
Tensive pain in muscles of neck along left shoulder, over superior edge of shoulder blade (twenty-second day). Uneasiness and sensation of heat over nape of neck, left side (one hundred and seventy-eighth and one hundred and eighty-third day). Slight uneasiness in nape of neck, right side (one hundred and ninety- second day). Shooting pain, extending from the cervical muscles of the left side up to the temporal region (after ten minutes).

Pulsation in nape of neck, and between shoulder blades, with heat (eleventh day). Sensation of throbbing in nape of neck, in abdomen, and lumbar region (eleventh day). Back. Tensive pains and pulsations in swelling, extending down left side of spinal column; the spine is not tender to touch or pressure, the uneasiness felt within, not externally (one hundred and ninety- second day). Uneasiness and sensation of swelling in spinal cord and nape of neck, chiefly on left side, slight prickings and throbbings as if about to inflame, excited and increased by heat, especially of the sun; uneasiness in nape of neck and trembling heat, chiefly in left side below cerebellum, extending in a less degree down the spinal column to sacrum (twenty-fourth day). Posteriorly, over left scapular region, an indistinct mixed murmur and purring sound, similar to that which has been supposed to depend on muscular contraction, and often associated with rheumatism (like Spigelia); this sound is not heard at all anteriorly; laterally, on a line with left nipple, when the inspiratory jerks, but nothing of tubular whiff; a similar jerking inspiratory murmur, very distinct below left nipple, over seat of pain, but on right side no jerking to be discovered, either anteriorly or posteriorly (forty-eighth day). (* Examined by Mr. Wilson. *) Lumbar. Pains in left lumbar region (seventeenth and twenty-fifth day). Aching pain in lumbar region, in the evening (eighth day). Aching pain across lumbar region (seventh and eleventh days). Aching pains in left lumbar region (twenty-third day). Darting pains in left lumbar region, in chest, sides, and abdomen, during the day (twenty-eighth day).

Sacral. Tensive pain near top of sacrum, left side of back, when walking (thirty-third day). Shooting pains and throbbings in sacrum at 6 P.M. (twelfth day). Throbbing in left side of sacrum (seventeenth day).


The left arm (and foot slightly), however, continued affected, it easily becomes chilled and numbed in the cold, despite gloves, friction or motion; the fingers, especially the third and fourth, are then bluish-white, the nails blue, with a sensation as if they were being rooted up; when brought into the warmth this hand is slow in recovering itself, and if held near a fire or in a heated room its vessels become distended much more than those of the right side, and in a cool temperature this is some time in disappearing; the arm, too, is easily numbed, even to a sensation as of temporary paralysis, by leaning or lying upon it; if held up when the vessels are distended they suddenly become empty, and again immediately refill on its being brought down (seventy-sixth day). Jerkings in the limbs and starts in the muscles, increased to contortion and writhing of the whole body, during the pains; straining and stretching of the fascia and muscles; jerking off the chair upon the floor (one hundred and seventy-fifth day).

Weariness and aching in left extremities and sole of left foot (one hundred and seventy-fourth day). Uneasiness in the extremities and vibrations along the course of the nerves, better after motion in the open air. Aching in left leg and arm, and in sole of left foot (one hundred and seventy-third day). Aching in left extremities (muscular), and in sole of left foot (one hundred and seventy-fifth day). Aching in left limbs and sole of foot during the pains (one hundred and seventy-sixth day).

Fullness of hands and feet (thirty-third day). Tremulous tingling, dry, in palms of hands and feet (thirty-fifth day).

Superior Extremities

Loss of elasticity in vessels of left arm (sixty-first day).

Excessive weakness and beaten sensation inside left arm and in triceps (tenth day). Bruised, beaten sensation in muscles of the arms, chiefly in triceps of left arm (ninth day). Bruised, beaten feel in muscles of the arms (ninth day). Left arm weak and easily fatigued (forty-eighth day). Aching pains down left arm, and in knuckle-joint of its forefinger (forty-eighth day).

Aching pain as if bruised down left arm (forty-ninth day). The arm was easily numbed by the slightest cold or by resting it upon anything, causing tingling pricking numbness (sixty-first day).

