

Stool earlier than usual and pasty; the desire, however, continues without another evacuation. Stool difficult, not hard, evacuated stool less hard (after sixteen hours). Bowels confined (after three days).

Urinary organs

Frequent desire to urinate, with discharge of much urine (after three hours); frequent desire, with scanty discharge (after twenty-five hours). (* It may be seen, from this symptom, the first part of which represents the primary action, the second the secondary or persistent reaction of the organism, how perverted is the customary practice which attempts to cure with Taraxacum chronic swelling associated with diminished secretion of urine.

If its nature is at first to increase the quantity of urine, its persistent reaction is to diminish it all the more. On the contrary, it is of use, homoeopathically, in forms of diuresis (diabetes) when the other symptoms correspond to Taraxacum, when the disease is not of miasmatic origin, as often happens.- HAHNEMANN. *) Pressure to urinate, without pain (after one hour). Urine high-colored, and considerable diminished in quantity.

Sexual organs

Long-continued involuntary erections (after nine days). A persistent boring pain in the glans penis. Tickling on the prepuce provokes rubbing (after seven hours and a half). A fine stitch in th left testicle. Burning sticking in the right testicle. Emission, every other night.


Stitches, extending inward into the chest, during inspiration, while standing. Burning pressure in the sternum, worse during expiration than inspiration (after half an hour). Violent stitches in the sternum (after six hours). Twitching in the right costal muscles (after fourteen hours). Pressure from within against the ribs in the right side of the chest, extending from the hepatic region into the chest, over a surface larger than the hand, during expiration, while standing. A pressive stitch in the right chest, which disappeared on violent inspiration and expiration, but on pressing upon the part it returned more violent and extended over a larger space; was continuous as a sticking pain (after two hours). Constant sticking in the right side of the chest, while walking. A stitch in the right side of the chest (after four hours). Stitch in the right side of the chest, just beneath the axilla (after one hour and a half).

Violent stitch in the region of the sixth rib. Twitching in the left costal muscles. Pressure in th left side beneath the axilla. Pressure beneath the left ribs. Stitch in the left side of the chest, extending towards the back. Dull stitches in th left chest (after one hour). Three violent stitches, one on every inspiration, beneath the last ribs, extending towards the back. Violent sticking on the last ribs of the left side.

Boring-twisting pain in the right breast, more violent and persistent while walking (after three hours).

Heart and Pulse

An uneasy sensation of sinking in the precordia (after three days). Pulse considerably accelerated, full but soft.

Neck and Back

Twitching in the lower portion of the side of the neck (after fifteen hours). Pressive jerkings in the cervical muscles behind th left ear (after three hours and a half). Aching sticking in the nape of the neck. Sticking, as with a somewhat blunt needle, in th left side of the nape of the neck, disappearing on sitting down (after one hour and a half). Sharp boring stitches, from within outward, in the left side of the neck, lasting several minutes. Pressing-sticking pain in the whole of the spine, towards the right side, especially violent in the small of the back, with difficult breathing, while lying. Tensive stitch in the back, toward the right side. A boring-sticking drawing in the scapular extremity of the right clavicle. A constant dull stitch, from within outward, in the right scapula (after twenty- one hours). Pressure in the small of the back. Pressure in the small of the back, while standing. Pressure from within outward, in th left lumbar region. Painless creeping in the small of the back.


All the limbs move easily, but it seems to him as though the motor power were restrained.

Superior Extremities.

Pressive pain on the inner side of the left arm. Sharp stitch in the outer side of th left arm. Shoulder. Rumbling and gurgling in the right shoulder blade. Pulsative throbbing on th left shoulder, for a minute. Painless bubbling on th left shoulder, with chilliness all over. Twitching on the top of the left shoulder. Arm. Twitching in the muscles of the left upper arm, at the outer portion (after four hours). Twitching in the upper arm. Pressive pain in the muscles of the left upper arm (after thirty hours). Pain, like electric shocks, on the outer side of the left upper arm. On the posterior portion of the upper arm a series of acute, partly needle-like stitches, which disappear on rubbing. Intermitting stitches, on the outer side, between the elbow and the middle of the right upper arm, during rest. Sticking pain in the inner side of the left upper arm.

