Forehead. Headache, especially in the forehead and eyes (twenty- ninth day). Headache in forehead and eyes, in the morning (thirtieth day). Temples. Sharp darting pains in the left temple and round to back of left ear (sixth day). Rapid pulsation in left temple and in left hypochondrium, in the morning (fortieth day). Vertex and Parietals. Sudden pain and pressure at the top of the head and in the left eye (twelfth day). Peculiar paralyzed feeling in the left half of the head and face (seventh day).

Occiput. Dull pains in back of head and temples (fifteenth day). Feeling of pressure in the back of the brain, with nausea at noon (thirty-fifth day). Constant pain in the back of head and nape of neck, lasting the whole day (thirty-fifth day). Boring pain in the occiput. Pains in the back of the head, extending down the entire length of the spine (seventh day). Sharp pains in the back of the head, extending to the left eye, and to the back of the right ear (eighth day). Sharp pains in the back of the head and in the glands of the neck (seventeenth day). Darting pains in back and top of head (forty-first day). Sharp darting pains in the back of head and neck, in the afternoon (fifty- second day). External head. Sore pains in the scalp, as if the hair had been pulled (twelfth day). Intense itching of scalp and nape of neck (thirty-sixth day).


Objective. Eyes highly injected, and in constant motion, as from seemingly great affright as indeed, his mind fully evidenced (after three hours and three-quarters). Eyes injected and protruding. Eyes a little suffused. Eyes sunken. Eyes sunken, and moved with a rapid motion. Rolling of the eyes, as if they were two cold bullets (twenty-fourth day). Torsion of the eyes (after second powder). Eyes turned to one side, quite staring. The eyes were drawn upward and greatly congested. The eyes appeared to be starting from their sockets, the head was forcibly drawn round, the arms and legs horribly convulsed, she being conscious at the same time. Protruding eyes. Eyes staring. Eyes protruding, turned towards the right, and fixed, with dilated, insensible pupils, and red conjunctiva. Eyes protruding, rigid, turned to the right. Eyes fixed, and turned upwards. Dimness of the eyes (third and fifty-fifth days). Dimness and aching of the eyes (thirty-fourth day). Subjective. Dull pains in the eyes and head (forty-third day). Aching and smarting of the eyes, in the afternoon (thirty-sixth day). Aching of the eyes with dull misty vision (forty-third day). Severe pain in the left eye, at 8 P.M. (second day). Sudden pain and pressure in the left eye and at the top of the head (twelfth day). Violent pains in the left eye (thirty-fifth day). Boring sensation in the eyes, especially the left eye (forty-third day). Weight in the eyes, with sharp pains in the left half of the head, and in the left eye (seventh day). A feeling as if the eyes were suddenly stiffened and drawn back, lasting a few minutes (seventh day). Stiff sensation in the eyes; she felt unable to look up (seventh day). Stiff contracted feeling in the eyes, with violent bursting headache, in the morning (sixteenth day). Fixed stiff sensation in the eyes, with extreme giddiness (after half an hour, thirty-fourth day) Heavy stiff sensation in the eyes (thirty-sixth day). Stiff fixed sensation in the eyes, with burning and itching (forty-first day). Stiffness of the eyes, with burning and itching (forty- third day). Fixed feeling in the eyes (fiftieth day). Stiffness of the eyed, with stinging and smarting (fifty-third day).

Burning in left eye and left ear, in the afternoon (second day).

Eyes very hot and painful (ninth day). Burning heat in the eyes (eleventh day). Burning heat in the eyes and eyelids (twelfth day). Hot fixed sensation in the eyes (fourteenth day).

Burning heat in the eyes (sixteenth day). Intense burning of the eyes (twenty-first night). Intense burning of eyes and ears at night (forty-seventh day). Sudden burning and itching of eyes (fifty-third day). A feeling as of a cold in the eyes, at night (forty-eighth day). Orbit. Tender, bruised feeling over the left eye, with fixed pain toward evening (ninth day). Rapid pulsation over left eye (fiftieth and fifty-second night). Lids. Eyes widely opened. The eyelids are closed, as though to shield the eyes from an intense glare of light. Eyelids closed all the time, as though the light was intolerable; in fact, the lids were only separated during the convulsions, and then the pupils were widely dilated. Keeps his eyes always shut (after twelve hours).

Violent rapid pulsation in the left upper eyelid, with weakness and watery discharge from the eye, lasting for eight hours (thirty-second day). Rapid pulsation in the left upper eyelid, lasting for several hours (thirty-first day). Lachrymation.

Increased lachrymation. Conjunctiva. Conjunctiva injected. Ball.