Left arm numb and heavy, weary (sixty-first day). The right arm down to the thumb feels numb. The arm felt bruised (sixty-first day). Fatigue in left arm (one hundred and seventy-ninth day).

Shoulder. Shoulder-strap falls over left shoulder (as if it were emaciated), (constant from commencement), the same suspender, if removed to the right side, does not move from its place (forty- eighth day). The left suspender falls over the arm (seventy- sixth day). Uneasiness in left shoulder, above superior edge of shoulder blade, and tensive pain (forty-seventh day). Arm.

Aching in belly of biceps of left arm when extended or touched (forty-second and forty-third days). Forehead. Weakness in forearms (seventh day). Hands. Hands ruddy and their veins distended (twenty-second, twenty-ninth, and following days).

Hands red, and the veins distended painfully, especially in left hand, which empties on raising the arm, but becomes painfully distended on depressing it (forty-first day). Hands red, with distended veins, particularly in left hand (forty-fifth and forty-ninth days). Fingers. Swelling of the fingers. Shooting pain from the back of ring finger to wrist of left hand (along ulnar nerve) at 10 P.M. (twenty-fifth day). Sharp, wiry shootings up fingers laterally, and in joint of second and fourth fingers, left hand (sixty-first day). The lateral surfaces of the fingers remained sore (sixty-first day).

Inferior Extremities

Knee. Pain in knee, with stiffness of leg, impeding walking.

Aching rheumatic pain, from right knee to ankle, externally, when walking (sixteenth day). Aching in knee-joint, especially the left, when sitting near the fire; it disappears on walking, or sitting in the cool (one hundred and seventy-sixth day). Aching in knee-joints, especially the left, whilst sitting with them near the fire; it disappears on removing to a cool place, or by walking (one hundred and seventy-ninth day). Aching in knees when near the fire (one hundred and eightieth day). Aching pains around outer angle of left knee, in front, slightly stiff in walking (one hundred and ninety-second day). (Sensation (painful), as if internal ligaments and coverings of right knee were loosened, on stepping; transient, in the morning) (fifth day). (* Did not appear again; symptoms inclosed thus ( ) are doubtful. *) Legs. Heaviness and fatigue in the legs, in the morning on awaking, as after excessive walking (forty-ninth day).

He felt as if his legs were not his own, and could not trust himself to walk. Slight weariness in right leg (one hundred and seventy-third day).Foot Trembling of the feet (after ten minutes).


A strong odor of medicine from the breath and skin, and especially from the palms of the hands, which felt, he said, “sticky.” Emaciated (thirtieth day). Writhing and muscular contortions during the pains (one hundred and seventy-sixth day).

Tremors and slight chilliness (one hundred and seventy-fourth day). Tremblings (third and following days); (thirty-fifth and forty-first days). Startings during the pains (one hundred and seventy-fourth day). Weakness; (thirtieth day). Weakness and trembling (seventeenth day). Sensation of weakness and easy fatigue, after walking about the room (first day). Debilitated muscular power, cannot clench the fist (one hundred and seventy- third day). Weariness and fatigue from the least exertion, especially muscles of arms and hands, chiefly on left side (thirtieth day). Tired feeling of insufficient, unrefreshing sleep (eighth day). Weary and prostrated and unsteady in the feet, on waking (first day). Tired and prostrated, next morning.

Weariness in the evening, with stretching and yawning.

Weariness, tired feeling all over, especially in left arm (one hundred and eighty-second day). Fatigue after walking (forty- third day). Languor, with sleepiness, in the morning (seventh day). Listlessness and languor (ninth day). Languor and oppression, weariness and lassitude (tenth day). Languor (sixteenth and seventeenth days); (twelfth day). Languor, debility, feel ill (eighteenth day). Languor, weariness (twentieth day). Great languor (one hundred and eighty-third day). Languor for some weeks past (one hundred and sixty-ninth day). Great languor and debility, especially in left limbs (one hundred and seventy-sixth day). Lassitude, especially in the limbs, chiefly left arm and leg (twenty-ninth day). Lassitude (one hundred and seventy-eighth day). Great lassitude and desire to remain recumbent, with the limbs extended (one hundred and seventy-ninth day). Fainting (seventh day); (twelfth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.