Heart and Pulse

Heart. Weight, accompanied with pain in the region of the heart.

Lancinations in the heart (fifteenth day). Palpitation excited by the slightest movement. Violent beating of the heart when holding himself straight (eighteenth day). Palpitation of the heart, at 11 P.M., when lying down (fifth day). Palpitation of the heart at 7 A.M. (sixth day). Palpitation of the heart, at noon (eighth day). Palpitation of the heart at three different times, at 11 P.M. (eighth day). Palpitation of the heart while in bed (seventeenth day). Palpitation of the heart, occurring three different times, in the night (twenty-fourth day). Violent palpitations and pulsations, with sensation as though the heart were turning around rapidly (thirty-fourth day). When trying to sing, violent palpitation of the heart prevents her from uttering a sound; her breathing is stopped, and she feels like fainting (forty-seventh day). Strong palpitation of the heart, with suffocations, and disposition to faint away (fiftieth day).

Palpitation of the heart (fifty-first day). Strong palpitation of the heart after supper; it was irregular, stopping for a moment, and then returning with increased vigor, like a vessel suddenly un corked; it was accompanied by suffocative attacks, which were relieved by lying down (fifty-second day). Palpitation of the heart all day, excited by deglutition; it is momentary, and felt in the upper part of the thorax (fifty-third day). Pulse. Pulse 130, small and feeble. Pulse small and rapid. Quick feeble pulse.

Quick pulse. Pulse weak and rapid (sixth day). Pulse rather agitated (seventh day). Pulse somewhat agitated (sixteenth day).

Agitated pulse, in the morning (twentieth day). Agitated pulse (twenty-first day). Pulse much agitated (thirteenth day).

Irregular pulse, sometimes weak, sometimes strong (thirteenth day). The pulse is hard and tense (thirty-seventh day).

Neck and Back.

Neck. Swollen state of the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and arm, with pain so acute that the patient will wince on the slightest pressure. Sense of weight in the nape of the neck and the posterior cervical muscles, at 11.30 A.M. (fifteenth day).

Stiffness of the posterior cervical muscles (fourteenth, sixteenth, and thirty-seventh days). Back. Severe pain in the back (after one hour). Pain, as from weariness, in the whole back and the posterior muscles of the thighs and arms (fifteenth day).

Pain, as if sprained, all along the spine, and running down the posterior muscles of the lower limbs as far as the toes (twenty- third day). Pricking when asleep, as if pins were thrust into the spinal marrow; this awakens her (thirty-third day). Strong pulsation in the vertebral region, in the morning when lying in bed (twenty-third day). Dorsal. Pain between the shoulders, at 10 P.M. (twenty-fifth day). Smarting and painful sensation from the rubbing of the clothes against the fifth dorsal vertebra (fourteenth day). Lumbar. Intolerable pain in the lumbar region; she cannot hold herself up (twentieth day). Complains much of the pain in her loins (twenty-first day). The lumbar pain is so severe as to extort cries; she walks bend forward, at 11 A.M.

(twenty-second day). The lumbar pains are worse when stooping (twenty-second day). Walking is hindered by the pain in the lumbar vertebrae (twenty-third day). The pain in the loins is less (twenty-fourth day). Pricking in the lumbar muscles, at 6 P.M. (eighth day). Pulsation in the lumbar muscles, at 4 P.M.

(thirteenth day). Sacral. The sacrum is painful to touch and during a walk (sixteenth day). Sensation as though something would become detached from the sacrum (twenty-second day).

Pressure, as from an iron bar, upon the sacro-lumbar articulation; this pain becomes so acute that she is forced to go to bed, where she feels better (twenty-second day). Acute pain, as if the sacrum was out of place (twenty-second day). The least movement causes a very severe pain in the sacro-lumbar articulation (twenty-second day). Formication at the sacrum (twenty-second day).


Joints swollen and very painful. Sense of weariness in all the limbs on waking (fourteenth day). Inclination to stretch the limbs (fifteenth day).

Superior Extremities.

The hairs under the axilla stick together (seventeenth day).

Pulsation under the right shoulder, at 9 P.M. (tenth day). Pain, as if sprained, in the right shoulder-joint, after resting on the elbow, in the evening in bed (nineteenth day). Inability to raise the arms. Throbbing in the middle of the triceps brachialis, at 8.30 P.M. (fifth day). Acute pain in the right pectoralis major, when drawing breath (thirteenth day). (Cannot clench the hands), (thirteenth day). Stitch in the left little finger, at 7 A.M.

(ninth day).

Inferior extremities

Inferior extremities oedematous and hot on the surface, although the patient was exquisitely sensible to impressions of cold.

Feeling as if sprained in the hip-joint, causing a pain in the uterus; it comes on after a slight effort (twelfth day). Pain as if sprained in the back part of the right hip-joint (fifth day).

