Fauces and mouth inflamed and ulcerated in patches. Great difficulty in swallowing.


Appetite. Great appetite (twenty-first day). Canine hunger at dinner (thirty-second day). Great desire for coffee (twenty-third day). Desire for spirits and oranges (thirty-fifth day). Little appetite (seventh, eighth, and fifteenth days); (thirteenth, fourteenth, and eighteenth days). Loss of appetite. Thirst.

Thirst (eighth day); (thirteenth day). Burning thirst, as though her mouth were salt (forty-second day). Eructations. Eructations in the evening (twelfth day). Eructations, followed by rumbling in the stomach, ceasing after drinking a glass of sugared water (sixteenth day). Regurgitations and eructations, at 3 P.M.

(thirty-fourth day). Acidity and eructations, at 9 P.M. (first day). Acidity, bitterness, and regurgitations after dinner (thirty-second day). Stomach. Difficult digestion, with twisting in the stomach, after breakfast and dinner (third day). Difficult digestion (thirteenth day). Yesterday’s dinner does not digest well; acidity at night (fifteenth day). Is awakened at 4 A.M. by a stomachache, with eructations, lasting an hour (seventeenth day). Pains in the stomach and redness of the face after breakfast (eighteenth day). Heaviness in the stomach; dinner does not sit well, at 9 A.M. (twenty-third day). Her dinner hurts her all night (twenty-fourth day). Pulling in the stomach, at 2 A.M.

(thirty-second day). After dinner her clothes feel too tight; digestion is difficult (thirty-eighth day). A sensation of uneasiness in the stomach, which soon amounted to pain, and extended to the abdomen, following the course of the colon (after one hour). Colic in the stomach, after a meal, at 6 P.M. (sixth day).


Sensation as if a spring were unrolled in the left hypochondrium (thirteenth day). The right umbilical region is painful to touch (seventeenth day). Swelling of the abdomen, with excruciating pain and tenderness on pressure (sixth day). Belly hard and dropsical. Abdomen tumid. Flatulence and eructations (sixteenth day). Frequent emission of flatulence (twenty-fifth day).

Frequent emission of flatulence, in the morning (third day).

Flatulence, in the evening (seventeenth day); (twelfth day).

Emission of flatulence; sometimes it cannot be expelled (twelfth day). Emission of flatulence (thirteenth day). Borborygmi and flatulence in the abdomen (thirteenth day). Borborygmi (fourteenth day). Noisy flatulence, at 9 P.M. (thirty-fourth day). Abdomen painful to touch all along the median line, from the sternum to the hypogastrium (eighth day). Fearful colic, as if the bowels were violently twisted, followed in fifteen minutes by a hard and copious stool, and then by two others, almost liquid, at night (sixth day). Colic (eighteenth day). Colic, followed by two stools, at 4 A.M. (seventeenth day). Colic on waking (twenty-fifth day). Colic after a meal (second day). Colic and twisting in the stomach after a meal (fifth day). Slight colic, with frequent emission of flatulence, in the evening and all night (sixteenth day). Twisting colic (twelfth day). The bowels are twisted together, at 10.30 P.M. (thirteenth day).

colic, with rigors (thirteenth day). Colic, with loud emission of flatulence (twenty-fourth day). Colic along the large intestines, at 9.30 P.M. (thirty-second day). Pain in the abdomen. Dull colic in the hypogastric region, during the night (second day).

Pressive pain in the right hypogastric region, towards the inguinal ring, after running a long time (twenty-sixth day). Dull colic in the hypogastrium (fortieth day). Stitch and sharp pinching in the right groin, near the inguinal ring; this was felt on raising one leg, as when going upstairs three steps at a time; soon after an ordinary stool, at 11 A.M. (ninth day).

Sprained feeling in the right groin (twenty-fifth day).

Lancinating pain in the left iliac region, less felt in the right (twenty-first day).

Rectum and Anus

Prolapsus recti (third day). Contraction of the sphincter ani (twelfth day). After stool, the rectum alternately falls and returns again (third day). Strong pulsations in the perinaeum, loins and right ring finger, at 4.30 P.M. (twenty-first day).

Pain and smarting at the rectum, caused by the violent efforts required to expel the stool (thirty-third day). Pain of an acute character was referred to the anus, which on examination was found perfectly patulous and exquisitely tender to the touch. Two of the four patients had prolapsus ani, which was probably caused by the violent and ineffectual efforts to discharge the contents of the rectum. There had not been an evacuation of the bowels, nor had they passed water, except in drops and with extreme suffering, for six days. On introducing the finger into the rectum, which caused acute pain, it was found that the intestine was completely filled, to within an inch of the orifice, with a solid substance. Sense of contraction at the sphincter ani (third day) Great head at the anus after a stool (twelfth day).

