Stiffness in the back of the legs (twelfth day). Stiffness of the muscles of the legs, followed afterwards by a similar sensation in the muscles of the back and neck (fourteenth day). Stiffness of the legs, with intense trembling of the knees (thirty-fourth day). Stiffening and trembling of the legs (fiftieth day).

Considerable stiffness of left leg and back, apparently from sympathy with the testicle, which is still swelled, and sometimes painful (forty-ninth and fifty-second days). Stiff sensation in the legs on going down stairs, especially in the knees (first day). Weakness in the legs. Intense soreness of the muscles of the legs, especially the knees, lasting for about one hour (thirty seventh day). Agonizing gnawing pain in the muscles of the legs above the knees, and in the back and neck (fourteenth day). Intense aching in the skin bones, when walking, at noon (twentieth day). Intense aching in the shin bones, when walking (thirty-third day). Rheumatic pains in the legs, with sore stiffness in the knees and hips (twenty-first night).

Rheumatic pains in the legs, from the knees upwards; at times in the joints of the knees and hips, especially in the left leg (thirteenth day). Pain in the legs. Hard pain all through the legs. Tightness in his legs. Trembling, powerless feel in the legs (fourteenth day). Strange darting sensation in the calf of the left leg, and in the muscles of the upper part of left arm (first day). Sharp darting pains in the calf of left leg (second day). Sharp cutting pain in the calf of left leg (twenty- third day). Cutting pains in calf of left leg (thirty-fourth day). Sharp pains in calf of left leg (thirty-sixth day). Ankles.

Severe pains in the right ankle-joint; it is very painful to walk, in the forenoon (thirty-third day). Foot. Feet began to stiffen (immediately). A very hard steady ache across the instep of both feet. Intense aching in feet, when walking (sixteenth day). Cramp like pains in the right foot and leg (eighth day).

Cramp pains and twisted sensation in the right foot (thirty- fourth day). Violent cramplike pains in the feet, soon after the stiffening of the jaws and muscles of the face (forty- first day). Severe cramp in right foot (forty-second day). Sharp pain and twisted sensation in the feet, soon after the feeling of stupor and giddiness (forty-third day). Sharp pains in the feet, especially in the toes, with a peculiar thrilling, sensation running up the legs (fifty-fourth day). Violent, darting pains in the feet, especially in the bottoms of the heels (thirty-sixth day). Sharp momentary pains in the bottom of the right heel, and almost directly afterwards the same kind of pain in the right thumb and right hip-joint (after half an hour). Sharp darting pains in bottom of left heel, and in nape of neck (thirty-eighth day). Intense aching in the soles and outer sides of the feet (after three-quarters of an hour, fourteenth day). Intense aching in the soles of the feet (nineteenth day). Violent itching, tingling feeling in the soles of the feet and palms of hands (seventeenth day). Toes. Stiffened twisted feeling in the toes (after twenty-five minutes, twenty-seventh day). Stiffened twisted sensation in the toes (after half an hour, thirtieth day). Cramplike feeling in the toes of left foot, a sensation as if they would be drawn up, coming on at intervals, and lasting only a short time (second day). Sharp needlelike pains in the toes, with twitching of the feet and legs (twenty-seventh night).


Spasmodic convulsive twitchings, etc. Spasmodic twitching of all the muscles, and general tremors. Every muscle of the body in a state on incessant twitching, which was greatly aggravated by touch. Twitching of limbs (after two hours), followed by violent tetanic convulsions and opisthotonos; the spasms were provoked by the slightest attempt to move, the entrance of any person in the room, or the closing of a door. On raising the hand to take hold of a cup, the hand was drawn back suddenly, as if it had been burned, and there came on spasmodic twitchings of both arms; she was obliged to eat with her elbow resting upon the table, the muscles of the forearm being under control, but not those higher up (after second dose, seventeenth day). Extremely violent twitching, first in the limbs, and then in the whole left side.- Violent twitching of the whole half of the body that was paralyzed, with attacks similar to apoplexy. Twitching and paroxysms of tetanic spasm. Universal muscular twitchings.

Violent starting up and shuddering of the whole body. During the intervals of his periodic convulsions, sudden and powerful shocks and twitchings occurred; these were produced or increased by the slightest touch. The twitching of the muscles of the face resembled those of epilepsy. Violent electric-like starting and shuddering in the whole body, followed by opisthotonos, with excessive rigidity. Shocks, stitches, and convulsive attacks in the paralyzed part, recurring at irregular intervals, always ending with sticky perspiration. Convulsive shocks passing through the body, with fixed feeling of the jaws and eyes, lasting for at least three hours (twenty-first day). Sharp convulsive shocks, with stiffening and trembling of the muscles generally, especially of the knees and jaws, at the second shock (twenty-fourth day). A single convulsive shock in left half of the body, felt first in the left foot and running quickly up to the head (thirty-fourth day). Violent convulsive shocks, with increased shaking and stiffening, and cold perspiration (forty-first day). Extremely violent shocks in the muscles, so that the right thigh was dislocated. Painful electric-like shocks in the muscles. Sudden shaking of the entire body, with stiffening of the muscles generally, especially those of the legs; she was quite unable to walk for about an hour (afterwards (forty-first day). Jerkings, like electric shocks, throwing the body up several inches, with distressing pain in the limbs and nape of the neck, with alternations of tetanic spasms, asphyxia and paralytic relaxation. Paroxysms of jerking in various muscles followed by stiffness of the whole body; violent spasms, with shuddering of the whole body and opisthotonos, with groaning, followed by death. Occasional jerking of the whole body (seventeenth day). Sudden spasmodic jumping or starting of the entire body, when falling asleep (seventh day). Frequent startings, and slight pain in the lumbar spine, shooting thence down the legs (after twenty minutes). Great muscular agitation, like that of a nervous man when under the influence of fright.

