Urinary organs

Urine dark yellow, soon forming a transparent flocculent cloud, that hangs near the surface, and only falls to the bottom after thirty-six hours (third day). Urine bright golden yellow, forming a cloud (fourth day). Urine dark-colored (fifth day). The urine has a cloud of mucus, and contains numerous small granules looking like frog-spawn; on the surface of the urine, at the bottom and on the sides of the glass, there were a number of small red granules (sixth day). A cloud forms in the urine, does not sink but remains in the middle of the liquid, but has a membranous look; there is a thick fatty pellicle on the surface of the urine (ninth day). Urine dark yellow, almost brown, becoming turbid, without depositing a cloud (fifteenth day).

Urine turbid and cloudy, depositing a white flocculent sediment, and having a glistening shimmering film on the surface (fifteenth and sixteenth days). Urine dark brown, like beer, with numerous red grains on the surface, falling to the bottom when shaken (nineteenth day). Many grains of red sand in the urine, with an iridescent film on the surface (twenty-third day). The urine soon became turbid, depositing a white sediment, and having upon the surface a pellicle, which, when rubbed between the fingers, seemed to contain grains of sand; the sediment was as white as chalk, and contained many grains of white sand (twenty-fourth day).

Sexual organs

Emission, without lascivious dreams (twentieth day).


Oppression of the chest, compelling frequent deep respiration (twenty-fourth day). Burning beneath the sternum (soon), (seventeenth day).

Pulse. pulse full and hard (eighth day).


Pain in the small of the back and coccyx, as if sprained and bruised, while urging to stool (thirteenth day).


Heaviness in the lower extremities (eighth day).


Sleep, in the afternoon, with many vivid dreams (fourth day).

Sleepiness, in the afternoon, with many dreams (fifth day).

Sleepiness after eating, followed by sleep, with anxious dreams of journeys and of dangers, falling from a height, all of which was indistinctly remembered on waking (sixth day). Vivid dreams of dead people and devils (fourth night). Dreams at night of foreign countries and of dangerous expeditions (sixth night).

Many confused and unremembered dreams (twentieth day).


Creeping chills on moving about (fourth day). Creeping chills over the whole body after vomiting, with coldness of the hands and feet and frequent eructations of gas (fourth day). Inclined to perspire (eighth day).


(Morning), Pharynx symptoms.

(Evening), Rectum symptoms.

(Moving), Pain in forehead. (Moving head back and forth), Pain in right frontal eminence. (Pressure), Pressure and heaviness in abdomen.

(Continued pressure at stool), Constriction in anus.

(Stooping), Pain in forehead.

(Touch), Pressure and heaviness in abdomen. (Walking), Dulness of head; nausea.

(In a warm room), Headache.


(Open air), Headache. (During rest), Nausea.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.