppression. Urine dark and turbid. Scanty urine. Color not unnatural. The urine deposits a flocculent sediment. The light orange- yellow urine deposits afterwards a flocculent sediment (third day). Scanty urine, becomes turbid like clay-water (after one hour). The yellow urine deposits white flakes on standing a long time (first day). The urine passed at night is very turbid and muddy in the morning (after two days and later). The daily quantity of the urine was 550 cc., it was neutral, or even alkaline, containing neither sugar nor albumen; nevertheless appropriate reagents revealed in it the presence of zinc, two and a half months after the patient left off work. The urine, which was dark and somewhat turbid, deposited a large sediment, composed of urate of ammonia, with a few crystals of oxalate of lime and a few cells of renal epithelium; at times a pellicle formed on its surface after standing ( Carbonate of zinc?). A specimen was examined; color rather dark amber, somewhat turbid, but becomes clearer on boiling; odor after standing from the previous evening (in a corked bottle) sickening and whey like, causing a suspicion of the presence of sugar; reaction acid, specific gravity 1023, no albumen; sugar distinctly present, though in small quantity, by Moore’s and Trommer’s testes; deposit, on standing two hours, about one- fifth; composition on microscopic examination, as above stated.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.