
Sensation of diarrhoea in the abdomen (first day). Sensation of approaching diarrhoea, pains in abdomen, lower part (thirty-fifth day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Commotion and slight nauseating pain in left lower abdomen, as of approaching diarrhoea, without stool, in the morning (one hundred and eighty- second day). Gnawing pains in right hypogastric region, below last rib (seventh day). Gnawing pains in right hypogastric region (eleventh day). Gnawing pains in right hypogastric region, in the evening (twenty-ninth day). Slight gnawing pains in right hypogastric region, in the morning (thirty-second day).

Tensive pain and gnawing pains in right hypogastric region, in the morning (thirty-second day). Tensive pain and gnawing in right hypogastric region, worse on deep inspiration (thirty- fourth day). Gnawing pains in right hypogastric region, under last ribs, in the evening (forty-first day). Gnawing pains in right hypogastric region (forty-third day). Gnawing (biting) in right hypogastric region, under ribs (forty-fourth day). Gnawing in right hypogastric region, in the evening (forty-fifth day).

Throbbing pains in right hypogastric region, in the evening (seventh day). Swelling of glands in left groin, with tenderness (one hundred and seventy-fourth day); more tender (one hundred and seventy-fifth day). Glands in left groin painful (one hundred and seventy-sixth day). Commotion in left iliac region in intestines, as if approaching liquid stool (one hundred and seventy-fifth day). Twitching pain in left iliac region (thirty- first day). Sickly pain in left iliac and inguinal regions, before the stool (twenty-fourth day).

Rectum and Anus

Rectum protrudes slightly, posteriorly, like a rim (one hundred and eighty-first day). Hemorrhoids excited. Sensations as if the rectum protruded and the anus were not closed, after the stool (twenty-fourth day). Sensation of something moving in rectum, at 8 P.M. (thirty-second day). Something seems moving in rectum near anus (one hundred and seventy-fifth day). Biting and sensation of something moving in rectum near anus, at night (forty-eighth day). Dull stitch in the lower portion of the rectum (first day). Sensation of rawness in anus, with the stool; pain and uneasiness, as if rectum protruded at anus, in the morning; uneasy dryness at anus, which does not seem closed; painful when walking (twenty-fifth day). Repeated desire for stool. Frequent inclination to stool, which is likely to be loose, without stool (sixty-first day). Inclination to stool.


Diarrhoea. Serous diarrhoea. Diarrhoeic motions, whereas his natural habit was constipation; however, afterwards, constipation came on and continued several days. Constipation two days; stool soft, preceded by flatus (fifth day); stool hard (seventh day); constipation for three days; stool large, slightly fetid (ninth day); constipation without desire to evacuate, as if from constriction of the anus (tenth day); stool soft, pap like; stool large, soft (eleventh day); constipation (seventeenth and eighteenth days); constipation (for nine days) without inclination (nineteenth day); stool, with great expulsive efforts, preceded by sickliness, commotion of intestines, and sickly pain in left iliac and inguinal regions, rather soft, very long, and thin, with sensations as if rectum protruded and anus were not closed, at 6 P.M. (twenty-fourth day); stool rather soft, passed suddenly, with sensation of rawness in anus (twenty- fifth day); stool passed with difficulty (after six days’ constipation), in pieces, and gritty, at 7 P.M. (thirty-second day); stool rather soft, sudden, at 7 P.M. (thirty-fourth day); fetid, soft, abundant stool, in the after-noon (thirty-fifth day); constipation (thirty-eighth day); stool, preceded by tremor and cold clammy sweats and forcing, at 6 P.M. (fortieth day); stool at 2 P.M., with want from 9 A.M. (forty-third day); stool, in the afternoon (forty-fifth day); stool, at 9 A.M., hard, in lumps (forty-seventh day); slight stool, in hard pieces, at 9 A.M. (forty-eighth day); stool brown, rather soft, easy, with biting in rectum, near anus, in the evening (forty-ninth day); stool, at 9 A.M., rather hard, in pieces, preceded and followed by perspiration and external heat (fifty-first day); stool hard, in lumps, at 9 A.M. (fifty-fourth day); stool loose, very fetid, in the morning (sixty-first day); stool hard, slight, and in lumps (one hundred and seventy-fifth day); constipation without desire to evacuate (one hundred and seventy-ninth day); stool, at 9 A.M., large and compact, preceded by commotion in left lower abdomen, as of approaching diarrhoea (one hundred and eightieth day); diarrhoea liquid, sudden, and abundant, preceded by faintness and sickness, as if about to vomit, at 6 P.M., preceded and followed by constipation (after plum jam and a quick walk?), (one hundred and ninety-second day). (Stool more copious than usual, at first hard, then soft, followed at last by some blood).

Stool softer than usual. Stool thin, with much urging, burning, and biting in the anus and rectum, with painful tension in the tip of the penis, followed by discharge of mucus from the anus. Thin stools, consisting at last of small bits of mucus, scanty, with much urging, and violent cutting at the orifice of the anus; a constant sensation as if another evacuation would follow, with erection, dribbling of urine, and almost involuntary contraction of the levator ani and sphincter ani. Thin scanty stool, followed by burning and cutting at the anus, and frequent chilliness through the back, with weakness. Stool very scanty, thin. Stool small and soft. Stool scanty, soft. Stool more scanty than usual (third day). Stool consisting of almost only empty urging, with much urine, soon followed by urgent desire for stool, with emission of some flatus, but no stool (first day).

