
Stitches in the right great toe, towards the second toe.


After three days she began to feel rather uncomfortable and restless in herself; a sort of fidgetiness, as she expressed it, and general uneasiness, for which she could not account, as she had often been much worse indisposed without experiencing such miserable feelings. An inner feeling, as though he were very sick; all the limbs are painful when touched, or when in an uncomfortable position. Feeling of weakness over the whole body; loss of strength, so that he constantly wished to lie or sit, when he was in a condition of semi-consciousness, as on falling asleep. Nearly all the symptoms appear only while sitting, they almost all disappear while walking.


Objective. After eight days, on waking in the morning, she discovered the upper part of her body covered with rash, to which her attention was first directed in consequence of its incessant tingling and itching; the itching, in short, was so urgent, that at first she could not possibly refrain from scratching, which afforded much satisfaction and relief for the time; but, at the relief proved only temporary whilst the operation seems greatly to increase rather than diminish the irritation, by producing a greater abundance of the eruption and increased redness of the skin, she was, therefore, afraid to indulge in it. When I saw her there was no eruption on the face, but it was slightly swollen, and exhibited merely patches of efflorescence or redness, without any thickening or elevation of the cuticle. On the forearm and hands the eruption, when examined, appeared to be of a mixed character, lichen and urticaria combined; the lichenose or papular eruption (the papula about the size of a pin’s head, and of a purple or dark-red color) was dispersed over the whole of the arms, back, and front, but thicker about the wrists and bindings of the elbows than anywhere else, in which place it was also clustered together in patches upon inflamed base. The heads of numerous papulae appeared to have been broken off, and after wards covered with a brownish incrustation, as if the blood had first exuded and then become hardened; but this no doubt was occasioned partly by friction of the dress, and partly by the scratching to which these parts were, in the first instance, subjected, for the purpose of allaying the distressing tingling and itching, from which there is scarcely any respite in such cases. The urticaria occupied principally the front of the arms; the wheals or elevation were not very numerous or prominent, unless friction was had recourse to, by which they could be produced almost to any extent; they were stated to come out and go in again two or three times in the course of the day, and to be always very large and abundant in the morning; the chest and around the waist were also said to be thickly covered, and the redness intense. A pimple, on the right side of the scalp, above the temple, painful on touch, as though the place were suppurating (after fifteen hours). A pimple in the middle of the hair of the left eyebrow, with pressing pain when touched (after twenty-seven hours). A suppurating pimple, on the upper part of the left cheek, with red areola, with gnawing pain on touch (after twenty-four hours). Suppurating pimple on the right wing of the nose (after eight hours). Papular eruptions on the hands, especially on the sides of the fingers, also on the back of the hand, with some itching. Some vesicles on the back of the foot which itch. Subjective. Sudden itching below the chin (after one hour). Tickling itching on the perinaeum, between the anus and the genitals, which compels scratching (after fourteen hours). Voluptuous itching on the perinaeum, which obliges scratching, followed by biting pain, lasting several hours (after thirty-two hours). Itching on the left gluteal muscles.

Corrosive itching on the left thigh obliging scratching (after seven hours and a half). Violent itching on the left calf, in the evening, on lying down, obliging scratching, but continuing to itch after scratching; afterwards the spot become red and moist (after seventeen hours). Itching sticking in the inner malleolus. Itching on the back of the right foot, which disappears on scratching (after one hour and three-quarters).

Violent itching on both fourth toes (after twenty-five hours).


Sleepiness. Frequent yawning while sitting, as though he had not slept much (after five hours and a half). Overpowering sleepiness, after dinner; on waking he was obliged to urinate, with some burning, only before and after micturition. Sleepiness (while reading), (during the day); his eyes closed, so that he really must lie down; but on moving about the sleepiness disappeared (after five hours). While listening to scientific conversation he fell asleep in spite of every effort, and immediately had most vivid dreams. Sleeplessness. Nights restless (after three days). Frequent waking from sleep, as though he had slept enough. Frequent waking at night and tossing about the bed, could rest nowhere. Dreams. Vivid unremembered dreams. Voluptuous dreams. Dream of quarrels, at night.

Anxious, vivid, unremembered dreams.


Chilliness. Great chilliness, after eating, especially after drinking. Chilliness, for some hours, with constant pressing headache. Chilliness over the whole body, like a febrile paroxysm, worse on walking in the open air, without thirst and without subsequent heat (after two hours and a half). The tips of the fingers are icy cold (after six hours). Heat. Much febrile action. Sensation of heat, and heat in the face, with redness (after one hour and a half). Heat in the face, hands, and rest of the body, without thirst (after six hours and a half). Sudden warmth in the face and rest of the body, without thirst, while walking in the open air (after thirty-seven hours). Sweat.

Immediately on falling asleep he began to perspire all over, so that he was frequently awakened thereby, when he always had heat over the whole body, much more distinct and glowing heat in the cheeks; became quite red from the perspiration, but was vigorous in the morning. On falling asleep in the evening, in bed, immediately perspiration all over, which continued through the whole night; in the morning he was active. Slight perspiration over the whole body (after twenty-two hours). Slight perspiration over the whole body, on waking from sleep, causing a biting all over the skin, which provokes scratching (after twenty-three hours). Much perspiration between the toes, especially on the right foot.

Conditions.- Aggravation

(Morning), On awaking, eyes agglutinated.

(After drinking), Empty eructations. (After eating), Chilliness.

(Expiration), Pressure on sternum; pressure from within against ribs.

(Holding head erect), Heaviness in occiput. (Inspiration), Stitches in chest; Stitch beneath left ribs.

(While lying), Sticking pain in spine.

(Rubbing), Stitch in upper arm).

(While sitting), Pressive pain in forehead; pain in left temple; stitches on inner side of thigh; tearing in hollow of knee; pain in right sole.

(Stooping), Pressure in pit of stomach.

(While standing), Pain in frontal bone; pressure in small of back; pain in left leg; sticking in right leg; stitches on outer side of left leg; pain on back of foot; pulling, from little toe up tibia.

(Walking), Pain in occiput; tearing in occiput; pain in left groin; sticking in right side of chest; pain in right breast; stitches in thigh; sticking in right great toe.

(Walking in open air), Vertigo, crawling in forehead; stitch in left temporal region; sneezing; shaking over whole body.


(Standing), Stitch in left temporal region.

(Stooping), Heaviness in occiput. (While walking), Nearly all symptoms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.