Pulsating intermittent throbbing, within the upper arm. Elbow.

Stitches in the right elbow. Forearm. Twitching of the muscles of the left forearm (after ten hours). Drawing pains in the forearms, frequently recurring. Pressive pain on the inner side of the right forearm. Burning in the right forearm. Sharp stitches in the right forearm, which disappear on touch (after thirteen hours). Fine stitches in the left forearm, during rest and motion (after thirteen hours). Wrist. Tearing drawing in the left wrist, extending to the three last fingers. Fingers.

Pressive pain in the last three fingers of the right hand.

Sticking pain in the left fourth finger. Burning pain in the left third and fourth fingers.

Inferior Extremities.

Thigh. Twitching of the upper muscles of the thigh (after two hours). Twitching in the lower portion of the left gluteal muscles. Pressure in the inner side of the right thigh, while sitting and standing, not while walking (after two hours).

Boring stitches on the inner side of the thigh, while sitting.

Pinching stitch on the forepart of the thigh, very high up, as if beaten, more on touch than when walking. Sticking pain in the whole left thigh (after nine hours and a half, and ten hours and a half). Knee. Sharp pressure on the outer side of the knee, on bending the leg. Tearing in the hollow of the knee, on the outer tendon, while sitting. Drawing-sticking pain on the outer side of the right knee, during rest and motion (after three hours).

Sticking pain, extending over the whole knee-joint. Constant burning pain in the forepart of the right knee. Burning pain in the left patella. Leg. Weakness of the legs, especially on ascending steps. The right leg is weaker than the left, while walking, and yet it seems as though the muscles were more tense.

Drawing pain in the legs, while sitting and walking. Jerking pain in the right calf, which suddenly disappears on touching it (after one hour). Pressing pain in the left calf (after three quarters of an hour). Tearing pain in the outer margin of the left leg, while standing (after two hours). Gnawing corroding pain in the right leg (while standing), (after one hour and a half). Burning pain in the lower portion of the right leg.

Burning pain on the outer side of the right leg. Burning on the forepart of the tibia. A drawing, violent, fine sticking, from below upward, in the right leg, while standing, which disappears while sitting (after thirty hours). Dull throbbing stitches in the right calf, just beneath the hollows of the knees.

Persistent burning stitches in the calves (while sitting).

Stitches in the right calf. Needle-like stitches, extending upward on the outer side of the left leg, while standing, which disappear while sitting (after thirty-one hours). Ankle.

Tearing drawing in the left ankle. Stitch in the right inner malleolus, while sitting (after thirty-two hours). Foot. A drawing pain on the back of the right foot, while standing, which disappears while sitting (after one hour). Pressing-drawing pain in the back of the left foot, while standing (after three quarters of an hour). Pressure upon the back of the right foot, while sitting (after twenty-two hours). A stitch on the back of the left foot, extending towards the great toe (after thirty- seven hours). Burning drawing on the back of the left foot (after thirty-seven hours). Stitches, extending from the back of the foot, into the sole (after one hour and a half). Boring pain in the right sole. Burning boring in the left sole, extending towards the little toe. Burning-pressing pain in the right sole, towards the toes, while sitting. Burning pain on the sole of the right foot, towards the outer side. Stinging pain, partly violent, partly fine, in the right sole, extending from within outward, while sitting (after ten, and twenty-one hours).

Itching stitches in the right sole (after thirty-two hours).

Toes. A constant pulling from the little toe up the tibia, while sitting. Attacks of burning in the toes, especially on the back of the right great toe. Burning sticking in the right great toe, when walking (after nine hours). Tearing stitches in the toes.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.