Aching of the eyeballs (twenty-seventh night). Sharp, sore pains in balls of eyes, in the evening (sixteenth day). Sharp needlelike pains in the balls of the eyes (twenty-seventh day).

Sharp pains in the balls of the eyes (twenty-eighth day). Pupil.

Pupils slightly dilated. Pupils dilated. Pupils greatly dilated. The pupil was somewhat dilated and the eye staring, its motion tremulous and both orbits constantly oscillating in their orbits, like the eyes of the albino; there was no suffusion, however, throughout. Pupils dilated to their fullest extent; the eyeballs appeared to be protruding out of their sockets. Pupils dilated during the spasms. Pupils dilated and insensible. Pupils, at one time dilated, at another contracted. Pupils contracted.

Contracted pupils; during paroxysms pupils dilated. Pupils about natural, or if anyway abnormal, rather contracted. Vision.

Dimness of vision (after twenty minutes); (thirty-sixth day).

Sense of sight became much impaired (soon). Confused misty vision (thirty-ninth day). Persistent amaurosis. Numerous sparks before the eyes, sometimes blackish, sometimes white, sometimes red.

1st. Increased peripheral sensibility for blue. 2d. Temporary increase of visual power. 3d. More distinct perceptible of peripheric points. 4th. Lasting enlargement of the field of vision.


Creeping tingling sensation in the external ears (second day).

Sudden burning and itching of ears, eyes, and nose (fifty-third day). Burning in the left ear and left eye, in the afternoon (second day). Sudden burning heat in the left ear, and along the lower jaw of same side, at 10 P.M. (eighth day). Intense burning of and bruised feeling in the ears (twenty-second day).

Intense burning and itching of the ears, nose, and lips, at noon (twenty-fifth day). Intense aching behind the ears and down the spine (twenty-fourth day). Sharp darting pains behind the right ear (twentieth day). Sharp darting pains in and behind the ears, and back of the head and neck (thirty-sixth day). Cracking in the ear and jaw; it is very painful to move the jaw, as in clenching the teeth (forty-fifth day). Digging pains deep in the left ear (eighth day). A feeling of intense fullness in the ears (second day). Hearing. The ears become appreciative of the slightest sound in the room. Hearing very acute, and remarks made in a very low tone of voice were replied to quickly. Roaring in the ears. Noise in the left ear like wind (seventh day). Humming in the ears (twenty-third day).


Frequent fits of sneezing with itching and stinging of nose (forty-seventh day). Peculiar stinging in the nostrils, as if a cold were coming on (thirteenth day). Burning and tingling in the nose, ears, and lips, at noon (twenty-fifth day). Sudden burning and itching of nose (fifth day). Intense itching of nose, as if in the bone, lasting the entire day (second day). Intense itching and stinging of the nose (thirty-fourth night).


Face swollen and burning hot; I was exceeding surprised at the appearance she presented, in the morning; her eyes were half closed with swelling, and I could only compare them with those of a person stung by bees; but the next evening everything looked favorable, with a decided abatement of the swelling and pain.

Face puffy, covered with perspiration. Face puffy and red. Face puffy, pale, distorted. Face puffy and bluish red, with open mouth. Face puffy, dark-violet colored, lips dark blue. The muscles of the face and about the mouth became rigid and drawn, as in risus sardonicus, it became impossible to utter articulate sounds. Hard stiffness of the muscles of the face (sixth day).

Hard rigidity of the muscles of the face (thirty-fourth day).

Contorted countenance. Expression of extreme terror.

Expression of extreme sadness and despondency. Anxious expression of countenance. Countenance expressive of intense anxiety and distress. Countenance extremely anxious (after one hour).

Expression indicative of great suffering. Expression of countenance hideous (after six hours). Face exhibiting an almost maniacal expression. Wild look with dilated pupils and red face.

Face became gradually pale, from above downwards, lips remaining livid. Pale sunken look. Face deathly pale. Face pale, anxious. Face pale and distorted. Countenance pale and blue (after three to four minutes). Face somewhat flushed (between the spasms). Face flushed. Face suffused and red. Face much flushed (after twenty minutes). During the day, flushing and heat of face (second day). Face flushed and bathed with cold clammy perspiration (after three hours and three-quarters). Countenance suffused and livid. Face livid. During the spasms, the countenance became livid, and in the last and fatal convulsion, it suddenly became almost black. Face of a livid red and covered with profuse sweat. Features livid, congested. Face blue. Face bluish red. Face of a dusky hue (after one hour). Face of a dark- purple hue.-260.) Face and hands livid. Purple color of face (after two powders). Face began to become black (immediately).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.