Pulsation in the left buttock, when sitting, at 4 P.M. (ninth day). Feeling of great weariness in the muscles of the right thigh, after walking; the right leg being not at all tired (fifteenth day). Pains in the thighs, above the knee-pan (fourteenth day). Pain in the left gluteus muscle, with nausea (twenty-second day). Violent semicircular pulsations in the lower portion of the vastus internus muscle, for an hour and a half, in the morning (twelfth day). When bending the knee, pulling pain in the posterior and internal muscles of the thigh (fifteenth day).

Pulsation or throbbing under the skin above the knee-pan, in each leg alternately (fifty-second day). Oedematous legs. (Her legs tremble from hunger), (fifty-third day). Drawing pain in the back of the right leg, from the gluteus maximus to the heel (fifteenth day). Pain as if from penknife stabs in the posterior portion of the right leg (twenty-second day).


A peculiar and most offensive odor was immediately perceptible on approaching their beds. Dull listless aspect. Languor. Great prostration and despondency. Little disposed to work, likes to lounge about (thirteenth day). Wants to go to bed, but is too lazy, at 10 P.M. (fourteenth day). Feeling of weakness; she has to stand still in order not to faint (thirteenth day). General weariness; has to lie down, at 12.30 P.M. (thirteenth day).

Indolence (thirteenth day). Everything is wearisome to her, she would like to go far away (fifteenth day). Weariness all over, on rising (fifteenth day). She can scarcely walk, and is afraid of becoming disabled (fifteenth day). Feels well all over (nineteenth day). Cannot walk erect (twenty-first day). She walks bent over (twenty-third day). Disinclination for work, at 8 P.M.

(thirty-third day). She is on the point of fainting; a glass of water brings her to (fiftieth day). She cannot remember either standing or sitting (twenty-second day). Bruised pain hindering her from moving in bed (fifteenth day). The pains are worse in the daytime and better in the evening (fifteenth day). Muscular pains excruciating. Pains in all the bones. Cold water giver her a shock, either when drinking or washing her face (thirteenth day).


Skin over the whole body tense, tumefied, and of a preternaturally dark color. Rose-colored patches appear and as suddenly vanish. Small red pimples on the cheeks (thirteenth day). The skin of the face peels off slightly (thirteenth day).

Numerous small pimples all over the face (fifteenth day).

Desquamation of the face (fifteenth day). Small pimples on the lower part of the neck and on the right knee; they are very red at the base with a white point at the center; they disappear in an hour (fifteenth day). Small pimples on the back, causing a violent itching (ninth day). Very minute pimples with intolerable itching on the labia pudenda (sixteenth day). Vibices scattered over the limbs. An itching awakes her at 4 A.M. (twenty-fifth day). Itching of the back (eleventh day). Itching on the ball of the thumb, at 9 P.M. (seventh day).


Drowsiness, at about 7.30 P.M., and very early waking in the morning (ninth day). Great drowsiness at about 8 P.M. (tenth day). Invincible drowsiness (thirty-third day). Starting during sleep (thirty-third day). Wakes very early, since the third day (seventh day). Wakes very early, in the morning (eighth day).

Very restless, all night (nineteenth day). Restless sleep; she dreams of eating human flesh (eighth day). Very restless sleep (eleventh, fifteenth, and seventeenth days). Sleeplessness (thirteenth day). Sleeplessness; uninterrupted sleep (sixteenth day). Restless sleep (seventeenth, twenty-third, and thirty- fourth days). Disturbed sleep (eighteenth day). Very light sleep (thirty-fifth day). No sleep from pains of the joints. Dream about having to dress and sketch the body of a drowned man, which every now and then started up and fell back, either on his clothes or his drawing-board (third day). Dream about magic; men are changed before his eyes into talking beasts, etc. (ninth day). Dream about his daily business (sixteenth day). Dream about his hands being cut to pieces (twenty-sixth day). Dream about religious things (first day). Amorous dream, followed by a dream about women changed into animals (second day). Dream about being afraid of falling from the top of a tower (eighteenth day). Dream about being afraid of falling from the roofs of buildings (nineteenth day). Very confused dreams (twentieth day). Confused dreams (twenty-first day). Lascivious dream (second day). Dream about witchcraft (third day). Dreams that she is swimming in a river and cannot get out (thirteenth day). Incoherent dreams (twenty-fourth day). Dream about a witch; about actors turning green, yellow, and black (twenty-fifth day). Dream about fire; then about a comedy (twenty-sixth day). Dream about persecutions (thirty-third day). Dream about revolution, and the destruction of a city by fire and sword (thirtieth day). She dreams about battles, corpses, and an immense pool of blood (forty-fourth day). She dreams about green men, covered with moss, and living in the water; these men change into dogs (forty-fifth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.