Frequent urging to stool (twelfth day).


Diarrhoea. Scanty and difficult stool, consisting of small black balls, in the evening (second day). Difficult stool, consisting of small black balls (fourth and fifth day). Copious, liquid, greenish-yellow diarrhoea, in the morning (seventh day). No stool for five days (twelfth day). Ordinary stool (thirteenth and fourteenth days). Small hard stool (seventeenth day). Large hard stool, in small pieces (twenty-first day). Hard, knotty, and difficult stools, followed by renewed urging, with violent smarting at the anus (third day). Stools continue hard and difficult (twelfth day). Hard, difficult, and large stools (twenty-ninth day). Large hard stool (thirty-second day). Stool so painful that the tears come into her eyes; the sclerotica is bloodshot from the violence of her efforts (thirty-second day).

The stools are very difficult; it takes her a quarter of an hour to pass one incompletely and in fragments (thirty-second day).

Large, hard, dry, and very difficult stools (thirty-third day).

Incomplete stool, breaking off after half is expelled (thirty- third day). Hard, dry, large stool, requiring so much effort as to bring tears to her eyes (thirty-fourth day). Stools dark and offensive. Bowels obstinately constipated for several days.

Costive bowels.

Urinary organs

Region of bladder distended (sixth day). Difficulty in passing water (after one hour). Heat in the urethra after urinating (ninth day). Constant micturition while at stool (twenty-first day). Urine scanty and high-colored. Scanty urine. The urine deposits a yellowish sediment (ninth day). Reddish urine, seeming to hold mucus in suspension (twenty-fifth day). Soapy, pale- yellow urine (thirty-second day). Very thick urine, becoming loaded with white mucus some time after emission (twenty-fifth days). Turbid urine, becoming dingy yellow, and covered with an oily pellicle (thirty-third day). Turbid, dingy-yellow urine, depositing a copious whitish sediment (forty-first day). The urine deposits less, though still turbid (forty-seventh day).

Sexual organs

Male. Weight in the left testicle all day, and in the evening while sitting (eleventh day). Female. Twisting pain through the uterus, at 9 P.M. (twenty-fourth day). Flatulence presses on the uterus (thirty-fourth day). Smarting and itching of the vulva, at 2 P.M. (thirtieth day). Violent itching of the labia pudendi, at 2 P.M. (twenty-seventh day). The menstrual blood is rose- colored, at 9 A.M. (fourteenth day). The menstrual flow is interrupted (fourteenth and fifteenth days). Menses too early (forty-first day). For five days the menstrual blood has had a very offensive smell, like spoiled fish (forty-first day).

Discharge of black clotted blood (forty-first day). Spigelia (Spigelia).

Respiratory organs

Hoarseness on waking (thirty-fifth day). Hoarseness on rising, which disappears immediately; it returns in the evening, but does not last long (forty-third day). Dry cough (nineteenth day).

Cough, with yellow mucous expectoration, at night (eighteenth day). Dry cough, in the evening (thirteenth day). Awakened by a violent shrill cough, which lasts five minutes (twenty-second day). Cough, as from obstruction of the pharynx (twenty-second day). The cough is excited by sour eructations (thirtieth day).

Dry cough day and night (thirty-fifth day). Dry cough on waking (thirty-seventh day). Dry cough for ten minutes, at 10.30 P.M.

(thirty-eighth day). Dry cough, in the evening (fortieth day).

Expectoration of black clotted blood, in the morning (forty- fourth day). Expectoration of yellowish lumps (forty-fourth day).

Breathing soft but hurried, and at times interrupted, and an auscultation, the respiratory sound was less distinct than usual.

Constant involuntary sighing. After eating, choking and difficult breathing, caused by dryness of the mouth (sixteenth day).

Suffocation owing to the previous day’s dinner not digesting well; she has to get up at 3 A.M. (sixteenth day).


Pressure on the chest (thirteenth day). Tearing in the chest and throat, immediately (first day). At the least movement she feels as if something hollow were turning rapidly round in the chest, with a rattling noise; she then feels like fainting away, at 8 A.M. (fourteenth day). Pricking, as with thousands of pins, on the right side of the internal surface of the sternum (nineteenth day). Severe lancinating pain above the right, breast, for two minutes, in the morning (twenty-third day). Painful stitch in the right side (after a few moments, first day). Acute stitch like pain in the left side, preventing her from turning in bed (seventeenth day). The breasts have been painful during the whole time of the proving; the pain is worse when moving the arms, and becomes seated at about the external border of the pectoralis major (thirty-eighth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.