Constant inclination to bend towards the right side.

Tetanic shudderings (soon). General tremor over the whole body.

Trembling of the whole body, with dyspnoea. Suddenly fell to the floor, complaining of inability to move his limbs, while his whole muscular system was in a state of tremor (after one hour).

When going down the stairs she is obliged to hold on by the railing, so violently does she tremble (twenty-fourth day).

Trembling, powerless feeling throughout the entire body, but without any stiffening, except of the jaws and fingers (thirty- first day). Trembling of the entire body, especially of the legs and hands (thirty-fourth day). Slight trembling, with confusion and giddiness (after one hour, thirty-seventh day). Convulsed, nervous, agitated feeling (twenty-seventh day).

Convulsions. Convulsions recurring regularly. The upper limbs were spasmodically drawn across the chest, the forearms, flexed at the elbows and immovable, the lower limbs stiff and rigid, and the feet distorted so that the soles looked towards each other.

Spasm, first showing itself in the cervical muscles, then in those of the arm and chest, the latter producing slight opisthotonos, and lastly in those of the face, turning the eyes into their orbits, and setting the lower jaw firmly. Epileptic spasms for five days, beginning in the back and involving the head. Sudden spasm, associated with intense pain, lasting several minutes. Spasms returned on the slightest touch. Convulsive spasmodic, and tetanic paroxysms, with their interval of repose.

After twenty minutes she was heard to moan piteously, and almost simultaneously uttered a loud shriek. A succession of paroxysms, attended with increased cries followed; there was frightful rigidity of the limbs, accompanied by opisthotonos; also a dreadful sensation of choking, followed by death, after five hours. Spasms in from five to ten minutes; screaming; legs drawn up; feet turned inwards; body stiff. Paroxysms similar to intermittent fever, repeated at first every two weeks, and then every month, finally remaining away a year; the paroxysms lasted from half an hour to two hours, consisting of shivering of the limbs, ending with perspiration. Fell backwards in a “fit” (after fifteen minutes); constant disposition to convulsions, later; a violent convulsion, affecting the entire frame (after one hour); I corded his arm; the movement in doing this threw him into a frightful spasm, causing him to elevate his body, while he seemed to rest on his heels and the back of his head (after three hours and three-quarters); every attempt to move threatened a convulsion. In twenty minutes, convulsions, every limb shaking; short intervals of recovery, in which she uttered exclamations expressive of great pain; the least motion produced another paroxysm, shaking so powerfully that it required several persons to hold her. Every few minutes had a fit of general convulsions (after twenty minutes). Convulsions tossed the patient several inches up in bed. When falling asleep, at night, several convulsive jerks of the entire body (first day). Body rigid, head drawn backward, respiration difficult and hissing between the teeth; these spasms remitted, but returned after a few minutes, with trismus. She was lying on a bed upon her back, and to the left; jaws closed, forearms flexed across the chest, fingers clenched. During the spasms she uttered screams. In the interim she conversed; was conscious of approaching death, and attempted to swallow medicine, but most of it would be forced back. She lived about thirty minutes and died in a spasm. Found in convulsions. After the administration of emetics, spasms set in, the head being bend over a chair; a relaxation of the spasms gradually took place, the heart’s action and respiration ceased, and he died ten minutes after being brought into the hospital, from tetanus. Arm moving and the body twisting in a sort of writhing motion; death in about thirty-five minutes. She suffered considerably, and was strongly convulsed, for a long time. Convulsions came on, beginning with slight twitchings in the muscles of the lower extremities (after half an hour); violent convulsions every few minutes (after one hour). Almost the entire muscular system rigidly contracted, with occasional spasmodic action. Six convulsions in all, but only the first two were severe. He could himself foretell their onset by the intense muscular pain to which the incipient spasm gave rise. General convulsion, with some opisthotonos. Lying on her back, body rigid, jaws set, arms and hands flexed, the thumbs nearly touching across the chest, and the whole muscular system convulsed, with short jerky spasms, which would continue for about a minute and then remit, the muscles remaining contracted and as hard as wood during the intervals between the paroxysms (after half an hour). Constant twitching and spasm of the muscles; the spasms and convulsions were frightful to behold; about six hours after swallowing the poison the convulsions culminated in two of the most frightful and protracted attacks of opisthotonos either of us ever beheld. Repeated convulsions; every muscle was rigid, and tetanus complete. Convulsion ensued; spasm of the posterior muscles of the trunk predominating, with opisthotonos strongly marked. When I first saw him the intervals between the recurrence of the spasms varied from thirty to sixty seconds. There was spasm of all the muscles of voluntary motion.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.