Uranium nitricum

1025, higher color, 36 ounces in all; common sp. gr. 1023; no trace of sugar by two tests; no change with acids nor with liq.

potass.; No abnormal mucus not epithelium, etc. (one day before proving); pale natural, as on the previous day; amount in twenty- four hours 38 ounces, sp. gr. 1024 (first day); 32 ounces, sp.

gr. 1026 (second day); 30 ounces, sp. gr. 1028 (third day); high- colored, rather more acid, 30 ounces, sp. gr. 1028 (fourth day); 34 ounces, sp. gr. 1025 (fifth day); 32 ounces, sp. gr. 1028 (sixth day); sp. gr. 1027 (seventh day); paler; no sugar, mucus, nor pus; 39 ounces, sp. gr. 1023 (eight day); 37 ounces, sp. gr.

1024 (ninth day); having ridden fourteen miles before dinner, slightly more mucus; 37 ounces, sp. gr. 1026 (tenth day); 37 ounces. gr. 1025 (eleventh day); higher colored 37 ounces, sp.

gr. 1025 (twelfth day); higher, 30 ounces (warmer day, more perspiration). sp. gr. 1020 (thirteenth day); paler, 36 ounces, sp. gr. 1022 (fourteenth day); examined urine of yesterday; healthy in color; very slight cloud near the bottom of the glass; a few scattered urate of soda crystals under 1/4 inch lens; here and there a dumb-bell but very indistinct, and this in only two specimens out of five (fifteen day); at end of three days examined urine of previous days, sp. gr. 1028, some bile in it, very unusual (nineteenth day); urine natural (twentieth and twenty-first days). Urine high-colored, a few lithates on standing; amount in twenty-four hours 36 ounces; sp. gr. 1026 (second day); 32 ounces, sp. gr. 1024 (third day); evening, urine cloudy; more mucus than usual; here and there a cast 1/4-inch glass); uric acid crystals (uncertain pus or blood-cells in two specimens out of five); 35 ounces, sp. gr. 1026 (fifth day); high, 32 ounces, sp. gr. 1024 (sixth day); paler, 36 ounces, sp.

gr. 1024 (seventh day); high, 28 ounces, sp. gr. 1020 (eighth day); normal, with exception of a slight increase of mucus, perhaps from a cold, which seems to be banging about me; 34 ounces, sp. gr. 1025 (ninth day); 38 ounces, sp. gr. 1026 (tenth day); healthy; increase of lithates (sixteenth day)’ normal (twentieth and twenty-second days); 30 ounces, sp. gr. 1021 (twenty-third day); deposits a thick mucous sediment, acid in passing, soon becoming alkaline and offensive, containing a large quantity of uric acid crystals and lithate of ammonia, with pavement epithelium; no sugar or albumen; 30 ounces, sp. gr. 1018 (twenty-fourth day); high, much like above, 34 ounces, sp. gr.

1020 (twenty-fifth day); high, 36 ounces, sp. gr. 1024 (twenty- sixth day); high, 32 ounces, sp. gr. 1020 (twenty-seventh day); high; thick mucopurulent-looking sediment after standing all night; deposit consists of urates and mucus; no pus-corpuscles; phosphates more abundant than usual; no glycosuria; 34 ounces, sp. gr. 1021 (twenty-eighth day); paler, 38 ounces, sp. gr. 1025 (twenty-ninth day); pale, 38 ounces, sp. gr. 1025 (thirtieth day); mucopurulent appearance on standing; this material dissolves on boiling; phosphates more abundant; no albumen nor sugar by either test (thirty-second day). Normal average of sp. gr. of urine 1023, whilst taking drug 1028; normal maximum 1032, whilst taking drug 1028. Normal average quantity in twenty-four hours 35 ounces, whilst taking drug 35 ounces, normal maximum 45 ounces, whilst taking drug 39 ounces; normal minimum 14 ounces, whilst taking drug 28 ounces.


Radiating pain from left side of ensiform cartilage, coming and going for last two days, aggravated by fasting (fifth day).

Back and neck

Pain at lower angle of left scapula, aggravated by taking a deep inspiration (forty-second day), (D.). Stiffness in loins (eleventh day).


Slight restlessness one or two nights (due probably to anticipation of being called out), (fifteenth day). Very restless at night, with shivering and heat (twenty-fourth day).

Heart and Pulse

Pulse, lying, 69; standing, 74 (forty-eighth day);.

Sexual organs

Unconscious seminal emission during sleep (fifty-ninth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.