

Objective. In the bath the skin became thick, parchment- like, as if swollen, after awhile rough like sand between the fingers, feeling wrinkled. (The skin, hitherto like parchment, becomes soft and perspiring). Swelling of the skin on the hands and feet. Swelling of the hands and fingers diminishes after a copious perspiration, and gradually disappears (after six days). Swelling of the skin on the feet diminishes after a moderate perspiration, and even desquamates. The skin is very hard and dry (first day). Cracks in the hardened skin of the soles and heels, the skin comes off in large thick pieces. Free desquamation of the epidermis. Dust like desquamation of the skin of all parts of the body on rubbing. On scratching the skin desquamates in large quantities. Desquamation first on the feet and back, gradually over the whole body, especially on the scalp. When wiping the perspiration from the face the skin rubs off easily. The skin about the neck desquamates freely during the free perspiration. The skin on the back desquamates in large flakes during the perspiration. Profuse desquamation in the epigastric region. Desquamation of the skin of the hands and fingers, preceded by pustules. Merely desquamation of the hands. The skin about the finger-nails desquamates. Desquamation of the skin of the feet is repeated several times during three months. The hard skin on the balls of the feet, heels, and toes becomes soft, and comes off in large pieces. (Erysipelas). (Redness of various parts of the skin, with relief of the distressing hypochondriac, hysterical, or rheumatic troubles). Violent roseola-like inflammation of the skin, with an eruption. The skin becomes pale, shading to yellow. Yellow spots on the forehead and chest, at first small, dark. Many spots on the cheeks, forehead, and nose; those on the cheeks becomes larger, paler, and disappear (after three weeks). The yellow spots on the upper lip become larger, but paler, small pustules appear, which rupture, after which the skin desquamates. (The yellow spots on the abdomen which had been noticed for several months, became larger, but paler), (after nine days). Brown spots on the abdomen, which itch on sweating. Rash (after a bath). Nettle rash eruption. Pimples, vesicles, boils, mostly on the back. Exanthematous eruptions. Eruption of many red elevated points on the skin, half a line in size, especially in fat persons, succeeding frequently and too warm baths in the hot summer; in fat and profusely sweating persons more frequently than in the lean.Itching and eruption on the skin. Tetter-like eruption, with violent itching of the skin of both forearms. (Vesicular eruption in the epigastric region, with skin cure of hypochondriac anxiety). Most tetter appears on the hands of a hypochondriac (curative action). (Pock like eruption extending over the whole body, with cure of the rheumatic pains). Eruption of pustules in various parts of the body, chest, arms, etc., they open, but discharge nothing, after which a large portion of the skin desquamates, while on other parts of the body the desquamation is fine. Small pustules on the hands, which burst without discharging liquid, followed by desquamation of the skin. Small furuncles. (A large quantity of furuncles and suppurations, followed by relief of the rheumatic troubles). Very painful abscesses develop towards the surface, from deep in the flesh, with long-continued suppuration. Inclination to panaritia. The functions of the skin and intestinal canal become active, at times isolated, parts only are not affected after bathing. Subjective. Uneasiness and feeling of formication of the skin over the whole body. Crawling, formication, and itching. Single stitches like fleabites in the skin in various parts of the body, after which hives as large as a quarter of a dollar appear, with burning itching. Stitches here and there, as from fine needles, in the skin. Prickling of the skin while in the bath. Prickling in the skin over the surface of the body. Burning sensation in the skin at times. Itching of the skin. Violent itching, even before the outbreak of perspiration. Itching only when the skin is dry, and the feeling of heat has passed off. Biting itching as from salt, perspiration over the chest, and itching over the whole body, the perspiration continues while walking in the hot sun at noon for two hours, without being distressing, it also continues after changing the clothes and drying the skin; therewith the previous short breath, even on walking, slowly disappeared, and he was also to climb a hill easily and to run about, 1. Itching on the cartilages of the ear. Itching and burning in the concha. Intolerable itching on the back, obliging, scratching. Violent biting itching on the back previous to the outbreak of moderate perspiration. Diminution of the itching on the back, even with profuse perspiration.

Heart and Pulse

She becomes very weak about the heart. Beat of the heart accelerated, violent. Palpitation. The pulse, on going into the bath slow, became irregular (after three to six minutes), gradually became hard and small; accelerated (after half an hour); soft, constantly 100, with remissions, in the morning (after bathing several weeks). Makes the pulse slower.

Sexual organs

Male. Genitals turgid, excited. Intolerable itching on the genitals, obliging him to scratch. Distressing itching on the genitals every day. Emissions. Female. ( A woman married for several years became pregnant for the first time). (Miscarriage, that had taken place several times, was avoided). Oozing of slimy moisture from the vagina. Menses profuse, like a uterine hemorrhage, continuing for several days, then became scanty, but lasted fourteen days before they entirely disappeared. The menses return with great violence after an intermission of several months. The menses usually late become earlier and more profuse, and without previous symptoms. The scanty menses are increased. Menstruation copious, even returns after the climacteric period. The menstrual flow that had long been absent returned on the sixteenth day, after drinking the water, with whirling in the head, trembling, faintness, colic, alternations of chill, heat and sweat, with thirst, cramp in the thighs, calves, and feet, with cramp like hiccough; the menses were very profuse, 2. The menstrual blood seems like mucus. Menstrual flow slimy, dark-colored, not watery.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.