Constipation. Constipation, Constipation lasting three days.

Constipation, for three days, with very good appetite.

Constipated for a long time. Constipation; the stool became scanty and hard (after 15 drops, two weeks after the beginning of the proving). (* Probably the secondary action.-T.F.A. *) He had a diarrhoea when he went into the bath; this was immediately checked, and his bowels became constipated for a couple of days.

He was suffering when he began his proving from diarrhoea, brought on by cold, which was immediately arrested, and his bowels were constipated for two days. On the day he commenced the medicine he had diarrhoea, but that ceased after taking the Sumbul, and the contrary state, viz., constipation, came on, and lasted two days. Constipation for eleven days; stool passed with slight straining, compact, without lumps, rather soft, in the evening (twenty-first day).

Urinary organs

Urethra. Stitches half an inch up urethra, in the morning (one hundred and seventy-ninth day). Micturition and Urine. Frequent desire to urinate (first and third day). Very frequent desire to urinate, even immediately after urinating. Frequent desire to urinate, though nothing had been taken. Constant desire to urinate (half an hour after 20 drops). Constant desire to urinate and for stool. The ineffectual desire to urinate that had been almost constant for several hours became at last a constant pressure, and the urine had to be forcibly restrained (first day). Frequent ineffectual efforts to urinate, with a sensation as if a stool would soon come; cutting in the anus and coldness in the back. Frequent want to urinate, with sensation of the bladder being empty or nearly so, and small emission, in the evening (fortieth day); frequent want to urinate, with small quantity at a time; it forms a pellicle, oily, and thin; becomes thick and muddy at bottom; deposits a tenacious rosy sediment, adhering to the sides of the vessel (forty-second day); urine frequent, in small quantities (forty-third day); frequent want to urinate, in small quantities (every three or four hours), (forty- fourth day); increased want to urinate, in small quantities; a drop can be passed into the urethra singly, and this causes momentary relief at its extremity (one hundred and seventy-fourth day); frequent want to urinate (one hundred and seventy-fifth day). Urine increased in amount (after 15 drops). Frequent evacuation of scanty turbid urine. Diminished secretion of urine. Urine much more scanty than usual, in the afternoon (first day). Secretion of urine notably diminished, and had a strong ammoniacal odor (first day). Urine passes clear, quickly, painless, and free, bright, reddish yellow; feels hot in its passage through glans; after some time, the cloudy white floating appearance, disturbed, is seen at bottom; urine clear when passed, with white small shreds floating; after some hours, there forms near the bottom a white cloud floating, easily disturbed, in which the shreds appear like white spots; white sediment passes freely and painless, but feels hot to glans (nineteenth day); urine clear, yellowish red; cloudy floating appearance forms in the bottom; oily pellicle on the surface (twenty-fifth day); urine clear, yellowish red, with small white floating shred like particles, which, after, a time, fall into the cloudy appearance at bottom, like white spots; whitish sediment (twenty- seventh day); urine clear, with few white floating particles; deposits a reddish-brown sediment, thick, and muddy, with oily pellicle (twenty-eighth day); urine clear last night, with white shreds; after standing, becomes thick and muddy at bottom, and deposits a rosy-pink sediment, which clings to the vessel when shaken about; oily pellicle (thirtieth day); urine clear, deposits a whitish sediment, which adheres to the vessel when moved about (thirty-first day); urine deposits whitish cloud, covered with oils pellicle (thirty-third day); urine clear, plentiful; shreds few; slight cloudy sediment (thirty-sixth day); urine clear, passed last night; deposits a thick muddy white sediment and is thick (fortieth day); urine clear, yellow, passed in small quantities, and deposits a rosy sediment, which adheres to the vessel; urine thick and muddy, clear, on the surface, with thin oily pellicle (forty-fifth day); urine reddish brown, clear; forms slight white cloud at bottom (forty-sixth day); urine reddish brown, clear, with slight white cloud (forty-seventh day); urine (passed last night) clear, reddish brown; white, light, cloudy sediment; urine brownish red, with light small cloud at bottom (forty-eighth day); urine reddish brown; forms a copious oily pellicle, which, on being moved, adheres to the side of the vessel; has a rosy coating, and deposits a rosy sediment (fifty-first day); urine reddish brown; becomes covered with an oily pellicle, and deposits a rosy sediment, which, on shaking the vessel, is found adhering to its sides (fifty-fifth day); urine becomes thick on standing (one hundred and seventy-first day); urine, after standing, is thick and muddy (one hundred and seventy-fifth day); urine passed clear, without smarting, and deposits, after standing, a whitish thick cloud, in the evening (one hundred and seventy-seventh day); urine, after standing, becomes cloudy, whitish (one hundred and eighty-third day); urine clear, deep red, becomes very muddy; urine becomes thick on standing (one hundred and ninety-second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.